Multimedia Software Page

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In order to view the accessible multimedia presentations, you must first download the appropriate software. Your choices are listed below.

  1. QuickTime
    MoviePlayer, which is part of QuickTime 4.0, is necessary to show accessible QuickTime movie clips using either a Macintosh or PC. You can download the free version for either platform or, if you want to take advantage of all of QuickTime's features, pay the extra $29.95 and get the upgrade to QuickTime 4.0 Pro. However, for the purposes of this demonstration, all that's needed is the free version. Once you have it installed read more information about playing the accessible QuickTime clip.

  2. SMIL
    Different SMIL players are available. To view the examples contained in this tutorial, you'll need the G2 Player from RealNetworks. The free version of the software will suffice for our movies. You'll also need WinZip to unzip the SMIL clip prior to playing it. Download and install the G2 on your PC (no Mac version is available yet). Once you have it installed, read more information about playing the accessible SMIL clip.

  3. SAMI
    Microsoft's SAMI format is now available for use, but authoring tools are still being developed. Watch for the release of NCAM's multiformat Media Access Generator (MAGpie) during the fall of 1999, as well as a basic SAMI editor from Microsoft. For the time being, though, download and install Media Player on your PC (no Mac version is available yet). Once you have it installed, you'll be able to play the demo SAMI clips found in these slides (coming soon!). You can read more about SAMI at Microsoft's SAMI information page.

  4. MAGpie
    Although not necessary for viewing movie or audio clips, new software is coming which will make it easier to create accessible multimedia. NCAM's new caption-editing tool, MAGpie, will allow you to output captions in three different formats-- QuickTime, SMIL and SAMI-- from a single caption text file. MAGpie will be made available during the fall of 1999, and will be free for the downloading. Watch this space for updated information or check NCAM's Web Access Project for details. For the time being-- until MAGpie is released-- you can visit the Web Access Project Web site for instructions on writing your own SMIL and QuickTime captions.

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