This document is an internal working document of the XML Core WG. It maintains a running log of potential errata to the XML 1.0 spec, 3rd edition (dated 2004-02-04) and to the XML 1.1 spec, 1st edition (dated 2004-02-04). It is therefore the successor to the Running log of potential errata for XML 1.0 (second edition). It is meant to be a living document, frequently updated as new errata are discovered and as they are disposed of by the WG.
When a potential erratum is resolved, its entry in this document is moved to the Resolved cases section and, if appropriate (it is a real erratum, not a false alarm or a request for enhancement that cannot be resolved by an erratum), the official XML 1.0 3rd edition errata page or the official XML 1.1 1st edition errata page (or both) are updated.
PE122 | Revisiting E15 (from second edition errata) | |||
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Problem statement |
From Jonathan Marsh: I've been looking into E15 more fully. Besides the backward compatibility cost, there appears to be an implementability issue. Microsoft parsers allow empty and element-only content to contain entity references as long as those references expand to whitespace or to nothing. To do otherwise involves a substantial reworking of the parser implementation strategy in use, making such a change very expensive, as well as breaking any documents previously relying on this behavior (though the number of such documents is likely to be small). Our implementation difficulties are surfaced in the spec through an obvious inconsistency in the spec. Validation of attributes is done after entity expansion (according to E20), but prior to character entity expansion in elements (according to E15). There appears to be no clear reason why these contexts must differ. Microsoft parsers accept all documents conformant to this erratum, but may also accept some documents (which are unlikely to occur in the wild) which do not conform to the constraints of this erratum. In particular, we fail the following test cases (by parsing each document without error): E15a.xml: <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT foo EMPTY> <!ENTITY empty ""> ]> <foo>∅</foo> E15g.xml: <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT foo (foo*)> ]> <foo><foo/> <foo/></foo> E15h.xml <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT foo (foo*)> <!ENTITY space "&#32;"> ]> <foo><foo/>&space;<foo/></foo> | |||
Discussion |
From Jonathan Marsh: > 3) Microsoft is problematic because unclear, Microsoft needs to tell us > what issue exactly they have with E15. A description of the problem with E15 is at The main objections are: 1) difficulty of implementation 2) entity expansion in attributes and elements is treated inconsistently (E20 vs. E15) 3) not backward compatible with deployed versions of MSXML I note that failure to support E15 does not affect the infoset of the parsed document. I would like to propose a solution, but I'm actually having trouble understanding the erratum and how it led to the test cases we fail. Perhaps somebody could help me understand the test cases better. In, I find: "... however, a reference to an internal entity with a literal value consisting of character references expanding to white space does match S, since its replacement text is the white space resulting from expansion of the character references." I think this specifically makes the following test case valid: <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT foo (foo*)> <!ENTITY space " "> ]> <foo><foo/>&space;<foo/></foo> If that is the case, it is hard to see why the test cases we have problems with are not valid: E15g.xml: <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT foo (foo*)> ]> <foo><foo/> <foo/></foo> E15h.xml <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT foo (foo*)> <!ENTITY space "&#32;"> ]> <foo><foo/>&space;<foo/></foo> And for consistency the similar situation for EMPTY content: E15a.xml: <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT foo EMPTY> <!ENTITY empty ""> ]> <foo>∅</foo> From Richard Tobin: I think the idea is that all the pointless possibilities that can be ruled out, are ruled out. > I think this specifically makes the following test case valid: > > <!DOCTYPE foo [ > <!ELEMENT foo (foo*)> > <!ENTITY space " "> > ]> > <foo><foo/>&space;<foo/></foo> Yes. Entity references to space-separated sequences of elements have to be valid, and this is just an empty sequence. The character reference can't be ruled out because it's gone by the time you know what the entity is being used for. > If that is the case, it is hard to see why the test cases we have > problems with are not valid: > > E15g.xml: > <!DOCTYPE foo [ > <!ELEMENT foo (foo*)> > ]> > <foo><foo/> <foo/></foo> > > E15h.xml > <!DOCTYPE foo [ > <!ELEMENT foo (foo*)> > <!ENTITY space "&#32;"> > ]> > <foo><foo/>&space;<foo/></foo> Well, if you regard it as a deficiency that the first case can't be ruled out, then it's a deficiency that does not apply to these cases. > And for consistency the similar situation for EMPTY content: > > E15a.xml: > <!DOCTYPE foo [ > <!ELEMENT foo EMPTY> > <!ENTITY empty ""> > ]> > <foo>∅</foo> There is no good use for an entity reference in an EMPTY element, so it can be ruled out. |
