Minutes of the Silver TF meeting of 19 December 2017

Next meeting is 5 January 2018

Formatted minutes:

Text of minutes


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                     Silver Task Force Teleconference

19 Dec 2017


           Charles, Imelda, jeanne, Jemma, Jennison, Shawn

           Shawn, Jeanne



      * [2]Topics
          1. [3]Schedule
          3. [5]Design Sprint wiki page
             er_Design_Sprint review
          4. [6]San Diego face-to-face meeting invitations &
          5. [7]San Diego face-to-face meeting problem statements
          6. [8]Next meeting
      * [9]Summary of Action Items
      * [10]Summary of Resolutions


    <jeanne> Shawn: We have been advised that it is wise to give
    the group a break because we have been working hard and we
    don't want to burn out. We are proposing that this is our last
    meeting of 2017 and we will meet next on January 5

Design Sprint wiki page
print review

      [11] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Silver_Design_Sprint

    Jeanne: Updated the wiki a lot over the weekend. Put in a
    request for the community group to have edit access in the
    wiki, still waiting to hear back on that.

    <jeanne> Main wiki page <-

      [12] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Main_Page

    Jeanne: Reworked the main page to make it clearer. Happy to
    take suggestions!
    ... I broke the design plan and made it into headers, and moved
    the meeting info to the bottom, to make it easier for people
    coming to the page for info on our work to get that.
    ... I should probably describe each of the sections instead of
    just having links. Added the sticker to the main page!
    ... When Jemma searched for Silver, the old wiki shows up, so I
    updated that to make it extremely clear that the wiki has moved
    and redirect people to the new one.
    ... Added more around the design sprint so that as we get
    closer, we can start sending participants to the page to review
    and start discussing things in advance.

    Charles: We should add the date to the name of the design
    sprint, in case we have another one later on.

    Lauriat: Even if we don't, it'll still help to make that
    clearer to people trying to find info for the one we will hold.

    Jeanne: Good! Done.
    ... I'll put the problem statements there, when complete, and
    the analysis documents as we finish them.
    ... If anyone has good design skills (with inline CSS), it
    would help to make it look less like a generic W3C wiki page.

    Imelda: At the end of this meeting, okay to share the link, or
    do you want Ryan to work on the design first and then share
    after that?

    <jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to ask Ryan to design the Design Sprint

    Jeanne: I'd say we should hold off for now, as the only ones
    who'd need the info will attend the design sprint. Did you have
    someone in mind for that?

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-145 - Ask ryan to design the design
    sprint wiki [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2017-12-26].

    Imelda: Just general circles who'd have interest in the work
    going on.

    Jeanne: You should absolutely share the main page!

    Imelda: I like sharing when work happens, also to show that
    work is happening, rather than just all talk.

    Jeanne: Definitely!

San Diego face-to-face meeting invitations & responses

    Jeanne: I can also talk about that, since I've done most of
    them so far. We set up a sheet with the invitees.
    ... The wave column marks those we want to invite in the first
    wave, which currently adds up to 35.
    ... The PWD column marks, if I know the person and I know that
    they have a disability, then I put in a yes. The purpose: if
    challenged, we can say that yes, we included a large number of
    people with disabilities.
    ... It feels weird, since a personal thing, but it's important
    for this. I also don't know some of the people on here, and I
    haven't marked them, so if you know, please let me know!

    Jennison: We should probably keep this information
    offline-only, just to ensure that we reduce risk of others
    finding it.

    Jeanne: Good idea, I'll do that.

    <Charles> if more AT invitees are needed, consider the research
    and development team members at Microsoft behind the Seeing AI
    app. names here:

      [13] https://blogs.microsoft.com/ai/decades-of-computer-vision-research-one-swiss-army-knife/

San Diego face-to-face meeting problem statements

    <jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne to work on the Problem Statements for
    Maintenance by entering the Research Themes.

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-146 - Work on the problem statements
    for maintenance by entering the research themes. [on Jeanne F
    Spellman - due 2017-12-26].

    <jeanne> ACTION: Shawn to complete the problem statements for

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-147 - Complete the problem statements
    for maintenance [on Shawn Lauriat - due 2017-12-26].

Next meeting

    <jeanne> January 5 2018. Have a good holiday and see you next


      [14] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12nkxN-94fX7U-fj8z4RL8Qa8fQqk96VJapO8f3kQ8a4/edit#gid=0//

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: jeanne to ask Ryan to design the Design Sprint
    [NEW] ACTION: Jeanne to work on the Problem Statements for
    Maintenance by entering the Research Themes.
    [NEW] ACTION: Shawn to complete the problem statements for

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2017 20:10:51 UTC