MQM Top Level (2020-06-06)
Posted on:This document defines the top level categories from MQM, with an emphasis on the DQF subset with some additional revisions from the ASTM WK46396 working group.
- Terminology
- Wrong term
- Inconsistent use of terms (Multiple terms for same concept)
- Inconsistent with termbase
- Accuracy (other than Terminology)
- Addition
- Omission
- Mistranslation
- Over-translation
- Under-translation
- Untranslated
Improper exact TM match(Moves to root cause)
- Fluency (Linguistic well-formedness) – binary errors, normatively established
- Punctuation
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Inconsistency (DISCOURAGED) – possibly reconstitute as a flag? Decision tree might handle this. State that it may be removed in a future release. ✓
- Broken or incorrect textual cross-reference within text (NEW – not needed in DQF?) – ✓
- Character encoding
- Unintelligible
- Style – requires guidance for determination of whether errors
- Company style
- Third-party style
- Register (needs clarification about how it relates to Terminology in particular) – rename to Language register?
- Grammatical register – moved from Fluency ✓
- Awkward
- Unidiomatic
- Inconsistent style
- Inconsistency with external reference (proposed, see DGT) ✓
- Design
- Length
- Local formatting
- Markup
- Broken or incorrect link (HREF sort of thing) – Requires DQF change – Question about unlocalized link. Add note and example ✓
- Missing text
- Truncation/text expansion
- Locale convention
- Address format
- Date format
- Currency format
- Measurement format
- Shortcut key
- Telephone format
- Verity (Locale appropriateness)
- Culture-specific reference
- Custom (not in DQF) – IDs starts with x-, used by private agreement. (Keep
as the ID, but use “Custom” as the display name.) Ingemar suggests Other for something that is in MQM, but not in the particular metric, but Custom is something that doesn’t exist in MQM at all.