ISSUE-63: Chapter 7: Changes since last publication should be in an Appendix


Chapter 7: Changes since last publication should be in an Appendix

Document life cycle (pre 2014 chapter 7, now chapter 6)
Raised by:
Arthur Barstow
Opened on:
I think it is important for Chapter 7 to include "changes since last publication" type info but I don't think it should be a the top of the doc. I propose moving that information to an Appendix at the end of the doc.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Re: Draft for Last Call (from on 2014-03-19)
  2. RE: Draft for Last Call (from on 2014-03-18)
  3. [minutes] and summary of 13 January 2014 Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference (from on 2014-01-13)
  4. closing issues... (from on 2013-12-05)
  5. Re: w3process-ISSUE-63 (Ch7-Changes-Appendix): Chapter 7: Changes since last publication should be in an Appendix [Document life cycle (ch 7)] (from on 2013-11-27)
  6. w3process-ISSUE-63 (Ch7-Changes-Appendix): Chapter 7: Changes since last publication should be in an Appendix [Document life cycle (ch 7)] (from on 2013-11-26)

Related notes:

I propose that ALL "where" information be the purview of pubrules and TR design rather than the process document.

Ian Jacobs, 26 Nov 2013, 14:26:11

This request will be satisfied when a complete Process Document that contains the new Chapter 7 is prepared.

Steve Zilles, 17 Jan 2014, 05:48:04

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David Singer <>, Chair, Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux <>, Staff Contact
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