LDP Next Community Group
About This Community Group
LDP Next aims to continue the work started by the LDP Working Group with hopes to address a variety of topics that were not covered by LDP 1.0.
This is the LDP Next Community Group wiki where information related to ongoing activities of the group is recorded. General information about participants, joining the group, mailing list, and more can also be found on the group's W3C community summary page.
Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.
Mailing Lists
- @ public-ldpnext - the public mailing list for the LDP Next Community Group. Anyone may read or write to this list.
- @ public-ldpnext-contrib - the public mailing list for the LDP Next Community Group that is intended for contributions from participants to the Reports developed by the group. Only group participants may post to this list.
- @ internal-ldpnext - the internal mailing list for the LDP Next Community Group. Only group participants and Members may post to this list.
Get Involved
Anyone may join this Community Group. All participants in this group have signed the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement.
Proposed Deliverables (Charter)
The following deliverables have been carried forward from the LDP Next 2015 Charter to serve as a starting point for the group's work in 2016 and beyond.
Recommendation Track:
- Linked Data Platform 1.1 - W3C Recommendation, possibly as a collection of small specifications rather than a single document, defining an expanded platform based on RESTful read/write Linked Data. Proposed extensions for LDP 1.1 include:
- Extensibility and Discovery - allow clients to easily discover server affordances
- Inlining on GET and POST - clients need a way to request and create multiple resources with a single HTTP request
- Query/Search
- SPARQL on LDP (resource-centric) - queries in SPARQL are either triple oriented (CONSTRUCT) or table oriented (SELECT); we need to be able to speak about resources such as the members of a container
- RDF Source-scoped - being able to query LDP-Rs; perhaps each LDPR could be considered as its own SPARQL endpoint
- Client-based paging of query results - allow clients to initiate and specify a set of preferences for paging through the query results
- Linked Data Platform Paging 1.1 - W3C Recommendation expanding on LDP Paging 1.0 with additional capabilities.
- Access Control 1.0 - W3C Recommendation defining an access control mechanism to control access to Linked Data Platform Resources.
Not Recommendation Track:
- Use Case and Requirements 1.1 - a collection of use cases and a derived list of requirements that gives a practical foundation with which to analyze proposed designs for elements of the LDP platform 1.1.
- Test Suite and/or Validator - to help ensure interoperability and correct implementation. The group will chose the form of this deliverable, such as a git repository.
Practical and Technical Issues
To help explain the work expected of the group, here is a list of practical and technical issues, many of which were brought up during the development of LDP 1.0 and recorded in the LDP Next Wish List. These and other, similar issues should be discussed by the group and guidance provided in the delivered Recommendation where practical.
- How can retrieval of a container and its contained resources be combined so that fewer HTTP operations are required to work with them than it is necessary with LDP 1.0?
- How can a client filter what part of a resource or container the server is to return?
- How can a client be notified when a resource changes?
- How can a client find out whether a SPARQL endpoint is associated with a resource or set of resources?
- How can access to a resource be controlled?
- How can a client have greater control of how paging is done (size, sorting, etc.)?"
- How can a client learn what property constraints there are when creating or updating a resource?"
- How can changes to LDP resources be communicated efficiently, either some given set or rolling updates (feed) of changes?
New Items (added as community input during 2016-07-21 meeting)...
- How can we make LDP efficient for resource constrained nodes (in an IoT context)
- How can LDP resources be constrained (i.e., closing the world down a bit) for a particular usage. Possible examples are OSLC ResourceShapes and W3C SHACL.
- Standard ways for managing container membership (adding existing resources, selective removal of resources); other than patching
- Promotion – promoting LDP in the broader world (Considering both the supply side and demand side – and the gap between them); which includes understanding client needs and closing the gap.
- Resolving overlaps with other work in W3C and/or other standards bodies
- Interplay between LDP services/APIs and how it works with WebSockets
- Versioning - Memento and WebAC, for example
Action Plan
The action plan lists follow-up or to-do items recommended by any member(s) of the community group. These may typically be the result of a previous meeting, but any community group member should feel free to recommend activities within this action plan. Unless explicitly assigned to an individual, any CG member should feel free to help complete any task.
Suggested for Each Member
- Please review the Participants and Interests table below. Remove the question-mark by your name and fill in with the key area(s) of interest which you may be willing to provide some focused attention and work to.
