ACTION-50: Draft a new guideline on the ease of options and configuration of options

Draft a new guideline on the ease of options and configuration of options

Jeanne F Spellman
Due on:
December 10, 2009
Created on:
October 21, 2008
Related emails:
  1. Minutes of UA F2F 21 Oct (from on 2008-10-21)

Related notes:

KF: don't disagree, UA developers should have some flexibility in how they implement the SC
KF will work with Jeanne

Jeanne F Spellman, 21 Oct 2008, 08:22:13

from Minutes:
group talking about 3.2.5 �3.2.5 Configurable Default Rendering: The user has the option to set preferences for which items in an alternative content stack will be rendered by default. (Level AA) @@2.9 in UAAG10@@

Discussion about if this is covered in 3.1.

MH: Why shouldn't this be level a?

<jeanne> +1 for level A for 3.2.5

all agree this should be level a.

more discussion about whether the two items around alternatives should be combined into 1 or not.

kford: Not too concerned about if they are one checkpoint or not but that they appear in the document in order.

<jeanne> resolved: 3.2.5 moved to 3.2.2


JAllan: brought up note about exposing ability to make choices for alternative content. @@New Technique 3.2.5=User agents should expose configuration choices in as highly visible a fashion as is practical such as on a menu entry or dialog settings devoted to accessibility@@.

<jeanne> ACTION: JS to draft a new guideline on the ease of options and configuration of options [recorded in]

Jeanne F Spellman, 29 Oct 2008, 18:35:48


Jeanne F Spellman, 5 Nov 2009, 18:03:59

Talk to Andrew Arch to help us draft it.

Jeanne F Spellman, 5 Nov 2009, 18:05:11


Jeanne F Spellman, 5 Nov 2009, 18:06:24

Display change log.

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