Co-chair meeting minutes: November 9, 2022
Posted on:Co-chair and MusicXML spec editor appointment
Michael Scott Cuthbert has agreed to take on the roles of MusicXML spec editor and co-chair of the W3C Music Notation Community Group to succeed Michael, who is retiring at the start of January 2023. Myke joined today’s meeting for the first time. We are delighted to welcome Myke as incoming co-chair and look forward to his contributions to the group’s efforts.
In a previous meeting, the idea was posited that the Dolet plug-in for Sibelius might be transferred into the guardianship of the W3C Music Notation Community Group, but the decision has been made that in due course MakeMusic will release the source code for the plug-in in a public GitHub repository licensed under the MIT License.
Adrian has created issue #287 to cover the proposal for how to encode instrument transposition. There’s a lot of detail contained in this proposal and we welcome feedback from the community. Adrian’s next step is to try these ideas out in the mnxconverter project with some real MusicXML data to see how it works in practice.
Next meeting
The next co-chairs’ meeting will be on Tuesday 22 November 2022.