HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Meetings/2011-03-03 Conference Call/minutes

From W3C Wiki

Minutes for TM conference call on March 3, 2011

Topic: AMIA

Michel: AMIA presentation soon, Joanne & Scott can't make today's call

Elgar: Do we intend to reference non-approved drug? The answer is no.

Topic: TMO paper

Christi: abstract needs to be structured

Michel: I can do this

Christi: Footnotes need to be removed

Michel: I will help do this

Topic: Pharmacogenomics


... capturing datasets etc; Need to develop our use case in this.


... one for patient scenario

... interested also in animal models in this context

Action Item: Christi to put in the link for the animal models database in the wiki page

Elgar: Would help to look at harmonizing ontologies out there

... quite extensive; See if we can come up with something stable to interoperate w. TMO

Michel: Still flexibility w TMO b/c not too many relations

... good exercise is to capture statements that express these relationships

... becomes clearer how to construct use cases

... interested to know how info is represented; what is representational artifact

Action Item: Michel to pull out the salient diagrams for formal representation of genetic variation

Michel: We need to develop expertise in the different coding systems


Action Item: Michel to investigate, become famialiar with and be the point person for ICD, CPT

Action Item: Bob to investigate, become famialiar with and be the point person for SNOMED-CT

Action Item: Matthias to investigate, become famialiar with and be the point person for LOINC

Action Item: Elgar to investigate, become famialiar with and be the point person for HL7

Action Item: Bosse to find out which coding systems used by Astrazeneca

Michel: TransSMART Knowledge Management platform

Bob: What's the hypothesis testing system that you just tweeted about?


Michel: Idea here is to find evidence to support or refute hypotheses

... formalizing what an hypothesis is; Knowledge is represented as events, w. agents and targets

... under what conditions or context does event occur

... contexts are genetic background, along w. chem perturbations, locational constraints w compartments

... extensions may include blast search, phylogenetic tree, etc, to find data to support or dispute