Input for Agenda Planning for the Oil, Gas and Chemicals Community Group

This is the view of actions grouped by issues ordered by due dates; see also the view of issues groups by products.

Action Items Pending Review

There are 0 pending review actions.

Overdue action items

There are 8 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-3 (edit) open Work with Roger to document the data provenance use case and its value proposition, due 2012-07-19 Scott Hills 2012-11-01
ACTION-22 (edit) open involve Craig Trim of IBM in defining Data Provenance Use Case and business value Roger Cutler 2012-11-01
ACTION-25 (edit) open contact Kerry Taylor about SensorML Jennifer Sampson 2012-09-13
ACTION-30 (edit) open Document Relationship Data Provenance to Web Services Interface Standard Arthur Keen 2012-10-18
ACTION-31 (edit) open Discuss with Earth Cube and Energistics Potential Role of CG in Web Services Standard Scott Hills 2012-10-18
ACTION-32 (edit) open Pursue Web Service API Spec Idea - Involve Steve Richards and Sky Bristoll, and maybe Simon Cox in Jan Meeting Scott Hills 2013-01-15
ACTION-33 (edit) open Email group about potential WS interface to SKOS Scott Hills 2013-01-24
ACTION-34 (edit) open Contact Halliburton to see if they are interested in sharing O&G Ontology Arthur Keen 2013-04-18

Action items due next week

There are 0 upcoming actions.

Issues discussed over the last week

There are 0 recently discussed issues listed in the system.

Chair, Ian Jacobs <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: agenda.html,v 1.1 2014/07/14 15:12:38 ted Exp $