Tracker summary for Kathleen Wahlbin

Mobile Accessibility Task Force Tracker

Open Actions

There are 8 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-57 (edit) open Draft addition to understanding document 1.3.2 about meaningful sequence for different viewport Kathleen Wahlbin 2017-02-02
ACTION-58 (edit) open Draft understanding addition for 1.3.3 additional hint on location Kathleen Wahlbin 2017-02-02
ACTION-65 (edit) open Do research on accessible hiding to determine what and where we should at about that Kathleen Wahlbin 2017-03-16
ACTION-70 (edit) open See where voice recognition authentication applications are Kathleen Wahlbin 2019-01-31
ACTION-73 (edit) open Finish draft for spacing between touch targets Kathleen Wahlbin 2019-02-28
ACTION-78 (edit) open Draft questions for alaistir on touch target constraints so he can add to working group call on november 5 Kathleen Wahlbin 2019-10-31
ACTION-83 (edit) open Will send a note to alister to let them know we have an example for dragging Kathleen Wahlbin 2020-01-23
ACTION-87 (edit) open Will send out just target size Kathleen Wahlbin 2020-09-24

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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