Input for Agenda Planning for the SVG Accessibility Task Force

This is the view of actions grouped by issues ordered by due dates; see also the view of issues groups by products.

Open issues with open and pending review action items

Only showing action items due before

Grouped by issues
multiple title and desc elements (ISSUE-1006)
 (edit)ACTION-2009 on Fred Esch: Create testable statements with multiple title/desc elements - due 2016-02-09 - pending review
Does role none/presentation always exclude an element from inclusion in the accessibility tree? (ISSUE-1003)
 (edit)ACTION-2003 on Richard Schwerdtfeger: Investigate how role=none interacts with other aria- attributes, in other aria specs. - due 2016-03-01 - open

Action Items Pending Review

There is 1 pending review action.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-2009 (edit) pending review Create testable statements with multiple title/desc elements Fred Esch 2016-02-09 ISSUE-1006

Overdue action items

There are 15 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1601 (edit) open Take a look at the connector spec. and develop navigation strategy and identify semantic points of interest Richard Schwerdtfeger 2017-03-21 SVG Next
ACTION-1704 (edit) open Add mention of aria-posinset calculation for axis ticks to the svg aam spec Richard Schwerdtfeger 2017-03-21 SVG Next
ACTION-1705 (edit) open Talk with at vendors about how they can present axis structures Richard Schwerdtfeger 2017-03-21 SVG Next
ACTION-1753 (edit) open Look at svg in gamepadapi, push api, etc due 20160113 Jason White 2016-01-15 SVG Accessibility
ACTION-2003 (edit) open Investigate how role=none interacts with other aria- attributes, in other aria specs. Richard Schwerdtfeger 2016-03-01 ISSUE-1003
ACTION-2008 (edit) open define authoring practices related to links Doug Schepers 2016-04-06 SVG Accesssible Authoring Practices
ACTION-2019 (edit) open Coordinate with html-aam editors regarding correct mapping for <svg> element, in a way consistent with the new graphics role mappings Richard Schwerdtfeger 2016-04-13
ACTION-2020 (edit) open Follow up with wcag on role=presentation/none and svg title/desc descendents Charles 'chaals' (McCathie) Nevile 2016-05-31
ACTION-2021 (edit) open Work role=none/presentation into ARIA spec Richard Schwerdtfeger 2016-04-20
ACTION-2026 (edit) open Coordinate release of 3 docs with aria 1.1 - talk with mc Fred Esch 2016-06-01
ACTION-2028 (edit) open Review role="presentation", role="non", and non-a11y tree tests due 2016-08-23 Brian McNeily 2016-08-23
ACTION-2029 (edit) open Review tests for acc name due 2016-08-30 LĂ©onie Watson 2016-08-23
ACTION-2030 (edit) open Review acc description and role tests due 2016-08-23 Fred Esch 2016-08-23
ACTION-2031 (edit) open Update the draft. Doug Schepers 2016-11-08
ACTION-2032 (edit) open Reach out to steve faulkner to get test cases copied over to the svg a11y test harness Doug Schepers 2016-11-08

Action items due next week

There are 0 upcoming actions.

Issues discussed over the last week

There are 0 recently discussed issues listed in the system.

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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