Information about how to participate in the UAWG is available on the Web.
Note. Although this charter is available publicly, some of the links in this document refer to resources that require W3C Member access. This charter is written in accordance with section 6.2.6 of the 4 February 2004 W3C Process Document.
The mission of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (UAWG) is to produce guidelines for the development of accessible user agents: software that retrieves and renders Web content, including text, graphics, sounds, video, images, etc. In particular, the UAWG seeks to support the implementation of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 , and to collect requirements for a subsequent version of User Agent Accessibility Guidelines.
This mission is complementary to the work of other Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) groups within the WAI Technical Activity and the WAI International Program Office Activity. The UAWG is part of the WAI Technical Activity.
The UAWG was first chartered in December 1997 (December 1997 charter). The UAWG was rechartered on 5 November 1999 (November 1999 charter, expired 30 April 2000), rechartered 5 May 2000 (expired October 2001), and rechartered 18 December 2001 (extended through 31 August 2004).
The scope of the UAWG's work under this charter is to:
This Working Group is scheduled to last for 24 months, from 1 January 2005 through 31 December 2006. In January 2008, the duration of this charter was extended to 30 June 2008.
The UAWG has completed work on version 1.0 of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG). The Working Group will continue to work on the following deliverables, which are :
Publish UAAG 1.0 implementation report for HTML
Develop test suite for video and audio formats (SMIL)
The UAWG should ensure consistency where appropriate between the test suites and other WAI deliverables, including the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0", the "Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0," the "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0,"and the "XML Accessibility Guidelines."
WAI Working Groups (e.g., Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group, Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group, and Education and Outreach Working Group) often interact directly. The WAI Coordination Group can help facilitate those discussions.
The Protocols and Formats Working Group (Member-confidential) (PFWG public page also available) is the primary conduit for describing and resolving dependencies between WAI groups and other W3C Working Groups. Consequently, requirements for dependencies between the UAWG and other W3C Working Group's are primarily channeled through the Protocols and Formats Working Group.
The UAWG will interact with the following non-WAI W3C Working Groups via the Protocols and Formats Working Group:
The UAWG is a public Working Group as defined by Section 4.1 of the W3C Process Document. The Working Group maintains a public mailing list at
The Working Group meets biweekly via teleconference, and once or twice per year face-to-face.
The Working Group will make use of the following communication mechanisms:
The primary means of decision-making in the UAWG is consensus. This charter is written in accordance with Section 3.4, Votes of the 5 February 2004 W3C Process Document and includes no voting procedures beyond what the Process Document requires.
The UAWG provides an opportunity to share perspectives on Web accessibility. W3C reminds UAWG participants of their obligation to comply with patent disclosure obligations as set out in Section 6 of the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. While the UAWG does not produce Recommendation-track documents, when UAWG participants review Recommendation-track specifications from Working Groups, the patent disclosure obligations do apply.
Please note that the proceedings of UAWG (mailing list archives, minutes, etc.) are publicly visible.
The UAWG welcomes participation from W3C Member organizations, and also invites experts from disability organizations, accessibility researchers, assistive technology developers, government organizations, and others interested in promoting accessibility in Web-based user agents.
Participants are expected to observe the requirements of the Section of the 4 February 2004 W3C Process Document.
For this Working Group, the following commitment is expected:
Information about how to participate in UAWG is available on the Web.