HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Meetings/2010-12-16 Conference Call/minutes

From W3C Wiki

Michel: Topic - AMIA submission


Joanne: We can submit if in press, but not elsewhere. So OK

Michel: Still valid to go for the podium format.

Joanne: Trish did a poster last year.

...ask for podium, but if w/o time slot then might get poster.

Michel: So long as either you or Trish can attend, go ahead and write the 1 page abstract, I'll review

Michel: Topic - Working Groups

... create working groups of 3-4 people

... help keep TM active with different interests/expertise

... to domain experts and plumbers

ericP volunteers to be an animal model

Joanne: Front end would need a focus group

...need users with problems to solve

Tim is not experienced in the medical community

ericP hears from others that we like to do cool fun things, but not the boring necessary stuff

... important that we include participants that have a vested interest, and can bring the outcomes in

michel does Tim prefer tooling?

Tim likes plumbing.

Joanne: He does, and he's good at it too!

Joanne: technology needs to solve a stated problem

Michel: Challenge is to find those groups who have individuals who have a vested interest in tech

...to bring it back in-house, then hear back from them

...do we have the individuals or do we have to recruit?

Eric: We don't have a specific process when we have a broad group (?)

Michel: We can generate best-practices documents

Michel: Think about a new set of deliverables

... health records, animal models, pharmacogenetics

...to create a new set of objectives

Joanne: Want someone who is an early adopter

Michel: Patient records, data

-> File:Tmo-indivo-lebot-2010-Dec-16.pdf TMO Indivo plan

Tim: Sent a diagram

...Diagram shows patient data flow.

...pdf is a view of the world from an outsider's perspective

...will keep pushing down the Virtuoso .trig path

Michel: Reconvene Jan 6

Happy Holidays!

Topic - how to get the patient data

hg clone https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/TMO-Indivo


102 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

I have checked out the files.

I now have /Applications/Sparql.app

bash-3.2$ /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql --version dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/mysql5/mysql/libmysqlclient.16.dylib

Referenced from: /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql Reason: image not found Trace/BPT trap

sudo mkdir -p /opt/local/lib/mysql5/mysql/

I see /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/Frameworks/libmysqlclient.16.dylib

sudo ln -s /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/mysql/libmysqlclient.16.dylib /opt/local/lib/mysql5/mysql/libmysqlclient.16.dylib

I did: sudo ln -s /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/Frameworks/libmysqlclient.16.dylib /opt/local/lib/mysql5/mysql/

(Eric promises this will go away soon....)

bash-3.2$ l /opt/local/lib/mysql5/mysql/ total 8 lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 68 Dec 16 13:10 libmysqlclient.16.dylib -> /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/Frameworks/libmysqlclient.16.dylib

bash-3.2$ /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql --version sparql version 1.0 . Revision 1355 modified 2010-12-06 22:49:13 -0500 (Mon, 06 Dec 2010) by ericprud. https://swobjects.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/swobjects/branches/sparql11

alias sparql=/Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql

cd /demos/tmo/source/dvcs-w3-org/tmo-indivo-instances/version/c1cef20da460-hg/TMO-Indivo/syntheticPatients

trying 'make test'

got errors:


SPARQL -qd AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig -e 'PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> SELECT ?mbox { ?s foaf:mbox ?mbox }' --compare tests/email_1.srt || echo AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig\(0\): error !mbox /bin/sh: SPARQL: command not found

SPARQL=sparql make test

sparql -qd AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig -e 'PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> SELECT ?mbox { ?s foaf:mbox ?mbox }' --compare tests/email_1.srt || echo AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig\(0\): error !mbox /bin/sh: sparql: command not found AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig(0): error !mbox

SPARQL=/Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql make test


bash-3.2$ SPARQL=/Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql make test /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql -qd AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig -e 'PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> SELECT ?mbox { ?s foaf:mbox ?mbox }' --compare tests/email_1.srt || echo AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig\(0\): error !mbox


PREFIX trans: <tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator999#>

=-qd AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig -e

q: quiet

d: data

=-e execute query string

What does .trig stand for?

qg pchr AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig tests/q1.rq

g: loads into graph

/Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql --help

d <file>: load file into default graph

g <graphName> <file>: load file into default graph graphName


test: all $(MBOXES) $(Q1S) $(Q4S) $(Q6S)

we don't get to q8:

/Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql -qd AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig -e 'PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> SELECT ?mbox { ?s foaf:mbox ?mbox }' --compare tests/email_1.srt || echo AD_PCHR_1-tmo.trig\(0\): error !mbox /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql -qd AD_PCHR_2-tmo.trig -e 'PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> SELECT ?mbox { ?s


test: all $(MBOXES) $(Q1S) $(Q4S) $(Q6S) becomes "test: all $(MBOXES) $(Q1S) $(Q4S) $(Q6S) $(Q8S)"

(on line 67 of Makefile)

SPARQL=/Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql make test

SPARQL=/home/eric/checkouts/swobjects/bin/sparql make test

a bad test:

AD_PCHR_2-tmo.trig:0: error: data tests/q8.rq:0: note: query tests/q8_2.srt:0: note: expected results

SPARQL=/Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql make test || echo look back for an error


SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM has ended

Attendees were Bob_Powers, michel, EricP, Joanne_Luciano, lebot, +1.650.331.aabb

lebot, ~ test: += Q8S

~ silence make test except for errors

sorry, that was my commit

oops, forgot to push