LDP Implementations
This is community-maintained page listing planned and existing implementations of the Linked Data Platform (LDP). If you are associated with such an implementation (planned or complete), please make sure it is correctly listed on this page. See the LDP compliance reports for those implementations who have supplied testing results.
Disclaimer: The contents of this page have not necessarily been reviewed by the LDP Working Group. Things listed on this page might not actually be LDP implementations. (But please do try to keep it limited to things which aim to be full or partial LDP implementations.)
TrellisLDP (Server)
- Summary
- A horizontally-distributable (share-nothing) high-performance LDP implementation. Also supports Memento, WebAccessControl and ActivityStreams.
- Website
- https://www.trellisldp.org
- Contact
- info@trellisldp.org
- Status
- Initial release 2018, under active development
- Timeline
- Full LDP 1.0 compliance since 2018
- License
- Apache 2.0
- Platform
- JavaEE/MicroProfile
- Language
- Java
LDP.js (Server)
- Summary
- A simple Node.js based implementation that leverages MongoDB for storage and Express.js for REST framework, along with some utilities to assist with Turtle and JSON-LD. This only implements Basic and Direct Containers.
- Website
- http://ldpjs.mybluemix.net - https://github.com/spadgett/LDPjs
- Contact
- Sam Padgett, Steve Speicher
- Status
- Code completed.
- Timeline
- Done.
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Platform
- Node.js and MongoDB
- Language
- JavaScript
LDP4j (Client and Server)
- Summary
- An open source Java-based framework for the development of read-write Linked Data applications based on the W3C Linked Data Platform 1.0 (LDP) specification and available under the Apache 2.0 license.
- Website
- http://www.ldp4j.org/
- Contact
- contact@ldp4j.org
- Raúl García-Castro, Miguel Esteban-Gutiérrez, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
- Status
- In progress
- Timeline
- During 2014
- License
- Apache 2
- Platform
- Java EE 6
- Language
- Java
Apache Marmotta (Client and Server)
- Summary
- Apache Marmotta is an Open Platform for Linked Data..
- Website
- http://marmotta.apache.org
- Contact
- dev@marmotta.apache.org
- Status
- Full release
- Timeline
- work-in-progress alignment of the current implementation with the current version of the specification.
- License
- Open Source (Apache 2)
- Platform
- JavaEE
- Language
- Java (Server); Java, PHP and Javascript (Client)
Callimachus (Client and Server)
- Summary
- Callimachus (kəlĭm'əkəs) is a framework for data-driven applications based on Linked Data principles. Callimachus allows Web authors to quickly and easily create semantically-enabled Web applications.
- Website
- http://callimachusproject.org
- Contact
- David Wood
- Status
- Full release
- Timeline
- Ongoing; tracking the LDP specification
- License
- Open Source (Apache 2)
- Platform
- Java 1.6.0 (Linux/Mac/Windows), prefers browsers with HTML5 features
- Language
- Java
Carbon LDP (Client and Server)
- Summary
- Carbon LDP is an enterprise-class Linked Data Platform that helps artists and engineers create and extend web applications with ease. Information can be modeled and managed without creating database schema or modifying those of existing apps. Carbon significantly reduces the need for complex SQL queries and compiled deployments when building sophisticated systems. Existing enterprise apps can be extended and better integrated. New apps can be created to be future-proof, with all the benefits of Linked Data and the RDF data model. Data is managed through a simple JSON/REST API or with the aid of the Carbon LDP JavaScript SDK. Carbon LDP is nearly fully compliant with the LDP 1.0 specification. Among other features, it provides security authentication and authorization, an app developer Workbench (GUI), SPARQL support with a SPARQL client (GUI), and LDAP integration.
- Website
- http://carbonldp.com
- Contact
- Cody Burleson of Base22
- Status
- Timeline
- Docker container for on-prem beta deployment available now.
- License
- Custom (Grants perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, and royalty-free use.)
- Platform
- The platform is available as a Docker container for on-prem deployment.
- Language
- Application developers can use LDP REST API or the Carbon LDP JavaScript SDK. Early documentation for the JavaScript SDK can be found here. There is also a set of helper classes that simplify the integration of Angular 2 apps; see: angular2-carbonldp. Early product documentation available at carbonldp.com.
Eclipse Lyo (Server, Software Lifecycle)
- Summary
- Eclipse Lyo provides various open source assets (SDK, reference implementation, test suites, adapters, ...) to help adopt Linked Lifecycle Data and OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) compliant tools. This reference implementation support Basic and Direct Containers, non-RDF Sources, Prefer, etc. It is built leveraging JAX-RS and Apache Jena library for syntax parsing&generate and RDF storage.
