Details on Product Non-W3C Events - Workshops, Conferences, Meetups

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There are 5 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-89 (edit)
event calendar
OPEN Should the w3c create a centralized curated calendar of its events including relevant external events? 2014-04-03 Non-W3C Events - Workshops, Conferences, Meetups 0
ISSUE-90 (edit) OPEN What is the process and criteria for determining requests for w3c branding for relevant events hosted by external organizations? 2014-04-03 Non-W3C Events - Workshops, Conferences, Meetups 0
ISSUE-91 (edit) OPEN Should the consortium use community tools (such as an external organization like for event management? 2014-04-03 Non-W3C Events - Workshops, Conferences, Meetups 0
ISSUE-92 (edit) OPEN What is the process and requirements for an external organization to seek the consortium's brand for their event? 2014-04-03 Non-W3C Events - Workshops, Conferences, Meetups 0
ISSUE-88 (edit) CLOSED The events section of procdoc-2005 is arcane and needs updating 2014-04-03 Non-W3C Events - Workshops, Conferences, Meetups 0

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David Singer <>, Chair, Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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