F2F meeting: 20-22 April 2015 in Munich
This will be our first face to face meeting which will be hosted by Siemens in Munich, Germany. Monday April 20 will be an open day with invited talks and discussion. This will be followed by the meeting of the Interest Group members along with guests invited as observers.
Interest Group Members are required to register for the meeting with the registration form. If you have any questions please contact Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>.
The venue will be Siemens Forum which is in central Munich:
- Directions (building 4 is the venue): directions as pdf
- Address: Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 20, Building 22, 80333 Munich.
- Maps: google maps
Siemens have kindly offered to provide some recommendations for hotels with a view to encouraging people to stay at the same hotels as an opportunity for informal discussions.
Recommendations of nearby hotels:
Leonardo Boutique Hotel Munich 25 Amalienstrasse, 80333 Munich, BY, Deutschland
Carlton Astoria Fürstenstrasse 12, 80333 Munich, BY, Deutschland
Hotel Antares 20 Amalienstrasse, 80333 Munich, BY, Deutschland
Open Day (Monday, April 20)
The open day is intended to help the Interest Group to gather information of use cases from a broad range of applications domains, as well as to stimulate discussion on current practices and solutions.
- 08:30-09:00 Registration
- 09:00-09:10 Welcome (Siemens)
- 09:10-09:20 Welcome (W3C)
- 09:20-10:50 Talks - Slot 1
- Web of Things Framework, Dave Raggett, W3C
- Internet of Things in the Industrial Environment, Frank Brode, Harting
- Home automation use cases and requirements, Kazuo Kajimoto, Panasonic
- Use cases and pilot projects for the COMPOSE platform, Charalampos Doukas, CREATE-NET
- 10:50-11:00 Demo Pitches
- 11:00-11:30 Coffee & Demos
- 11:30-12:45 Talks - Slot 2
- Towards a Lightweight Standard to Make Things talk Web, Dominique Guinard, Evrythng
- Web of Things architecture and use cases, Soumya Kanti Datta, Institut Telecom
- Securing the Web of Things, Daniel Schreckling, University of Passau
- [WoF Use cases and solutions at FZI, Benedikt Kämpgen, Forschungszentrum Informatik
- 12:45-14:00 Lunch
- 14:00-15:15 Talks - Slot 3
- IETF IoT related standards, and the Thing to Thing Research Group, Carsten Bormann, IRTF
- Semantics for discovery and interoperability of services, Carlos Pedrinaci, The Open University
- IoT platform glue.things - Node-RED as basis for authoring tools, Robert Kleinfeld, FOKUS
- 15:15-16:00 Plenary discussion
- 16:00-16:30 Coffee & Demos
- 16:30-17:00 Wrap-up
Social event: Ayinger brewery
- 18:00 We meet at "Wittelsbacher Platz" https://goo.gl/maps/F5TDG and depart from the subway station "Odeonsplatz" (next station to the meeting venue)
- 18:00-19:00 Public transport to brewer - https://goo.gl/maps/XKS6z
- 19:00-20:30 Guided tour @ Ayinger Privatbrauerei, Münchener Straße 21, 85653 Aying - http://www.ayinger.de/?pid=262
- 20:30 snacks & beer @ Ayinger Bräustüberl, Münchener Str. 2, 85653 Aying - http://www.ayinger-braeustueberl.de/
- Soumya Kanti Datta, Institut Telecom
- wot.js - Web of Things Application Framework for Open Source Hardware - Jonathan Jeon, ETRI
- Edoardo Pignotti, Nominet
- Robert Kleinfeld, Fraunhofer FOKUS, glue.things
- Kensaku Komatsu and Saki Homma, NTT Communications, Telepresence robot control demo via Web RTC
- Radim Zemek, Orange
- Dominique Guinard, Evrythng, latest advances in the EVRYTHNG WoT platform
- Kazuyuki Ashimura & Kensaku Komatsu on behalf of Satoru Takagi, KDDI, mozOpenHard project and its pervasive browsers concept demo and video
Invited guests
- Milan Patel, Huawei
- Yuki Matsuda, CTO, UNI Company
- Charalampos Doukas, CREATE-NET
- Carlos Pedrinaci, The Open University
- Daniel Schreckling, University of Passau
- Henrich Pöhls, University of Passau
- Laurent Tonnelier, mobiLead
- Sebastian Zimmermann, BMW
- Andreas Heinrich, Daimler AG
- Werner Ness, Giesecke & Devrient
- Gisela Meister, Giesecke & Devrient
- Benedikt Kämpgen, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
- Stefan Strigler, Erlang Solutions AB and XMPP Standards Foundation
- Carsten Borman, IRTF (Research arm of the IETF)
- Carsten could talk about IETF standardization for the IoT in general, work of the Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) WG, the proposed Thing-to-Thing Research Group (T2TRG) and its plans, or all of the above.
