Status quo of discussions
Posted on:Since a significant amount of discussions regarding an age label data model has taken place before the creation of this group, I’d like to give you an overview on the current state of play.
The Technical Task Force I mentioned here has met two times now, discussing a very rough working paper with options for a data model proposal that shows some of the lines of though behind the debates. The first on-site meeting took place in December 2012, the second one in April 2013.
Find attached the current version of a (yet to be discussed) proposal for an outline of how a common data model could look like. Since this work in progress you will see that there are still points that need to be addressed until a real proposal will be ready for distribution. Feel free to ask if anything’s unclear, and don’t hesitate to comment, of course.
Attachment: Age Labels Data Model – Status quo proposal paper – Sep 2013