PE139 | Changing XML spec to use IRIs for system IDs | |||
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Problem statement |
From Richard Tobin: In 4.2.2, replace the paragraph beginning "System identifiers (and other ..." and the following 3-item list with: System identifiers (and other XML strings meant to be used as URI references) are converted to URI references as described in [IRIs RFC 3987]. They MAY contain characters that, according to [new URIs RFC3986], must be escaped before a URI can be used to retrieve the referenced resource. XML processors MUST escape them as described in section 3.1 of [IRIs RFC 3987]. We may want to include this existing text: Since escaping is not always a fully reversible process, it MUST be performed only when absolutely necessary and as late as possible in a processing chain. In particular, neither the process of converting a relative URI to an absolute one nor the process of passing a URI reference to a process or software component responsible for dereferencing it SHOULD trigger escaping. but I am uncertain as to whether [Base URI] in the infoset should have them escaped. | |||
Discussion |
From the minutes of 2005-04-20: But [Richard] points out that he doesn't suggest we make this change until and unless we change the references to 2396 to 3986. Richard suggests we defer this erratum for now. CONSENSUS to defer this erratum for now. |
PE148 | Review of MUSTs/SHOULDs/MAYs | |||
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Problem statement |
From John Cowan: Grosso, Paul scripsit: > ACTION to John: Search for use of must and should > related to the behavior of applications in XML 1.x. Except as noted, these comments apply to both XML 1.0 and XML 1.1. Dubious MUSTs: in the definition of "match": replace "MUST be" with "are", since this is a definition, not a specification of behavior. in the definition of "enumerated attributes": this is not really a definition, and should be sorted into two sentences, a definition with "is" and a specification with "MUST". Section 3.4: the explanations of INCLUDE and IGNORE should read "MUST be processed" instead of "MUST be considered". Considering is not something XML processors are equipped to do. Dubious SHOULDs: The remark in Section 2.13 (of XML 1.1) that XML applications that create XML 1.1 output from either XML 1.1 or XML 1.0 input SHOULD ensure that the output is fully normalized" is a constraint on applications, but it is on applications that *write* XML, and as such is analogous to a constraint on document authors. A similar remark is found at the end of Section 5.1 in XML 1.1, and should also be left alone. Dubious MAYs: It seems to me that most of the MAYs in the document are not genuine RFC 2119 MAYs (truly optional behavior) but represent choices that XML provides to document authors. I recommend that only the following ones be retained: definitions of "error", "fatal error", and "at user option" in 2.5, "an XML processor MAY" in 2.10, "an XML processor MAY report the error or MAY recover" in 2.13 (XML 1.1), "the processor MAY, at user option, ignore" in 3.2, "an XML processor MAY issue a warning" in 3.3, "At user option, an XML processor MAY issue a warning" also in 3.3, "an XML processor MAY at user option issue a warning" in 4.2, "an XML processor MAY issue a warning" in 4.3.3, "entities encoded in UTF-8 MAY begin" in 4.4.3, "the processor MAY, but need not, include" in 4.7, "They MAY additionally resolve the external identifier" All other MAYs should be changed to plain "may". | |||
Discussion | ACTION to Henry: Review the MAYs again and create a marked up version with changes. |
PE123 | Errors in productions 1 & 78 | |||
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Problem statement |