Interest Group Meeting Agenda
The aim of the IG meeting is to launch task forces and appoint chairs, and to decide upon the frequency of upcoming meetings.
Tuesday 21 April 2015
- Use cases:
- Introduction
- Smart control of washing machine
- Automated shutters
- Public transport info via physical web
- Remote health monitoring system
- Community-based Flood monitoring
- Use case from the Waternomics project, Souleiman Hasan, Edward Curry
- Background of Japanese participants
- Use case for Home automation and architecture
- Easy connection between smartphone and peripheral devices
- Home automation
- Universal discovery and control of smart home devices, Robert Kleinfeld
- Considering Fast Moving Consumer Goods in the Web of Things, Dominique
- Document structure for dissemination of use cases, Johannes
- IoT and WoT
- Breakout sessions slot 1:
Wednesday 22 April 2015
- F2F planning
- Agree on need for mid-year F2F, preference for July 7-9 or else last week in July (Alan Bird took action to find a host)
- A subset of us will also plan to attend meeting at Prague IETF (July 18-19)
- Deliverables:
- Use cases & requirements
- Web of things framework (architecture and relation to other work)
- Security & privacy
- Teleconferences and working practices
- Break out sessions slot2:
- Web of Things Framework + Discovery & Provisioning
- API and Protocol bindings
- Wrap up
- We plan to have a July face to face in North America, most likely in California along with an open day
- We plan to have a joint meeting with the IETF in Prague in mid-July (IETF upcoming meetings)
- We plan to meet in Japan during TPAC 2015 26-30 October 2015
- Some of us may stay on for the IETF meeting in Yokohama, the following week
- We agreed to organise work in a limited numbers of groups and in line with the planned deliverables
- Use cases
- To evaluate if the currently taken approach supports the WoT Framework discussion a first use case document shall be compiled based on the use cases submitted so far
- We decided to make use of a GitHub setup presented by Johannes
- Compilation of initial use case document: Johannes Hund, Souleiman Hasan, Kazuo Kajimoto
- Web of Things Framework
- The group discussed to start the WoT Framework discussion with the three WoT Framework building blocks Thing Description, Scripting API and Protocol Mapping, Discovery
- To enable focused discussions on the building blocks, task forces on these three building blocks have been started with the following moderators
- Thing Description – Sebastian Kaebisch, Dave Ragget
- Scripting API and Protocol mapping - Kazuo Kajimoto, Johannes Hund
- Discovery - Soumya Kanti Datta, Dave Raget
- Further discussion is needed on the scope and whether to split this into several documents
- Provide an outline of the document
- Brainstorm on the initial contents
- Comments and refinements made as contributions to the document
- Include survey of existing IoT platforms and what is needed to integrate them
- Regular teleconferences of these three task forces are planned and will be announced by the task forces
- Security and Privacy
- It was discussed that the Security and Privacy Group contributes to the task force discussion of the WoT Framework building blocks
- Oliver Pfaff will take the task to initiate the group
- Oliver's initial scoping of the work to be done
- Use cases
IG Working mode until the next F2F:
- We agreed that the three WoT Framework building block task forces setup their own telconfs and working modes.
- By that we reduce the telconfs of the WoT IG to once every 4 weeks. Thus the next call is May 19th, We agreed to shift time by 8h, so that we merge to one telconf which is rotating time wise.
- Compilation of an initial use case document based on the submitted use cases by the editors and contributors.
