ACTION-12: Ensure there is a dependency between the HTML5 specification and the HTML 5 2D Context specification to ensure that the author has the ability to set the visible focus, for <canvas>, to ensure that a magnifier may follow the visual focus. This would be driven by the shadow DOM.

Ensure there is a dependency between the HTML5 specification and the HTML 5 2D Context specification to ensure that the author has the ability to set the visible focus, for <canvas>, to ensure that a magnifier may follow the visual focus. This would be driven by the shadow DOM.

Steve Faulkner
Due on:
January 25, 2010
Created on:
January 18, 2010
Associated Product:
Related emails:
  1. {minutes} HTML5-A11y TF call 2010-07-15 (from on 2010-07-15)
  2. Minutes: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 01 Apr 2010 (from on 2010-04-01)
  3. minutes: HTML5 Accessibility Task Force telecon 2010-03-11 [draft] (from on 2010-03-11)
  4. minute: Canvas Accessibility SubGroup 2010-03-08 [draft] (from on 2010-03-08)
  5. minutes: HTML A11y Task Force call 2010-01-21 [draft] (from on 2010-01-22)

Related notes:

made Steve Faulkner the owner

Richard Schwerdtfeger, 18 Jan 2010, 21:03:09

[MikeSmith]: Steve continues to work on this

21 Jan 2010, 16:24:22

Display change log.

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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