From Richard Tobin: This seems to be wrongly formatted - there is no space between RestrictedChar and Char*. And since the relative precedence of concatenation and subtraction are not specified, there ought to be parentheses. [1] document ::= prolog element Misc*- Char* RestrictedCharChar* should be [1] document ::= (prolog element Misc*) - (Char* RestrictedChar Char*) The parenthesis problem also applies to production 78 (extParsedEnt). | |||
Resolution | Publish two corrections, one Editorial (to add the missing spaces in [1]) and one Substantive (to introduce the parens in [1] and [78]). The Editorial one:
The Substantive one:
PE124 | Inheritance of xml:lang | |||
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Problem statement |
From Martin Dürst: I'm writing to you based on an action item from the I18N WG (Core TF). We have become aware of your message to the Chairs of the RDF WG at The XML Core WG has reviewed the RDF/XML draft and finds no issues to raise. We observe that the RDF/XML use of xml:lang is different than might be expected by an application unaware of the special semantics of RDF. However, the XML Recommendation only describes the meaning of xml:lang as an "intent", so we accept that application-specific semantics are allowed. And such semantics seem necessary to correctly capture the RDF object model in an XML serialization. We have been really surprised when we learned about this message, and we request the XML Core WG to reconsider it (if necessary with wider discussion, e.g. on the XML Plenary list). We clearly think that the statements in the above email are wrong and damaging to interoperability. We would like to note the following points from our discussion: ( - The XML spec says: "The intent declared with xml:lang is considered to apply to all attributes and content of the element where it is specified, unless overridden with an instance of xml:lang on another element within that content." ... | |||
Resolution |
PE125 | Hexadecimal character references in Note | |||
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Problem statement |
From G. Ken Holman: I note in the gray table in the Note in Section 2.2 that a number of the hexadecimal references that begin ranges are missing lower case "x" indicating the number is hexadecimal. In fact, lines 2 through the end are missing this lower case "x" in the start character reference for every range. | |||
Resolution |
PE126 | Wrong link to #dt-extent | |||
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Problem statement |
From joseph: 4.7 Notation Declarations First paragraph : The first link should be <a title="Unparsed Entity" href="#dt-unparsed" >unparsed entities</a> instead of <a title="External Entity" href="#dt-extent" >unparsed entities</a> | |||
Resolution |
PE127 | 1.0 example in 1.1 | |||
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Problem statement |
From joseph: C Expansion of Entity and Character References (Clarification) Forth example: Should (?) it better be <?xml version='1.1'?> instead of <?xml version='1.0'?> | |||
Resolution |
PE128 | Missing ] in appendix I | |||
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Problem statement |
From joseph: Appendix I - Suggestions for XML Names The sixth list entry of the ordered list : A closing bracket ']' is missing in: "The interlinear annotation characters ([#xFFF9-#xFFFB) should not be used in names." It should be ([#xFFF9-#xFFFB]) | |||
Resolution |
PE129 | Missing links from non-terminal S | |||
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Problem statement |
From G. Ken Holman: A minor nit: I note a number of productions do not correctly tag the "S" particle as being a production ([3]), hence it is not linked to the production. Productions [60], [62] and [63] are the ones I see off hand ... there may be more. | |||
Discussion | FY: there are no other than [60], [62] and [63]. | |||
Resolution | In productions [60], [62] and [63], make a link from all instances of the non-terminal S to its defining production ([3]). |
PE130 | Missing paren in 5.2 | |||
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Problem statement |
From G. Ken Holman: A right parenthesis is missing at the end of the last paragraph in section 5.2. | |||
Discussion | It's actually not at the end, but just before the SHOULD. | |||
Resolution |
PE131 | Space or S in XML decl. | |||
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Problem statement |
From G. Ken Holman: I note production [32] restricts the white-space characters in advance of the standalone declaration to be only spaces. I would have expected the S production, and indeed it would seem that Xerces supports the S production and not just spaces. Can you clarify the need for only spaces? | |||
