
From W3C Wiki

The CSS Validator is currently localized in 12+1 languages: English (default), Chinese Simplified, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, Swedish, Russian and Korean.

The validator is generally developed in English, and all documentation and messages are later translated into the other languages. Character encoding is UTF-8.


If you would like to contribute to the translations:

  • Check the translation table on the CSS validator.
  • If the validator is translated in your language but has some translations missing (is the percentage below 100?) you can contribute the missing ones. Two options:
    1. You can submit translations from that page, one message at a time, via the email links provided.
    2. Submit a PR on our GitHub repository, for the Message file relative to your language, see below.
  • If the validator is not yet translated in your language, it will not appear in the translation page, so doing bulk translation is in order. You have two options:
    1. Clone our GitHub repository, the english version (default) is at org/w3c/css/util/Messages.properties.en the final extension uses the two letter language code and the encoding MUST be UTF-8
    2. download the translator's kit or check get in touch with us and start translating