- Website
- https://wiki.eclipse.org/Lyo/LDPImpl
- Contact
- Sam Padgett, Steve Speicher
- Status
- Completed
- Planning
- N/A
- Timeline
- 2Q2014
- License
- EPL 1.0
- Platform
- JEE (Tomcat, Jena, etc)
- Language
- Java
- Summary
- Read/write Linked Data platform for applications and their data. Also supports WebAccessControl and WebID. Details here.
- Website
- https://rww.io
- Contact
- Andrei Sambra
- Status
- BasicContainer
- Full paging through Link headers
- Prefer header
- Accept-Post header
- If-Match and ETag
- Pending:
- DirectContainer and IndirectContainer
- Ordering/sorting
- Timeline
- -
- License
- Platform
- Linux, Windows, etc. (anything that can run PHP)
- Language
OpenLink Data Spaces (Hosted Service; LDP Client & Server)
- Summary
- OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS) is an industry standards-compliant data space platform that includes a broad collection of distributed collaborative applications covering blogs, wikis, shared bookmarks, file management, calendaring, email, photo galleries, discussion forums, polls, and more. :Every item of data within an ODS instance is denoted by a URL, enabling any HTTP-compatible client to obtain a negotiated representation of the description of any ODS data item.
- Website
- http://ods.openlinksw.com
- Contact
- Ted Thibodeau or http://www.openlinksw.com/contact
- Status
- Full release
- Timeline
- Full compatibility with LDP-WG output awaits that output...
- License
- Open Source
- Platform
- client-side - Browser-based via Javascript.
- server-side - Currently Virtuoso-specific. Back-end agnosticism coming soon.
- Language
- Javascript
OpenLink Virtuoso (Data Server; LDP Client & Server)
- Summary
- OpenLink Virtuoso is a hybrid data store and application server, which can generally act as a client for the same data models, access mechanisms, and interaction protocols as it serves. These include (but are not limited to) SPARQL, RDF and other graph model data, SQL, RDBMS data, HTTP, LDAP, SMTP, IMAP4, POP3, ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET, and others.
- Website
- http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/
- Contact
- Ted Thibodeau or http://www.openlinksw.com/contact
- Status
- Full release
- Timeline
- Full compatibility with LDP-WG output awaits that output...
- License
- Open Source and Commercial
- Platform
- AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, Windows, other Unix-like
- Language
- C/C++ (extensible with Java, C/C++, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, and others)
rdflib.js (Client Library)
- Summary
- Linked Data API for JavaScript, used by some LDP implementations
- Website
- https://github.com/linkeddata/rdflib.js
- Contact
- ?
- Status
- Last commit on 29 Mar 2015
- Timeline
- ?
- License
- Platform
- Web-browser or node.js
- Language
- JavaScript
rdf.sh (Client)
- Summary
- A multi tool for doing Semantic Web jobs on the command line, incl. LDP client jobs
- Website
- https://github.com/seebi/rdf.sh
- Contact
- Sebastian Tramp
- Status
- v0.6
- Timeline
- get, delete, put, ...
- License
- Open Source (GPL2+)
- Platform
- Command Line
- Language
- bash
RWW Play Server
- Summary
- Server written in Scala implementing LDP, WebID, and WebAccessControl
- Website
- https://github.com/read-write-web/rww-play
- Contact
- Henry Story
- Status
- early development
- Timeline
- End of November implement working version of current spec
- License
- Apache 2.0
- Platform
- Play2.0 framework using Banana-RDF
- Language
- Scala
Tabulator (Client)
- Summary
- The Tabulator project is a generic data browser and editor. Using outline and table modes, it provides a way to browse RDF data on the web.
- Website
- http://www.w3.org/2005/ajar/tab - https://github.com/linkeddata/tabulator
- Contact
- Tim Berners-Lee <timbl@w3.org>
- Status
- complete functionality, but not in sync with LDP spec (as of 2 Nov 2012)
- Timeline
- Initially released 2005. LDP conformance expected before or during CR.
- License
- ? missing information: https://github.com/linkeddata/tabulator/issues/5
- Platform
- Browser (Firefox only?)
- Language
- JavaScript
TopBraid Live (Client and Server)
- Summary
- TopBraid Live ('TBL') is an enterprise SOA-capable Semantic Web application platform. TBL is optimized for delivering dynamic SWT (Semantic Web Technologies) -driven applications that realize the Linked Data Platform.
- Website
- http://topquadrant.com/products/TB_Live.html
- Contact
- Ralph Hodgson, W3C wiki profile at http://www.w3.org/wiki/User:Rhodgson
- Status
- First version was released in 2008, currently shipping release 4.2.
- Timeline
- Full LDP conformance expected before or during CR. POST and GET available now.
- License
- Open Source and TopQuadrant Licensing
- Platform
- Java
- Language
- Java (Server); Java, Javascript (Client), SWA (SPARQL Web Applications - http://topquadrant.com/swp/#SWPAppComp )/ SWP (SPARQL Web Pages - http://topquadrant.com/swp/ ) and SPIN (http://www.w3.org/Submission/spin-overview/ ).
