HCLSIG BioRDF Subgroup/Tasks/Gene Neural related gene data
Task: Create RDF to describe entries in NCBI database Gene ([1])
Task Objectives:
1.Document the structure of the data source in terms of content and context.
1.Generate RDF that will enable a sub-set of protein to link to other data sources, e.g. OMIM, Protein, PubMed.
Participants: EricMiller, BrianOsborne
Relavant Use Cases:
ParkinsonsDisease use case
Problem statement for this use case:
Related resources:
Task supports and dependencies:
Tools and Services:
PiggyBank NCBI Scraper @@ Gene extraction work still needed, but its a start @@
Timeline for Task Completion
- Stage 1 (3 month goals)
- Stage 2 (6 months goals)