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Main Page
From RDF and XML Interoperability Community Group
This is the wiki of the RAX community group.
- Draft documemt XML to RDF Transformation processes using_XSLT
- Gathering of topics: see the Draft Material page
Upcoming calls
- 24 March 2017, 1 p.m. UTC
- Further telcos with bi-weekly schedule
Minutes from previous calls
- 2017-03-10, see also the outline document
- 2017-01-27
- 2016-12-20
- 2016-11-25
- 2016-11-14
- 2016-10-28: no minutes available
- 2016-10-14
- 2016-09-30
- 2016-09-16
- 2016-07-22
- 2016-07-08
- 2016-06-24
- 2016-06-10
How to make a call
- For the co-chairs: send out an agenda with the admin info like here: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rax/2016Sep/0012.html . Adapt the dial-in information as needed, and add / change topics as needed.
- The phone bridge has to be provided by co-chairs or participants
- go to http://irc.w3.org , join IRC with channel #rax and your preferred user name
- type the following (after each line, hit return)
/invite rrsagent #rax meeting: rax chair: chair name scribe: scribe name rrsagent, make log public
- for each person at the call, type
present+ person-name
- for each topic, type
topic: name of topic
- for each speaker type name: , and then what has been said
- after the end of the call, type
rrsagent, draft minutes
For more infos, see the main page for rrsagent.