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HCLSIG/LODD/Meetings/2009-04-01 Conference Call
Conference Details
- Date of Call: Wednesday April 1, 2009
- Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), 16:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 17:00 Central European Time (CET)
- Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
- Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
- Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
- Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS").
- IRC Channel: irc.w3.org port 6665 channel #HCLS (see W3C IRC page for details, or see Web IRC)
- Duration: ~1h
- Convener: Susie
- Scribe: Anja
- Overview of Lilly's internal Linked Data project - William
- Presentation at LOD Workshop
- Attendees: Chris, TN, Jun, Kei, Bosse, Anja, MAtthias, Susie, Egon
- Apologies: Oktie, William
- <AnjaJentzsch> William will present another time
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: internal LODD project on competetive intelligence
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: William is looking into D2R and Spotfire
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: LDOW workshop: William won't be there
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: LDOW workshop: Otkie will present, looking for slides
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie and Chris will send slides to Oktie
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: Triplification challenge - deadline: May 30th
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: similarity on chemical structures hard to find
- <egonw> Susie: I did not receive any email from you yet, but still welcome it...
- <AnjaJentzsch> Oktie: checks consistency in data sets already published
- <AnjaJentzsch> Chris: any data sets available for competitve intelligence?
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: Lilly interested in new compounds
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: Lilly interested on natural medicine
- <jun> the source database: TCMGeneDIT (http://tcm.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw/)
- <jun> simple documents about this dataset: http://code.google.com/p/junsbriefcase/wiki/RDFTCMData
- <jun> http://code.google.com/p/junsbriefcase/wiki/TGDdataset
- <AnjaJentzsch> Kei: data set covers assocations between genes, herbs/ingedredients and diseases
- egonw would like to mention StARLite from the EBI which has ligand-assay-protein information, and which his group is converting to RDF...
- egonw also notes that it will not become online before later this year
- <AnjaJentzsch> Anja: linkage possible between TCMGeneDIT and other LODD data sets
- <AnjaJentzsch> Jun: EntrezGene identifier etc in TCMGeneDIT
- <AnjaJentzsch> Anja: use Silk for linking
- <AnjaJentzsch> Kei: much noise in TCMGeneDIT data set
- egonw looked at linking to active compounds... but a quick glance did not show him an easy way to search for that
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: Triplification paper: 2 weeks
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: include TCMGeneDIT and additional data set before deadline
- <egonw> is NMR data of interest to this paper?
- <egonw> as in drug identification?
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: information on companies wanted
- <Susie2> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Roles
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: like companies are interested in X and the following chemical compounds
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: determine interesting questions / data sets
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: Pharma Ontology Group will meet at the F2F, LODD won't
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie, Anja: schema mapping important for challenge and for using the data we published
- <Susie2> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Roles
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: Pharma Ontology goal: lightweight, template-like ontology
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: categorized questions help finding an upper-level template
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: data sets for company - drug
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: action item: create subset of questions
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie: try to query our data sets and find gaps in our data sets
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie & Bosse will create this subset
- <AnjaJentzsch> Susie, Bosse: Friday, 9 am Susie's time / 3 pm Bosse
- <AnjaJentzsch> Matthias: include LODD dumps into BioRDF for querying
- <jun> http://hcls.deri.org:8080/
- <matthias_samwald> http://queens.db.toronto.edu/~oktie/linkedct/