Closed Actions

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There are 27 closed actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Learn IRC commands Roger Cutler 2012-06-15
ACTION-2 (edit) closed And Scott to document what the data provenence use case is about and its value proposition, due July 19 Roger Cutler 2012-06-15
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Work with Frode and Jennifer to flesh out environmental monitoring use case due 2012-06-21 Rurik Thomas Greenall 2012-07-05
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Learn IRC commands due 2012-07-19 Roger Cutler 2012-07-19
ACTION-6 (edit) closed test Roger Cutler 2012-07-19
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Test again due 2012-07-20 Roger Cutler 2012-06-15
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Test yet again, due 2012-07-21 Roger Cutler 2012-06-15
ACTION-9 (edit) closed work with Rurik and IBM team to define environmental monitoring use case and value proposition Jennifer Sampson 2012-07-05
ACTION-10 (edit) closed find out if there are people in Chevron interested in environmental monitoring use case Frank Chum 2012-07-05
ACTION-11 (edit) closed contact Karen and Rusty Foreman re possible BP interest in environmental monitoring use case Frank Chum 2012-07-05
ACTION-12 (edit) closed report on July 5 on what happened at Energistics meeting Frank Chum 2012-07-05
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Try to get permission to post some presentations from Semtech to our private repository Frank Chum 2012-06-28
ACTION-14 (edit) closed contact Semtech for permission to post presentations Frank Chum 2012-07-19
ACTION-15 (edit) closed send info on ISO 19115 to Rurik and Jenn Scott Hills 2012-07-19
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Reach out to David Price to see if interested. Oystein Haaland 2012-07-12
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Try to contact Semantic Sensor group people for potential go forward. Jennifer Sampson 2012-07-12
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Contact OGC about SensorML Scott Hills 2012-09-30
ACTION-19 (edit) closed Talk to Karen or someone else about using ISO standards. Cost? Roger Cutler 2012-07-12
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Look at ISO 19115 with Jennifer and maybe others and try to evaluate relevence to this group. Roger Cutler 2012-09-13
ACTION-21 (edit) closed talk to Jerry Hubbard about Energistics involvement and IPR Scott Hills 2012-12-31
ACTION-23 (edit) closed talk to Jerry Hubbard about IPR, make sure everybody on same page Roger Cutler 2012-09-01
ACTION-24 (edit) closed talk to W3C folk about possible models for liasaon between BG and drilling ontology work wherever it ends up Frank Chum 2012-09-13
ACTION-26 (edit) closed to find out from Frode whether he can carry forward the env mon use case Jennifer Sampson 2012-09-27
ACTION-27 (edit) closed Contact David Price to remind him that he agreed to talk to us next meeting about EPIM Scott Hills 2012-09-20
ACTION-28 (edit) closed Document Lessons Learned Roger Cutler 2012-10-18
ACTION-29 (edit) closed Convert BG to CG Roger Cutler 2012-10-18
ACTION-35 (edit) closed Figure out how to change chairs of group -- Frank out, Jenn in. Roger Cutler 2013-04-18

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Chair, Ian Jacobs <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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