Sequencer for Timing Object
Posted on:Hi all.
This announces the publication of a generic and open-source JavaScript Sequencer for the timing object.
The timing object draft spec defines a new TimingTextTrack [1] as a mechanism for precisely timed presentation of timed data, integrated with the timing object. However, until standardization and implementation is a reality, the Multi-device Timing CG makes available a generic and open source JavaScript Sequencer integrated with the timing object/shared motion. The Sequencer is published [2] as research output from MediaScape [3], an ongoing FP7 EU project. As part of the dissemination and standardization work of MediaScape, the Sequencer is also made available for the Multi-device Timing CG. The Web page linked above includes API documentation, example usage and demonstrations. Source code is available at
Please note that API and implementation of the Sequencer is similar, but not identical to the proposed TimingTextTracks. The differences should be fairly small though. The Sequencer implementation currently has no known issues and supports all the goals defined in the timing object spec.
- data-independency (not tied to specific media format)
- UI-independency (no predefined UI – custum UI == simple web development)
- precise timing (millisecond precision)
- expressive controls (suitable for a variety of media products)
- dynamic data (supports live data sources and modification of temporal aspects during playback)
- simple usage
And, not to forget, integration with timing object/shared motion enables Sequencers to take part in globally synced multi-device playback!