Discussion |
We discussed at one point restricting the whitespace in the XML (and text) declaration to just #x20, but other related productions ([23], [24], [25], [80]) use S. Did we goof on this one? Background: | |||
Resolution |
PE132 | Validity of default attribute values (again) | |||
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Problem statement |
From Dieter Köhler: At 15:41 15.09.2004 -0400, François Yergeau wrote: >Dieter Köhler a écrit : >>In XML 1.0, 3rd ed., sec. 3.3.2 "Attribute Defaults" the case of a >>default attribute not matching an enumaration is not considered. Example: >><!ATTLIST list >> type (bullets|ordered|glossary) "fancy"> >>There exists no VC which forbids this, because the VC Attribute Default >>Value Syntactically Correct requires only that the default value meets >>the "syntactic constraints of the declared attribute type", which is >>Nmtoken in the case of Enumerations. I would suggest adding to prod. >>[60] a VC similar to VC Enumeration of prod [59]. > >Please take a look at erratum E9 to the Second Edition >(, which resulted in the >situation you now see in the Third Edition. In a nutshell, your example >is valid, until a <list> element appears in the instance without a "type" >attribute; the validator then applies the default value "fancy", which is >not valid. The current XML test-suite contains two examples of invalid XML files using default attribute values which do not match an enumeration. These are the test files of ID "attr16" and "ibm-invalid-P60-ibm60i03.xml". This seems to be a strong indication that there exists the expectation that this type of attribute list declarations should be considered illegal. >The argument is that this is required for SGML compatibility and that this >is actually what the makers of XML 1.0 wanted. Please reply if you think >otherwise, but be aware that errata can only fix actual errors in the >spec, not undo what one might consider a bad design decision. Could you clarify what "SGML compatibility" in particular means. My simple understand is that it means: "Every valid XML file is also a valid SGML file". According to this definition, stronger VCs in XML are harmless. Consequently, a VC as suggested by me does not question SGML compatibility in general. | |||
Discussion |
attr16.xml: <!DOCTYPE root [ <!ELEMENT root EMPTY> <!ATTLIST root value (brittannica | worldbook) "encarta" > <!-- tests the "attribute default legal" vc --> ]> <root value="brittannica"/> ibm60i03.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- validity test for Production 60--> <!DOCTYPE test [ <!ELEMENT test ANY> <!ELEMENT a EMPTY> <!ELEMENT b EMPTY> <!ELEMENT attr EMPTY> <!ATTLIST attr value (a|b) "c"> ]> <test> The default value specified for an attribute does not meet the lexical constraints of the declared attribute type. </test> | |||
Resolution |
PE133 | CDATA sections, PIs and Comments in Mixed and ANY content models | |||
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Problem statement |
From Glenn Marcy: As things stand now, the following appear to be the case: >From Section 3, "Validity Constraint: Element Valid" - Mixed and ANY content models do not allow CDATA sections. - ANY content models do not allow PIs or Comments as well. Does anyone else find this surprising? | |||
Resolution |
PE134 | Non-ascii chars in XML/text declaration | |||
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Problem statement |
From Bjoern Hoehrmann: I am unable to find your public response that formally addresses an issue raised by David Carlisle on the XML 1.1 Proposed Recommendation which is publicly archived at which you have apparently rejected (the Recommendation contains the same apparently contradictory text). The relevant text in the Recommendation is: [...] To simplify the tasks of applications, the XML processor MUST behave as if it normalized all line breaks in external parsed entities (including the document entity) on input, before parsing, by translating all of the following to a single #xA character: [...] The characters #x85 and #x2028 cannot be reliably recognized and translated until an entity's encoding declaration (if present) has been read. Therefore, it is a fatal error to use them within the XML declaration or text declaration. [...] I do not understand this either. Please point me to your response to David which will hopefully answer the following questions: * Why is it (in theory) not possible to recognize these characters reliably or (in theory) with less reliability than recognizing any other character such as U+0020? * How can a processor detect this error if it is not possible to recognize the offending characters reliably? * How can a processor detect this error if it is not possible that these characters are present when parsing the XML declaration due to line break normalization? | |||
