Link between educational occupational credential and JobPosting or Occupation

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Many use cases involve the relationship between educational occupational credentials and jobs or occupations:

  • Industry and occupation analysis and Job vacancy involve searching for credentials that address critical jobs.
  • Career and education goal involves searching for credentials that best meet their career goals
  • Labor market value involves searching to find credentials that meet career goals and have employer recognition
  • Job seeking involves finding jobs that match the credentials a person posses
  • Compare credentials involves finding the career value / labor market value of a credential

Discussion: EOCred: thread title thread from May 2018.

Proposal has a type for JobPosting and has in draft a proposal for Occupation; these both have the properties educationRequirements "Educational background needed for the position or Occupation," and qualifications "Specific qualifications required for this role." Extending the range of these properties to include Educational Occupational Credential would allow searchers to find those Job postings and Occupations that require a certain credential. Other properties of Job Posting or Occupation, such as estimatedSalary, baseSalary, jobLocation, occupationalCategory etc. would then allow the analysis required.

Name: educationRequirements

Definition: Educational background needed for the position or Occupation

Expected Range: EducationalOccupationalCredential, Text

Name: qualifications

Definition: Specific qualifications required for this role

Expected Range: EducationalOccupationalCredential, Text

Draft code for

This copy on the wiki is for ease of reference only, the definitive version is the file on github

    <div typeof="rdf:Property" resource="">
      <span>Range: <a property="" href="">EducationalOccupationalCredential</a></span>
      <link property="" href="" />
      <span property="schema:category">issue-1779</span>
      <a property="dc:source" href=""></a>
    <div typeof="rdf:Property" resource="">
      <span>Range: <a property="" href="">EducationalOccupationalCredential</a></span>
      <link property="" href="" />
      <span property="schema:category">issue-1779</span>
      <a property="dc:source" href=""></a>

Test output on appspot (may be slow to load).


Note: These examples should not be taken as being authoritative or accurate descriptions of the resources on which they are based.

1. Based on existing example for Occupation

This copy is for ease of reference only. The definitive version is in file issue-1779-examples.txt on github, which may be more extensive.

TYPES: EducationalOccupationalCredential, Occupation,


See JSON example.






<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Occupation",
  "name": "Research Scientist",
  "educationRequirements": {
    "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
    "educationalLevel": "PhD or equivalent"