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Community & Business Groups

“Korean bank” use-case – Rejected?

As following is my reply for “Korean bank” use-case – Rejected? by Anders Rundgren. In conclusion, I think new charter includes Korean usecase too.

2011/12/8 Anders Rundgren 
> This use-case (in order to be meaningful) covers all aspects of a key's life:
> from enrollment, to usage, renewals and revocation.

This can be separated primary and secondary area. Mos impoartant part of
Korean use-cases is generationg of *digital signature* with user
certificate in anywhere. Key management can be served by third party
extensions or oneself in key manament option in browers.

> I do not think this group is properly equipped to deal with such a wide scope
> but if somebody wants to take it up, please do!

If someone can afford to try to do, I think it can be do this in working
group too. Many crypto-geeks can be volunteers. BTW, where is VeriSign? :)

> Experiences from other consortium's like the Information Card Foundation
> indicates that the interest in publicly dealing with on-line banking technology
> is moderate; it has always been a "consultant paradise".

You're right. There are many companies to support banks technically in
Korea too. But, many counties have already "law" for digital signature, It means it's
standards area in web applications too.


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