A "Node ID," is a way to conveniently identify nodes within the confines of a single file.
Outside of the file, the nodeID doesn't mean anything; you just see BlankNodes. Within the file, you can refer back to the node with a simple name.
You create a nodeID with something like the following form:
For example:
<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="node1">
You refer back to it with something like the following form:
For example:
<dc:subject rdf:nodeID="node1"/>
Research Notes
I'm researching the concept of a "Node ID", also known as a "bNode."
According to link...
<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="node1"> something to do with the node ID.
I suppose it's a short convenient string name for a node.
This, then, would be an RDF "Description" class instance, and we're calling it "node1."
Outside of this "knowledge base," (which I'm assuming means: "this file,") the node is unnamed (Is an UnnamedNode the same thing as a BlankNode..?)
If you wanted to talk about that node, you'd say...
<dc:subject rdf:nodeID="node1"/>
For some reason, the page makes a note, "not via rdf:resource" - RdfResource being something to look into. I'm also a little confused by DcSubject- I don't know what that means either.
link includes some notes on nodeID. It seems to confirm what I think.
Okay, I'm writing this up. If someone can correct this, it'd be great.
-- LionKimbro DateTime(2004-06-06T01:23:01)
Some questions:
- is a bNode the same thing as a NodeId?
- is it only part of RdfXmlSyntax, or does this concept exist in the larger world of RDF formats, such as NotationThree?
-- LionKimbro DateTime(2004-06-06T01:28:36)
bNode apparently stands for "blank node" or "anonymous node," which would be nice, because then we could have a page BlankNode and redirect AnonymousNode to it.
W3C had something to say about blank nodes:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#FullSlide">
<axsvg:[[ConsistsOf]] rdf:resource="#Axes>
<axsvg:[[ConsistsOf]] rdf:resource="#Legend>
<axsvg:[[ConsistsOf]] rdf:resource="#Datalines>
</rdf:Description>, it does seem that the blank node concept is the same as the nodeID.
And again, from the page, it notes that "Thing
" is invisible, from outside the file. Hence, "blank."
There also seems to be a way to make something like a NodeId, but visible from the outside world, using rdf:about
, instead of rdf:nodeID