Resolution | No change to the spec. Respond to the commenter's 3 questions as follows: Q: Why is it (in theory) not possible to recognize these characters reliably or (in theory) with less reliability than recognizing any other character such as U+0020? A: Although it is possible in theory to recognize these characters, it was chosen to forbid them in order to simplify the implementation of Autodetection of Character Encodings along the lines of Appendix E. The sentence "The characters #x85 and #x2028 cannot be reliably recognized and translated until an entity's encoding declaration (if present) has been read." is not strictly true, but since it is not normative (it only explains why #x85 and #x2028 are forbidden) we do not feel compelled to amend the spec. Q: How can a processor detect this error if it is not possible to recognize the offending characters reliably? A: It is certainly possible to recognize those characters reliably after determining the encoding. If the encoding cannot be determined, then the point is moot, the processor cannot continue anyway. Q: How can a processor detect this error if it is not possible that these characters are present when parsing the XML declaration due to line break normalization? A: The statement in 2.11 " is a fatal error to use [U+0085 or U+2028] within the XML declaration or text declaration" creates an obligation for the processor to detect them before performing line break normalization. Yes, this is somewhat ugly since a layer of processing that could be entirely context-free now depends on the state of the parser (is within an XML/text declaration, or not). |
PE135 | When to check entity WFness according to 4.3.2 | |||
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Problem statement |
From Jeff Rafter: > The requirement is that "Each of the parsed entities which is > referenced directly or indirectly within the document is well-formed." > An entity is certainly *declared* in the prolog, but it is not > *referenced* there. It can be referenced there in an attribute value declaration but that is really not the point. I have to agree with Karl, and must admit to being very frustrated by the opaqueness of the recommendation in this area. I have spent three days retrofitting a parser to perform a check that was not necessary-- and I am sure I am not the only person to have done so. > The requirement is that "Each of the parsed entities which is > referenced directly or indirectly within the document is well-formed." Is *far* more clear than "4.3.2 The document entity is well-formed if it matches the production labeled <document>." Which links to: "[1] document ::= prolog element Misc*" If at that point you return to your reading in 4.3.2 you encounter: "An internal general parsed entity is well-formed if its replacement text matches the production labeled content." By then you already missed the boat. You forgot to check what the implications of a wellformed *textual object* is-- which happens to include the <document> production-- but is not referenced anywhere in section 4. I agree that there needs to be some sort of erratum here to clarify things. At worst, I would love to see "well-formed" in "An internal general parsed entity is well-formed" be turned into a link that points to But a clarification sentence of something like: "Internal general parsed entities should only be checked for\ well-formedness if they are <included> or <included in literal>" would help immensely. For most implementers this is a confusing area and can be clarified quite easily. | |||
Resolution |
PE136 | XML 1.1 processors accepting XML 1.0 documents | |||
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Problem statement |
From David Carlisle: I believe there is a slight inconsistency in the specification of the behaviour on 1.0 documents: 2.8 Prolog and Document Type Declaration says: XML 1.1 processors SHOULD accept XML 1.0 documents as well. 5.1 Validating and Non-Validating Processors says: XML 1.1 processors MUST be able to process both XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 documents. SHOULD or MUST? | |||
Resolution |
PE137 | Improper RFC2119 "MAY" | |||
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Problem statement |
From Tim Bray: Section 2.: "XML document MAY in addition be valid if it meets certain further constraints.]" Er, that MAY is not an RFC2119 "MAY", it's just an ordinary English conditional. It's saying that there is another class of XML documents called "valid" defined by meeting extra constraints. -Tim | |||
Resolution |
PE138 | Further fix to E05 | |||
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Problem statement |
From Peter Agricola: This refers to my First Message about this error (Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:00 PM) and to E05 of XML 1.1 Errata (resp. E03 of XML 1.0 Errata): Not only the target location of the link have to be changed, also the value of the 'title' attribute has to be changed, actually to "Unparsed Entity" ! | |||
Resolution |
PE140 | Conflict between Standalone Document Declaration VC in [32] and Entity Declared WFC in [68] | |||
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Problem statement |
From Dieter Köhler: There seem to exist several inconsistancies with regard to Prod. [68] WFC: Entity Declared and the VC: Entity Declared. 1) Prod. [32] VC: Standalone Document Declaration implies that it is a VC if standalone="yes" and entity references (other than to amp, lt, qt, apos, quot) appear in the document which are defined in the external DTD subset, but prod. [68] WFC: Entity Declared implies that it is a WFC instead. | |||
Resolution | It was decided at the March 2006 FTF meeting to say that "we have fiddled this wording enough and we aren't going to fiddle it any more for fear of making it worse." |
PE141 | "external parameter entities" is ambiguous | |||
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Problem statement |
From Dieter Köhler: There seem to exist several inconsistancies with regard to Prod. [68] WFC: Entity Declared and the VC: Entity Declared. [...] 2) Prod. [68] VC: Entity Declared starts: "In a document with an external subset or external parameter entities ..." The term "external parameter entities" is ambiguous, because it can either refer to PE references or PE declarations. Shouldn't it read: "... or references to external parameter entities ..."? | |||
Resolution |
PE142 | Entity Declared WFC in [68] | |||
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Problem statement |
From Dieter Köhler: There seem to exist several inconsistancies with regard to Prod. [68] WFC: Entity Declared and the VC: Entity Declared. [...] 3) The second paragraph of the Prod. [68] WFC: Entity Declared says: "Note that non-validating processors are not obligated to read and process entity declarations occuring in parameter entities or in the external subset; for such documents, the rule that an entity must be declared is a well-formedness constraint only if standalone='yes'. Does this mean that if standalone="no", a missing declaration is always a VC or only if a non-validating processor is used? If it is always a VC the start of the VC: Entity Declared can be changed to "In a document with "standalone='no'", the Name ...". If it depends on the type of the processor used, for clearity the words "for such documents" should in my opinion be replaced by "when a non-validating processor is used on such documents". | |||
Resolution | It was decided at the March 2006 FTF meeting to say that "we have fiddled this wording enough and we aren't going to fiddle it any more for fear of making it worse." |
PE143 | The "No < in Attribute Values" WFC in prods. [41] and [60] | |||
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Problem statement |
From Dieter Köhler: I am wondering why the prod. [41] WFC: "No External Entity References" applies not to default attribute values in attribute declarations while WFC: "No < in Attribute Default" does? See prod. [60] WFC: "No < in Attribute Default", which is silently linked to prod. [41] WFC: "No < in Attribute Default" (shouldn't the reference perhaps be made legible?). In other words: Why is it required to check for '<' in external entities when references to such entities must not appear in actual attribute values? Example: <!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ENTITY bar1 SYSTEM "bar.ent" > <!ELEMENT doc EMPTY > <!ATTLIST doc foo CDATA "&bar1;" > ]> <doc foo="blabla" /> Here, the XML processor must check whether the "bar.ent" file contains a '<' even though a "&bar1;" attribute value would result in any case in a WFC violation. Another line of argument would be the following: Since the above document is wellformed (in case that bar.ent does not contain a '<') although the default attribute value refers to an external entity, and the reference to an external entity comes only into play, when no default attribute value would have been specified like in: <!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ENTITY bar1 SYSTEM "bar.ent" > <!ELEMENT doc EMPTY > <!ATTLIST doc foo CDATA "&bar1;" > ]> <doc /> Why is it then necessary to check for '<' in default attribute values at all, as long as the default value is not actually used? In other words: It would make no difference for the infoset, if prod. [60] WFC: "No < in Attribute Default" would be dropped. | |||
