Meeting reminder/agenda: December 1st, 2022 at 14:00 UTC
Posted on:The next meeting will be Thursday, December 1st at 14:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times (if you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Adi, Kik or Jamie know)
- PST: 6:00 AM
- CST: 8:00 AM
- EST: 9:00 AM
- United Kingdom: 2:00PM
- Berlin: 3:00 PM
- Israel: 4:00 PM
- India: 6:30 PM
Also time zones can change with daylight savings, so if the time is incorrect, please let Adi, Kiki or Jamie and we will update it!
Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)
Check the meeting time in your timezone:
Meeting Agenda
- Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
- Identify scribe in August 4th meetings notes
- COGA Task Force updates (30 minutes)
- Proposed update to Content Useable Doc
- Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (5 minutes)
- [Adi, Lea, Jamie] Update on live transcription
- Closing questions and next steps (5 minutes)
This will also be shared on the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel