ISSUE-1003: Does role none/presentation always exclude an element from inclusion in the accessibility tree?

Does role none/presentation always exclude an element from inclusion in the accessibility tree?

SVG Accessibility
Raised by:
Fred Esch
Opened on:
We want a easy way (role none/presentation) for authors to ensure an element is not included in the accessibility tree. Things that appear to conflict: action listeners, presence of global aria properties. If role none/presentation always exclude an element from inclusion in the accessibility tree, we need normative text stating so. Git Issue #136
Related Actions Items:
Related emails:
  1. RE: Next meeting Feb 9, Issues raised by Joanie Diggs and Actions (from on 2016-01-29)
  2. Next meeting Feb 9, Issues raised by Joanie Diggs and Actions (from on 2016-01-27)
  3. svg-a11y-ISSUE-1003: Does role none/presentation always exclude an element from inclusion in the accessibility tree? [SVG Accessibility] (from on 2016-01-15)

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