Final Specification Licensing Commitments for Data Integrity 1.0
This is the list of commitments made for Data Integrity 1.0 under the W3C Community Final Specification Agreement (FSA). The FSA deed summarizes the terms of the policy. This report was published by the Credentials Community Group.
Organization commitments
Commitments from organizations participating in the Credentials Community Group:
- China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) (by ruijie lin on )
- Danube Tech GmbH (by Markus Sabadello on )
- Digital Bazaar (by Manu Sporny on )
- Gen (by Brent Zundel on )
- Mattr Limited (by Tobias Looker on )
- Mavennet (by Mahmoud Alkhraishi on )
- OpenLink Software Inc. (by Kingsley Idehen on )
- PRYVIT NZ LIMITED (by Kyle Den Hartog on )
- Transmute (by Orie Steele on )
- (by Michael Prorock on )
Individual commitments
Commitments from individuals participating in the Credentials Community Group:
- Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin (on )