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3 December 2014

WAI R&D Symposia » Way-Finding Home » Call for Papers

[Archived] Call for Papers
Accessible Way-Finding Using Web Technologies, Online Symposium 3 December 2014


The W3C WAI Research and Development Working Group (RDWG) invited researchers, practitioners, and users with disabilities to contribute to the online symposium on Accessible Way-Finding using Web Technologies.

  • Symposium date: 3 December 2014
  • Abstract submission date: 20 October 2014

Accepted papers are available on the symposium proceedings page. Authors of accepted papers were invited to participate in the symposium panel.


This online symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, and users with disabilities, to explore new and on-going research and development in accessible way-finding using web technologies. It examines different technologies, applications, concepts, and solutions that help people with disabilities orient themselves, explore, and navigate through the physical world. The goal of this symposium is to explore current state-of-the-art in accessible way-finding, better understand the accessibility needs and preferences of people with disabilities, and explore promising web technologies and developments to provide accessible way-finding.

See the main Accessible Way-Finding Using Web Technologies Symposium page for more on background and scope.

Important Dates

  • 20 October 2014: Deadline for paper submissions
  • 3 November 2014: Author notifications
  • 10 November 2014: Deadline for publication-ready paper
  • 17 November 2014: Registration opens
  • 3 December 2014: Online symposium event, probably 15:00-17:00 UTC

Paper Submission

Paper submission closed on 20 October 2014.

Papers should be extended abstracts of about 1,000 words. We encourage concise contributions that are scientifically sound with appropriate references. Papers should clearly explain the:

  • Problem addressed
  • Relevant background
  • Approach - how was the problem addressed, what methodologies were used, what strategies were pursued to address the problem
  • Challenges - major obstacles or difficulties found during the process or that could be encountered in the way forward
  • Outcomes
  • Future research

Papers must be submitted in the template provided, be valid HTML, and meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

Review Process

Contributions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Each paper will get at least two independent reviews for criteria including relevance, clarity, soundness, and relevance to the symposium. Papers will be accepted based on this criteria and space availability.

Accepted papers will be published online in an attributable form as part of the symposium proceedings.
(For more information, see the FAQ sections RDWG Publications and RDWG Practice for Writership and Credits.)

The Symposium Report will be published under the W3C Document License. Paper authors shall grant W3C a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide right and license to copy, publish, use, and modify the contribution and to distribute the contribution under a BSD License or one with more restrictive terms, as well as a right and license of the same scope to any derivative works prepared by the W3C and based on, or incorporating all or part of the contribution. The Contributor further agrees that any derivative works of this contribution prepared by the W3C shall be solely owned by the W3C.