Fedora Commons Repository (Server)
- Summary
- Fedora is a robust, modular, open source repository system for the management and dissemination of digital content. It is especially suited for digital libraries and archives, both for access and preservation. It is also used to provide specialized access to very large and complex digital collections of historic and cultural materials as well as scientific data. Fedora has a worldwide installed user base that includes academic and cultural heritage organizations, universities, research institutions, university libraries, national libraries, and government agencies. The Fedora community is supported by the stewardship of the DuraSpace organization.
- Website
- https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Fedora+Repository+Home
- http://fedora-commons.org/
- Contact
- Andrew Woods, W3C wiki profile at http://www.w3.org/wiki/User:awoods
- Status
- First version was released in 2003, currently shipping releases.
- Timeline
- Full LDP conformance since November, 2014 and the production release of 4.0.0.
- License
- Apache 2.0
- Platform
- Java
- Language
- Java (Server); Java (Client)
Glutton (Server)
- Summary
- A LDP server in Python3 using asyncio, aiohttp and api_hour
- Website
- http://commonsdev.github.io/glutton/
- Contact
- Guillaume Libersat
- Status
- In developement, see LDP Test suite report for compliance progress.
- Timeline
- Full LDP 1.0 standard conformance mid 2015, stable and optimized release for end of 2015.
- License
- GNU AGPL v3; other licensing terms may be available later.
- Platform
- Any
- Language
- Python3
gold (Server)
- Summary
- Linked Data server for Go
- Website
- https://github.com/linkeddata/gold
- Contact
- ?
- Status
- Living (May 2015)
- Timeline
- ?
- License
- Platform
- ?
- Language
- Go
ldnode (Server)
- Summary
- Linked Data Platform server based on rdflib.js and node.js
- Website
- https://github.com/linkeddata/ldnode
- Contact
- ?
- Status
- Living (May 2015)
- Timeline
- ?
- License
- Platform
- node.js, using rdflib.js
- Language
- JavaScript
Inactive or invisible
Bygle (Client and Server)
- Summary
- Bygle - Build Your Graph in a Linked Environment
- Website
- http://bygle.net - https://github.com/regestaexe/bygle-ldp/
- Contact
- Diego Valerio Camarda
- Status
- Server full release - Client under update
- Timeline
- updating LDP interface to last recommendation, writing documentation
- License
- MIT for Client - Commercial for Server
- Platform
- JavaEE
- Language
- Java (Server); Java, HTML5 and Javascript (Client)
Genboree (Client and Server)
- Summary
- A suite of servers and clients for managing genomic data and biomedical knowledge developed at Baylor College of Medicine.
- Website
- http://www.genboree.org
- Contact
- Aleksandar Milosavljevic amilosav@bcm.edu
- Status
- Genboree HTTP REST APIs are being redesigned to meet the LDP 1.0 standard.
- Timeline
- Compliance with the LDP 1.0 standard in anticipated within 3 months of LDP 1.0 achieving W3C Recommendation status.
- License
- GNU 2/3 GPL licensing anticipated in early 2015; other licensing terms also available
- Platform
- virtual (OVF, VMware) and physical appliance anticipated in early 2015
- Language
- clients: JavaScript, servers: Ruby, Java, C++
ldpy (Client)
- Summary
- A simple LDP client for Python. Very prototypical, initially written for cross-testing Apache Marmotta reference implementation.
- Website
- https://github.com/wikier/ldpy
- Contact
- Sergio Fernández
- Status
- Alpha
- Timeline
- Full LDP conformance expected by end of 2014.
- License
- Apache 2.0
- Platform
- Any
- Language
- Python
node_ldp (Server)
- Summary
- Implementation of the Linked Data Platform for Node.
- Website
- https://github.com/AKSW/node_ldp
- Contact
- AKSW, Contributors
- Status
- Inactive. No commits since 22 May 2013 (May 2015). Started 01/2013, some issues open
- Timeline
- put, post, delete, container, ... implemented, webid, pingback, other features in roadmap
- License
- ???
- Platform
- node.js
- Language
- JavaScript
APPENDIX: Instructions for modifying this page
Please help keep this page up to date. Ideally, entries include the following information, when applicable:
- Implementation name (in entry header)
- Client, Server, Both, Something Else (in entry header)
- Summary blurb
- Link to project/implementation Website. (Ideally this page should include DOAP information and be the doap:homepage of that project.]
- Contact information
- Status
- Timeline (when release/conformance expected)
- Software license
- Platform (eg Unix, Android, Browser)
- Programming Language(s) used in implementation
- Other notes, features, qualifications
The following template may be helpful:
== Template (Client? Server?) == ;Summary :? ;Website :? ;Contact :? ;Status :? ;Timeline :? ;License :? ;Platform :? ;Language :?