HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Meetings/2010-02-04 Conference Call
Conference Details
- Date of Call: Thursday February 4 2010
- Time of Call: 12:00am - 1:00pm ET
- Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
- Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
- Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
- Participant Access Code: 42572 ("HCLS2").
- IRC Channel: irc.w3.org port 6665 channel #HCLS2 (see W3C IRC page for details, or see Web IRC)
- Mibbit instructions: go to http://www.mibbit.com/chat and click the server link. Enter irc.w3.org:6665 into that box, enter a nickname, and enter #HCLS2 for the channel
- Duration: 1h
- Convener: Susie
- Drug Ontology
- Other Update
- TMO changes - Colin
- Structuring inclusion/exclusion criteria - Michel
- Mapping drug codes - Michel
- UI discussions - Chris
- Outreach
- AMIA TBI update - Susie
- JBI paper - Colin
- CSHALS - Elgar
- BioOntologies SIG - Susie
- UPenn Translational Medicine (ITMIT) - Chris
Attendees: Chris, Lee, Susie, EricP, Elgar, Joanne, Bosse, Eric Miller, Rich, Janna
Apologies: Colin
- Drug Ontology
- <boycer> Blog entry about NDF-RT: http://www.pitt.edu/~rdb20/bhi-scholar-blog/NDF-RT.psp.html
- <ElgarPichler> Rich: on VA NDF-RT
- <ElgarPichler> since 2001 rough drug classification terminology
- <ElgarPichler> RxNorm is one of the braches of that work
- <ElgarPichler> to cover mostly US approved drug
- <Joanne> Joanne asked Susie, Michel, Elgar, Colin to read the email relating to the i2b2 data access and get back to her - pref with fax of form
- <ElgarPichler> http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm/
- <ElgarPichler> for chem ingredients good mapping to MeSH
- <boycer> http://bioportal.nci.nih.gov/
- <boycer> Mitoxantrone
- <boycer> http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2009/MB_cgi?mode=&index=8572&view=concept
- <ElgarPichler> [start session at bioportal then look for Mitoxantrone]
- <ElgarPichler> discussion of racemic compounds
- <ElgarPichler> in MeSH no distinction between racemates; better granularity in Chebi
- <ElgarPichler> NDFRT iavailable in OWL-DL
- <ElgarPichler> inferred ontology for it is also provided in distribution
- <ElgarPichler> does not contain explicit defs of relations
- <ElgarPichler> Diana: on ChEBI
- <ElgarPichler> "trying to get Chemistry right"
- <boycer> Early paper describing NDF-RT: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&orig_db=pubmed&term=12463798
- <ElgarPichler> each distinct chemical substance is a distint entity in ChEBI
- <ElgarPichler> root term for isA hierarchy is "molecular structure"
- <ElgarPichler> role ontology describes how chemical interacts in various contents
- <ElgarPichler> [for more detailed discussion of ChEBI structure and discussed examples see
- http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Meetings/2010-02-04_Conference_Call?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Drugs_in_ChEBI.pd
- <ElgarPichler> Rich: on VA NDF-RT
- <ElgarPichler> some annotation of brand names
- <ElgarPichler> but no annotation of dose, indication, etc.
- <ElgarPichler> this could be provided by links to RxNorm
- <ElgarPichler> hard to link to MeSH because of problems with MeSH classifications
- <ElgarPichler> chemical might have role; 'role' could be reinterpreted as 'mode of action'
- <ElgarPichler> ad maintenance: suggestions, corrections can be submitted; no way to do bulk submission of comments ...
- <ElgarPichler> interface: query interface exists; often users just download a distribution and then mine data
- <ElgarPichler> ... discussion of enantiomers, importance to distinguish between chiral forms for clinical usecases ...
- <ElgarPichler> Susie: thinking about usecase for TMO: how could pharma companies exchange chemical information with collaborators? ChEBI looks like it might be appropriate for small molecules ...
- <ElgarPichler> ... problem for ChEBI with large molecules
- <ElgarPichler> Diana: if, e.g., contraindication is based on chemical feature it might be possible to include this info in ChEBI
- <ElgarPichler> Lee: how easy is drug to synthesize, would like to record that somehow
- <ElgarPichler> Susie: what else could be in drug ontology: information on inlicensing, formulation, ...
- <ElgarPichler> mentioning of Pistoia collaboration, coordination between W3C and Pistoia, how?
- <ElgarPichler> Lee: one workstream in Pistoia is on vocabularies
- <ElgarPichler> about 10 pharma companies in Pistoia
- <ElgarPichler> ontologies would fit into higher level Pistoia workstream
- <ElgarPichler> topic: TMO
- <ElgarPichler> Bosse: interface discussion
- <ElgarPichler> have prepared information, put on wiki, get feedback from group in 2 weeks from now
- <ElgarPichler> used usecase to develop high level requirements; Susie to put interface doc on wiki
- <ElgarPichler> topic: outreach
- <ElgarPichler> Susie: need to talk about AMIA poster with Trish and discuss poster at next meeting
- <ElgarPichler> JBI paper: no discussion on acceptance; quite a few comments by 2 reviewers
- <ElgarPichler> reviewers comments: need to better connect data and ontology
- <ElgarPichler> Colin will incorporate review suggestions