Tracker summary for Joshue O'Connor

Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 17 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-241 (edit) open Update wg techs wiki with general how to info. Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-18
ACTION-242 (edit) open Get working group to clarify the importance of the sc over techniques, the use of failures, how to use the quick ref doc for evaluators. Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-25
ACTION-243 (edit) open Get wcag wg to clarify a11y support Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-25
ACTION-244 (edit) open Clarify how conformance requirements relate with sc and evalution methods. Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-25
ACTION-246 (edit) open Work on codifying the logic used for technique test procedures Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-25
ACTION-247 (edit) open Work with kathy on increasing wg knowledge of how AT and IT work together. Joshue O'Connor 2014-04-01
ACTION-271 (edit) open Work on failures logic reboot Joshue O'Connor 2014-09-10
ACTION-272 (edit) open Ping shadi about the evalwg tool Joshue O'Connor 2014-09-23
ACTION-279 (edit) open Review whether aria1 and aria2 should be made sufficient (currently advisory) Joshue O'Connor 2014-11-01
ACTION-295 (edit) open Follow up with kathy and kim on touch techs being advisory a la g90 Joshue O'Connor 2014-11-11
ACTION-296 (edit) open Ping the cog a11y tf for feedback on Joshue O'Connor 2014-11-11
ACTION-323 (edit) open And andrew to propose overall timeline to drive date planning Joshue O'Connor 2016-06-02
ACTION-327 (edit) open Ping lisa and update her on outcome of the tf facilitator meeting Joshue O'Connor 2016-07-07
ACTION-328 (edit) open Discuss need for definition changes in wcag at editors meet. Joshue O'Connor 2016-07-12
ACTION-329 (edit) open And awk to work out a way to deal with definition changes. Joshue O'Connor 2016-07-12
ACTION-332 (edit) open Look at meaningful sequence may need an update Joshue O'Connor 2016-11-15
ACTION-334 (edit) open Ping sc managers on progress and ask them to attend call Joshue O'Connor 2017-01-19

Open Issues

There are 2 open issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-29 (edit)
SC and Guideline Jumble
OPEN Presentation of Guidelines and Success Criteria in Understanding Docs 2014-07-04 0
ISSUE-37 (edit)
F17 Update test procedure
OPEN Update of test procedure for F17 2014-07-18 0

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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