Suggested for Any Member and/or Assigned
- Try to engage more members of the Fedora group to provide input and ideas to the "If-Match and Weak ETags issue"; maybe in light of last meeting, they'll have a little more to chew on.
- Put out a call to the CG for input/ideas on the 3 next listed topics identified in last meeting. (Cody will do soon)
Recently Completed
- Established GitHub repo for the community group documentation and issue tracking, LDP Next on GitHub
- Discussed the "If-Match and Weak ETag" issue in the Sept 22, 2016 bi-weekly meeting.
- Established a Slack team for LDPNext. To be invited, send your email to cody(at)base22(dot)com.
- Selected Thursdays, 2:00 - 3:30 pm for bi-weekly meetings.
Participants and Work Interests
The following table lists community group members and their key area(s) of interest. As a group member, you are invited to identify your key area(s) of interest. Of course, by being a member, we know that you are interested in all aspects of the group's work, so please only list those particular items for which you think you may be able to contribute some focused time and work.
Name | Key Area(s) of Interest |
A. Soroka, Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with the University of Virginia | ? |
Andreas Kuckartz | ? |
Asbjørn Ulsberg | ? |
barry von Tobel, MITRE Corporation | ? |
Benjamin Armintor, Columbia University Libraries | ? |
Cody Burleson, Base22 |
Dmitri Zagidulin (Solid project) |
Dominik Tomaszuk | ? |
Doug Schepers, W3C | ? |
Floriano Scioscia, Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Politecnico di Bari | ? |
Giuseppe Loseto, Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Politecnico di Bari | ? |
Hamid Nafar, Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Transmission Media Inc. | ? |
Henry Story, The Apache Software Foundation | ? |
Jim Amsden, IBM Corporation | ? |
Mariano Rico, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | ? |
Mark Matienzo, Digital Public Library of America | ? |
Melvin Carvalho | ? |
Miguel Aragón, Base22 | ? |
Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | ? |
Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | ? |
Pavlik elf | ? |
Philipp Zehnder | ? |
RAÚL GARCÍA CASTRO, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | ? |
Regis Dehoux, Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Exagens | ? |
Robert Sanderson, Stanford University | ? |
Roger Menday, Fujitsu Limited | ? |
Sandro Hawke, W3C | ? |
Sarven Capadisli | ? |
SERGIO FERNÁNDEZ, The Apache Software Foundation | ? |
Simon Jones | ? |
Simon Steyskal, WU (Wirschaftsuniversität Wien) - Vienna University of Economics and Business | ? |
Tom Johnson, Digital Public Library of America | ? |
Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | ? |
The LDP Next Community Group holds bi-weekly meeting every other Thursday beginning at 2:00 pm Central Standard Time. We will do our best to email reminders on the public mailing list in advance of the meetings.
Next Meeting
Thursday, Oct 6, 2016, 2:00 - 3:30 pm CST Web Meeting URL: https://join.me/base22cody
Past Meetings
Related Resources
Following are a handful of LDP-related resources you may also be interested in...
- LDP Next on GitHub - Community Group repository for specification work and issue tracking.
- Linked Data Platform 1.0 - W3C Recommendation 26 February 2015
- Linked Data Platform 1.0 Primer - W3C Working Group Note 23 April 2015
- Linked Data Platform Best Practices and Guidelines - W3C Working Group Note 28 August 2014
- Linked Data Patch Format - W3C Working Group Note 28 July 2015
- Linked Data Platform Paging 1.0 - W3C Working Group Note 30 June 2015
- Linked Data Platform Use Cases and Requirements - W3C Working Group Note 13 March 2014
- Linked Data Platform 1.0 Test Cases - Unofficial Draft 01 August 2016
- LDP Test Suite - Test Suite for W3C Linked Data Platform 1.0
- Linked Data Platform Implementation Conformance Report - W3C Working Group Note 02 December 2014
- (LDP) Test Suite: Test Cases Coverage Report
- Linked Data Platform 1.0 Vocabulary
- Linked Data Platform Working Group - Now closed.
- Linked Data Notifications - W3C First Public Working Draft 26 July 2016
- LDP Next 2015 Charter - deprecated; key information has been transferred to this page.
- LDP Next Wish List - deprecated; key information has been transferred to this page.