UAWG Home > 22 Oct 2001
UAAG Implementation Promotion Ideas
This list of promotion ideas for the User Agent
Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 represents a quick brainstorm of ideas (original
draft by Judy Brewer, discussed and edited by UAWG members as part of the
October 22 2001 face-to-face meeting). Some
of the ideas from this list might be selected by UAWG
or EOWG to work on, but this is not a commitment to
do all of these ideas.
Use Media Strategies
bringing up UAAG implementation opportunities in every media interview
making UAAG primary topic of extended interviews e.g. live radio or webcasts
etc wherever possible
encourage browser product rankings in online and hard-copy magizines to include
placing articles in various publications, countries, fields
highlight implementations that are already in place, including highlighting
the ease-of-implementation of some of the features
Develop Supporting Materials
develop a business case specific to
write up a comparability chart between UAAG and US Sec 508
develop talking points for disability organizations interested in promoting
UAAG conformance
develop a vendor question checklist for product selection
Incorporate into Presentations
bringing UAAG up in every presentation
encourage other speakers at presentations to raise it in their own words
prepare an online presentation about the business
case for UAAG
Develop Plug-ins
develop key plug-ins to fill in some gaps
encourage development of plug-ins
promote coordination of plug-in availability through mainstream software
developers (e.g. encourage plug-in developers to coordinate w/ standard SDK
Network with Advocates
ensure that disability leadership has talking points available for promoting
UAAG implementation
set up events with user community interested in promoting UAAG
set up events with Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)
Incorporate in standards & promote harmonization of standards
pursue incorporation into IEEE best practices on web engineering
explore CEN/ISSS reference
request reference to UAAG 1.0 as equivalent facilitation in US Sec 508 technical
implementation notes
pursue more harmonization of Sec 508 Web user agent provisions with UAAG
down the road
get standards associations to point to atag & uaag even where gov'ts
aren't pointing to it
Develop Test Suites
develop test suites
encourage third-party organizations to use test suites
Provide Tech Support
doing in-house tech visits with individual companies, where still needed
for clarity on feature requirements
start series of promotional newsbriefs to user agent developers, with updates
on implementation support materials such as business case as it becomes available
develop a rolling FAQ with replies to implementation questions
provide an individual (or alias with group of experts) to whom developers
can send implementation questions.
last updated $Date: 2001/10/22 19:13:26 $ Judy