- The security and privacy group contributes to the three WoT Framework building block task forces
We plan to use GitHub for the deliverables. This will be applied for the initial setup of the use case document. We didn't decided yet whether to have one repository per deliverable.
W3C is expecting to switch its teleconference facility over to WebEx in a few weeks time, and this should make it easier to schedule meetings. Meeting materials should be sent to the group list or uploaded to the wiki prior to meetings. This requirement is to ensure that these materials are archived on W3C servers.
Break Out Session Proposals
This is the list from before the meeting:
- Definition session: 1. Towards a common definition of web of things (WoT), 2. How WoT is different from IoT
- Wearable devices and web of things
- Extensions of google physical web project for generic discovery of IoT devices
- Towards a standard proposal for the WoT: REST API guidelines and representation syntax and semantics (contribution from COMPOSE, webofthings.org, EVRYTHNG)
- A session about data models and design patterns for Web things
- Evolution from existing M2M to IoT/WoT (how, why, when?)
- WoT Framework / Taxonomy of Building Blocks
- Solutions enabling web apps to interact with network devices
- WoT interaction with Social Networks Services / Social Media
- Generic approach for local and remote discovery
Use Case contributions
- Smart control of washing machine, Dave Raggett, smart home / home automation / deferred operation
- Electric Vehicle Charging, Joerg Heuer, smart cities / smart grid / advanced distribution / devices adapt supply
- Public transport info via physical web, Wonsuk Lee, smart cities / transportation
- Remote health monitoring system, Claes Nilsson, healthcare
- Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alerts, Wonsuk Lee, smart home / home automation / safety
- Community-based Flood Monitoring, Edoardo Pignotti, smart cities / other utilities / Monitoring water levels for flood warnings
- Home Water Awareness and Conservation, Souleiman Hasan & Edward Curry, smart home / home automation / water usage
- Home Automation Introduction, Kazuyuki Ashimura
- Home Automation, Takuki Kamiya, home automation
- Home Automation, Kazuo Kajimoto, home automation
- Universal discovery and control of smart home devices, Robert Kleinfeld, smart home / home automation / discovery / interactions
- Considering fast moving consumer goods, Dominique Guinard, smart home / retail
- Miscellaneous, Dave Raggett, smart home / travel / fitness / healthcare
- Intelligent Hotel Room, Deborah Dahl, smart buildings / smart homes
- Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Consumer Packaged Goods, Dominique Guinard, cpg / smart homes / track and trace
Proposed Task Forces
- Use cases and requirements across business sector: deliverable IG Report
- Liaison with external organisations - determine which ones we need to work closely with
- Web of Things Framework: deliverable draft Working Group Charter and IG Report
- thing description language e.g. in JSON-LD
- bindings to scripting APIs and protocols
- end user service creation
- discovery - local and remote
- provisioning and maintenance
- ontologies/vocabularies - best practices
- Technology landscape - survey of existing platforms and technologies: deliverable IG Report
- Security & Privacy: deliverable IG Report
- best practices
- access control
- terms & conditions
- requirements for payments
- Business to Consumer
- Smart homes, wearables, fitness and health
- Business to Business
- Smart Cities - transport, smart grid, etc.
- Smart Industry
- WoT Devices
- Technical challenges and issues with new kind of IoT/WoT devices - Wearables, Open Source Hardware
- New kind of interaction model between WoT devices
Which task forces are missing from the above list, and which you would like to lead?
Invited guests:
- Milan Patel, Huawei
- Laurent Tonnelier, mobiLead
- Carsten Borman, IRTF (Research arm of the IETF)
- Stefan Strigler, Erlang Solutions AB and XMPP Standards Foundation
Background Materials
This is a miscellaneous collection of links to materials for discussion
- Introduction to the Web of Things
- WoT Label from COMPOSE and EVRYTHNG presentation
- Web of Things Application Architecture
- Web of Things related publications
- Functional Semantics for WoT Devices
- OWASP IoT Top Ten Project
- Proposals on the IG approach from the JP participants
- a proposal on Simple Web of Thing Architecture model
- IoT Developer Survey 2015