Tracker summary for Richard Schwerdtfeger

SVG Accessibility Task Force Tracker

Open Actions

There are 6 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-2003 (edit) open Investigate how role=none interacts with other aria- attributes, in other aria specs. Richard Schwerdtfeger 2016-03-01 ISSUE-1003
ACTION-2019 (edit) open Coordinate with html-aam editors regarding correct mapping for <svg> element, in a way consistent with the new graphics role mappings Richard Schwerdtfeger 2016-04-13
ACTION-2021 (edit) open Work role=none/presentation into ARIA spec Richard Schwerdtfeger 2016-04-20
ACTION-1601 (edit) open Take a look at the connector spec. and develop navigation strategy and identify semantic points of interest Richard Schwerdtfeger 2017-03-21 SVG Next
ACTION-1704 (edit) open Add mention of aria-posinset calculation for axis ticks to the svg aam spec Richard Schwerdtfeger 2017-03-21 SVG Next
ACTION-1705 (edit) open Talk with at vendors about how they can present axis structures Richard Schwerdtfeger 2017-03-21 SVG Next

Open Issues

There are 2 open issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-698 (edit) OPEN Elements with "None" Instrinsic Host Language Semantics with ARIA relationship and/or tabindex applied 2015-01-27 SVG Accessibility API Mappings 0
ISSUE-1005 (edit) OPEN Conflicting ARIA semantics must be consistent with ARIA spec. with exceptions 2016-01-18 SVG Accessibility API Mappings 0

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