From Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group
Categories from collected vocabularies
- CDMM Consent Ontology
- Allowed Party ('Allowed party' is used to indicate who the party (person or organisation) is that is allowed (or denied )to perform certain action on the particular data by this consent.)
- Consenting Party ('consenting party' is the person who is giving the consent.)
- Data Subject
- Data Subject Representative
- Legal Representative of Data Subject
- Parent of Data Subject
- Party to Share Data With
- Data Protection Ontology by Bartolini et. al
- Data Protection Officer
- Data Subject
- Parent
- Representative
- GDPRov
- Controller Representative
- Data Protection Officer (DPO)
- Processor Representative
- Data Subject
- Data Protection Officer (DPO)
- Representative of Controller
- Representative of Processor
- Certification Body