Gregory J. Rosmaita
Quick Facts:
- pronunciation of last name: ross may tuh
- geographical position: New Jersey
- IRC: oedipus, prolix, GJR
- skypeID: oedipusnj
- eddress: MailTo(oedipus AT hicom DOT net)
W3C Working Group Memberships:
- HTML Working Group
- Protocols & Formats (PF) Working Group
- ARIA Developmental Caucus
- DHTML Subteam (crosses multiple domains; dialog and meeting minutes maintained through the wai-xtech emailing list
- User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) Working Group
- XHTML2 Working Group
W3C Interest Group Memberships:
- member of the SVG Interest Group (SVG IG)
W3C Incubator Group Memberships:
- member of the now closed Rich Web Applications Backplane XG and contributor to the Interest Group's final report on Rich Web Applications
Related Work:
- vice-chair, webmaster and listmaster, Open Accessibility Workgroup at The Linux Foundation
- invited expert to the DAISY Consortium
- member, Authoring & Interchange Working Group
- working on ZedAI and ZedNext
- DAISY Accessibility Framework
- member, Authoring & Interchange Working Group
Personal Webspaces:
Organizational and Grass-Roots Web Spaces:
- Webmaster for the Linux Foundation's Accessibility working group
- United Blind Advocates for Talking Signs
- Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group of New York City (VICUG NYC)
Take A Deep Breath & Relax:
- Celebrate the Holy Days of Obfuscation
- Celebrate the Unholy Days of Obfuscation
- Ceci n'est pas un blog
- Prabhakar Ragde's One Regret
- Read 'Em & Speak