Example for Checkpoint
1.4 - continued

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How do you ensure that your movies or multimedia meet this guideline?

  1. In many cases multimedia projects are created for you by professional studios which already have (or ought to have) the ability to produce the accessible equivalents. When you contract for this type of work, include the accessible alternatives in your core requirements.

  2. If you produce your own multimedia or movie clips, it is likely that you already have the tools on hand to build in your own accessible equivalents. Many standard sound, movie, animation packages (including those from Apple's QuickTime or RealNetworks) can be used to create accessible formats.

At present there are three formats or languages that support the ability to synchronize equivalent alternatives. These are Apple's QuickTime, the W3C's SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) and Microsoft's SAMI. You will need different software to play the different formats, so check the multimedia software page to download what's appropriate. From the multimedia software page, we provide links to examples that demonstrate the synchronization of equivalent alternatives.

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Chuck Letourneau & Geoff Freed

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Copyright © 2000 W3C