There is a gap between W3C specifications for HTML and HTMLAsSheAreSpoke. The W3C HTML Working Group was chartered in March 2007 to close that gap.
A language specification is the main deliverable, and HTML/ProposedDesignPrinciples are in development. But there are a lot of other things that might help.
The HTML WG chair has set up a WBS survey to see which WG participants are interested in which tasks. The survey makes this wiki topic obsolete in some ways, but perhaps not in others.
- tutorials - Debi Orton (whatever's needed, and I have joined the group)
- a tutorial about the whole language (or the parts that 80% need to know about) - Brad Fults (joined)
- tutorials on new features, or groups of new features
- tutorials for specific audiences, such as government web site developers
- tutorials aimed at the mobile platform
- a quick-reference card Henrik Dvergsdal
- course materials
- a periodic survey of the top 200 web sites Sean Fraser. Zdenko
- e.g. Alexa top 500
- do they conform to the current draft?
- are the ways they don't conform captured in an issues list?
- which features do they use?
- are they mobile-happy, WAI-happy?
- security review, risk analysis
- HtmlTestMaterials, test results
- checking tool prototyping/development (a la the markup validator)
- html5lib based HTML viewer by James Graham provides a web interface to html5lib
Noodling on ways to review the HTML 5/WF2 spec text:
- the obvious/naive approach: breadth-first, section-by-section, a la "any issues with section 1? ok, ... on to section 2..." Just raising issues, not discussing/resolving them.
- going in depth on one or more sections/topics:
- parsing/tree-generation
- forms
- canvas
- sections, lists, tables
- Writing HTML documents (8.1.)