Resolution |
PE144 | Definition of ANY | |||
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Problem statement |
From Dieter Köhler: In prod. [39] VC: Element Valid, paragraph 4, the condition that the types of the child elements of an element of type ANY must have been declared seems to be superfluous, because this condition is also verified when each child element itself is tested for VC: Element Valid. Also note that the other three paragraphs do no contain an equivalent condition. | |||
Discussion |
As is clarified in a follow-up message at, making the suggested change would not change the conditions under which a document is rated valid, so this is editorial. We could accept the suggestion, or add a note (from Tim Bray?) or do nothing. | |||
Resolution | Do nothing. WG members consider that the superfluous text is nevertheless useful and should remain. |
PE145 | Prescriptive keywords in sec. 2.10 and 2.12 | |||
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Problem statement |
From Dieter Köhler: In the third paragraph of sec. 2.10 of the XML 1.0 spec., the word "should" needs to be capitalized: "... white space SHOULD be preserved ..." In sect. 2.12. in the sentence starting with "When available, ...", the words "may" and "should" need to be capitalized. | |||
Resolution | For sec. 2.10, Rejected, as the "should" there is not a SHOULD, it's just a prose "should". In sect. 2.12, that's a note, so language therein cannot be normative, so Rejected. |
PE146 | Extend note on control chars in 2.2 | |||
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Problem statement |
From Jeremy Carroll: Summary, I suggest inserting the text: [#x1-#x8],[#xB-#xC],[#xE-#x1F], immediately before the text [#x7F-#x84], in the note in section 2.2 of XML 1.1 Rec. ======= Long version ....: I am reviewing the rules to do with legal characters in xsd:anyURI. Drilling down drew me to section 2.2 of XML 1.0, which I compared with section 2.2 of XML 1.1 === It seems that there is a substantive change to permit control characters in the range #x1-#x1F in addition to #x9 | #xA | #xD permitted in 1.0. However the note that follows has not been updated to reflect this, it says ... [[ The characters defined in the following ranges are also discouraged. They are either control characters or permanently undefined Unicode characters: [#x7F-#x84], ]] which seems to be the same in both versions, whereas in XML 1.1 presumably the note would be more complete if it included a discouragement to use [#x1-#x8],[#xB-#xC],[#xE-#x1F] Thus, I suggest inserting [#x1-#x8],[#xB-#xC],[#xE-#x1F], at the beginning of the list of discouraged characters in the note. | |||
Resolution | blablabla
PE147 | Conflicting use of "semantic(s)" | |||
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Problem statement |
From Norm Walsh: Mike Kay wrote the following on xml-dev: > The XML specification does not use the term "semantic structure". It uses > the word "semantic" twice: > > (a) to say that it does not constrain the semantics of elements and > attributes, other than those whose names beging with "xml" > > (b) in 3.3.1, to say that the tokenized attributes such as ID, IDREFS "have > varying lexical and semantic constraints". > > These two statements are unfortunately contradictory, ... We probably should be a little more careful. | |||
Resolution |
PE149 | Fix PE141 | |||
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Problem statement |
From Richard Tobin: > We note that the resolution to PE141 has already made > what we believe is an appropriate wording change in this area. I think we misread the erratum at the meeting. It changes In a document with an external subset or external parameter entities ... to In a document with an external subset or external parameter entity references... As I think we agreed at the meeting, it should read In a document with an external subset or parameter entity references... so we need to fix this erratum. It makes no difference whether the parameter entity is external or internal: minimal processors don't have to process it. | |||
Resolution |
Last updated $Date: 2006/04/25 21:16:57 $ by $Author: fyergeau $