ACTION-136: Update title on UAAG and Techniques Editor's Draft

Update title on UAAG and Techniques Editor's Draft

Jeanne F Spellman
Due on:
January 1, 1970
Created on:
February 13, 2009
Associated Product:
UAAG 2.0 Guidelines
Related emails:
No related emails

Related notes:

from IRC:
[16:11] <shawn> Hi jeanne. working on URIs, I notice that ATAG & UAAG dont have the acronym in their title. /me does some research and see a title correction got lost :( before your time )
[16:11] <shawn> see and
[16:14] <shawn> thread starting at
[16:14] <shawn> as far as I remember, we agreed on:
[16:15] <shawn> Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0
[16:15] <shawn> and
[16:20] <shawn> Techniques for ATAG 2.0 [or maybe with a subtitle: Techniques for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0]

Jeanne F Spellman, 13 Feb 2009, 16:25:47

Draft 11 march

Jeanne F Spellman, 6 Mar 2009, 21:28:01

Display change log.

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