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Ontology Creation

  • We wish to foster collaborative approaches to developing ontologies with the involvement of subject matter experts, information architects and modelers and various application consumers (geneticists, clinicians).

  • The ontology created could be a by product of performing a daily task (e.g., reporting on results of gene tests) and should have an immediate value (e.g., reporting templates).
    • For instance, in the life sciences domain, the processes of annotating data should be interleaved with the processes of creating the ontology.

  • In general, successful ontologies are created as part of a social process involving a community effort or interested experts; or a process in which schema is designed by humans but instances/population is carried by automated and semi-automated techniques, and by automated means through corpus analysis and subsequent curation. We may want to identify successful cases of each of these.

  • Distributed ontology development encourages participation of domain experts. The resulting ontologies more accurately reflect rich, well-contextualized knowledge, but this also increases the challenge of interoperability.

  • This group should identify strategies for ontology federation, including web-friendly mechanisms for cross-ontology mapping, inferencing in the face of incomplete consistency, and distributed or modular reasoning.

  • We should identify a set of building blocks and templates for ontology building that are specific to HCLS areas.

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