Command Line Interface

This is the reference documentation for the EPUBCheck command line program.

§ Synopsis

epubcheck [<options>] [<path>]

The epubcheck command runs EPUBCheck to check the conformance of the EPUB file specified by the <path> argument.

§ Options


Print the EPUBCheck version

-?, -h, --help

Print the command line help

-m <mode>, --mode <mode>

Set the file checking mode to <mode>

The supported modes are:

  • exp: to check <path> as an expanded EPUB directory
  • mo: to check <path> as a single Media Overlays Document
  • nav: to check <path> as a single Navigation Document
  • opf: to check <path> as a single Package Document
  • svg: to check <path> as a single SVG Content Document
  • xhtml: to check <path> as a single XHTML Content Document

Create an EPUB package (.epub) after checking an expanded EPUB directory

This option is ignored when not combined with the --mode exp option.

-p <profile>, --profile <profile>

Use <profile> as the checking profile

The supported profiles are:

  • default: check the rules defined in the EPUB specifications (default)
  • dict: run extra checks for the rules defined in the EPUB Dictionaries and Glossaries specifications
  • edupub: run extra checks for the rules defined in the EPUB for Education specification
  • idx: run extra checks for the rules defined in the EPUB Indexes specification
  • preview: run extra checks for the rules defined in the EPUB Previews specification

When checking single files (as opposed to full EPUB publications), you can specify the targeted EPUB version with the -v option. When no version option is specified, version 3.0 is assumed by default.

-v <version>

Target the <version> version of the EPUB specifications when checking a single file with the --mode option

This option is ignored when not combined with the --mode option.

-o <file>, --output <file>

Write an XML report to <file>

Use the argument - instead of a file path to write the report to the standard output stream.

-j <file>, --json <file>

Write a JSON report to <file>

Use the argument - instead of a file path to write the report to the standard output stream.

-x <file>, --xmp <file>

Write an XMP report to <file>

Use the argument - instead of a file path to write the report to the standard output stream.


return 1 if either warnings or errors are present

By default, EPUBCheck returns 1 if and only if it reports any errors, and returns 0 if only warnings were detected.

-q, --quiet

Print nothing on the output stream.

Error or warning messages are still printed on the error stream.

-f, --fatal

Set the reported severity level to fatal ‘fatal’

Only fatal errors will be reported.

-e, --error

Set the reported severity level to ‘error’

Only errors and fatal errors will be reported.

-w, --warn

Set the reported severity level to ‘warning’

Only warnings, errors, and fatal errors will be reported.

include fatal, error, and warn severity messages in output

-u, --usage

Set the reported severity level to ‘usage’

All the messages will be reported, including informative messages. This option if off by default.

--locale <locale>

Output messages in the given locale.

<locale> must be an IETF BCP 47 language tag string.

-l [<file>], --listChecks [<file>]

Write all the known message codes and severity levels to <file>, or to the standard output stream if the <file> argument is omitted

-c <file>, --customMessages <file>

Override the message severity levels with the levels defined in <file>

§ Usage

§ Checking an EPUB publication

You can check a packaged EPUB publication with the command:

epubcheck publication.epub

Sometimes it is convenient to check an expanded (unpackaged) EPUB publication directory. In such case you can use the command:

epubcheck --mode exp publication/

When using expanded mode, you can use the --save option to create a packaged EPUB (.epub file) after running the checks.

§ Checking a single EPUB document

In addition to checking full EPUB publication, you can also check individual files contained in an EPUB, with the --mode option:

epubcheck <path to file> --mode <mode> -v <version>

The mode argument must be of the following:

  • opf to check a package document
  • nav to check a navigation document (available only for EPUB 3);
  • mo to check a media overlay document (available only for EPUB 3);
  • xhtml to check an XHTML content document
  • svg to check an SVG content document
  • exp to check an EPUB publication directory (see the previous section)

When using the mode option to check a single document, you need to tell EPUBCheck what version of EPUB you target with the -v option. The supported versions are:

  • 2.0 for EPUB 2
  • 3.0 for EPUB 3

§ Specifying a profile

You can specify a profile to enable the extra checks for the EPUB specification extensions, with the --profile option:

epubcheck <path to file> -profile <profile>

The supported profiles are:

  • default: check the rules defined in the EPUB specifications (default)
  • dict: run extra checks for the rules defined in the EPUB Dictionaries and Glossaries specifications
  • edupub: run extra checks for the rules defined in the EPUB for Education specification
  • idx: run extra checks for the rules defined in the EPUB Indexes specification
  • preview: run extra checks for the rules defined in the EPUB Previews specification

§ Getting a report in a structured format

By default EPUBCheck prints the reported messages to the standard output, in a textual format. But you can alternatively write a report in a structured format. This can be helpful for instance when you want to further process it within a production workflow.

The available report formats are:

  • XML, enabled with the --out or -o option
  • XMP, enabled with the --xmp or -x option
  • JSON, enabled with the --json or -j option

The report can besaved to a file (specified as a path argument to the output format option), or printed to the standard output (when using - as the output format argument).

For example, to save a report in JSON, use the command:

epubcheck --json output.json file.epub

To print a JSON report to the standard output, use the command:

epubcheck --json - file.epub

You can read more about EPUBCheck reports in the reporting guide!

§ Any difficulty?

If you face any issue when using the EPUBCheck command line program, you can check our troubleshooting guide, or try to get help!