Accessibility Support for HTML 4.01 on OS X 10.5, Safari 3 and VoiceOver N/A
Ways of using HTML 4.01 that are supported
The following are uses where all results indicate that the use was accessibility supported.
- A used to identify links (H30)
- alt on IMG used as a text alternative (H37)
- alt on INPUT button used as a text alternative (H36)
- alt set to null on IMG used when combined with adjacent links to the same resource (H2)
- alt set to null used to indicate that non-text content should be ignored (H67)
- body of A used to describe the purpose of a link (H30)
- BUTTON type='submit' used to initiate an action (H32)
- BUTTON used to identify a button (H91)
- CAPTION used to associate table captions with data tables (H39)
- FIELDSET and LEGEND used to describe groups of form controls (H71)
- H1-H6 used to identify headings (H42)
- http-equiv on META used to create an instant client-side redirect (H76)
- Indicating required groups of radio buttons or check boxes (H90)
- Indicating required input controls using an asterisk (H90)
- INPUT type=submit used to initiate an action (H32)
- label on OPTION and OPTGROUP used to provide abbreviated labels (H85)
- LABEL used to associate text labels with form controls (H44)
- link text and enclosing LI used to identify the purpose of a link (H77)
- link text and enclosing P used to identify the purpose of a link (H78)
- OPTGROUP and OPTION with SELECT used to indicate groups of related options (H85)
- selected on OPTION used to indicate which option is selected (H85)
- tabindex used to control focus order (H4)
- target=_blank on A used to open a new window (H83)
- TD used to identify a table cell (H51)
- TFOOT used to identify a table footer (H51)
- title on FRAME used to identify a frame (H64)
- title on IFRAME used to identify an iframe (H64)
- type on UL used to indicate bullet style (H48)
- UL used to indicate an unordered list (H48)
Ways of using HTML 4.01 that are not supported
The following are uses where all results indicate that the use was not accessibility supported.
- alt and the body of APPLET used as a text alternative (H35)
- alt on APPLET used as a text alternative (H35)
- axis used to categorize table cells (H51)
- body of APPLET used as a text alternative (H35)
- CITE used to identify a citation or reference to other sources (H49)
- COL used to group together attribute specifications for table columns (H50)
- DEL used to identify deleted text (H49)
- DFN used to identify the defining instance of a word (H49)
- dir used on inline elements to resolve problems with nested directional runs (H56)
- DL used to indicate a definition list (H40)
- EM used to indicate emphasis (H49)
- id and headers on TD used to associate data cells with header cells (H43)
- INS used to indicate inserted text (H49)
- KBD used to indicate text to be entered by the user (H49)
- lang used to identify changes in language (H58)
- link text and enclosing TD and associated table headings used to identify the purpose of a link (H79)
- LINK used to describe relationship of a Web page to a set of Web pages (H59)
- LINK used to provide a link to a glossary (H60)
- longdesc on IFRAME used to describe the contents of an IFRAME (H45)
- longdesc on IMG used to provide a text alternative (H45)
- NOEMBED with EMBED used to provide an alternative for embedded content (H46)
- OL used to group links (H50)
- OL used to indicate an ordered list (H48)
- Q used to identify a short quotation (H49)
- RUBY used to provide information about the pronunciation and meaning of text (H62)
- S used to indicate strike-through text (H49)
- scope on TD used to associate data cells with header cells (H63)
- start on OL used to indicate a starting number in an ordered list (H48)
- STRONG used to indicate strong emphasis (H49)
- SUB used to indicate subscript (H49)
- SUP used to indicate superscript (H49)
- TH used to identify a table header cell (H51)
- title and ABBR used as a text alternative for ASCII art, emoticons, and leetspeak (H86)
- title and ACRONYM used to provide an expansion for an acronym (H28)
- title on DIV used to identify a section
- title on INPUT used to identify form controls (H65)
- title on SPAN used to provide explanations of words or phrases
- title used to provide name for button (H91)
- title used to supplement link text (H33)
- TR used to identify a table row (H51)
- TT used for teletype or monospaced text (H49)
- type on OL used to indicate numbering style (H48)
- UL used to group links (H50)
- Unicode right-to-left and left-to-right marks used to mix text direction inline (H34)
- Using title to provide context-sensitive help (H89)
- value on LI used to reset sequence number (H48)
Ways of using HTML 4.01 that are partially supported
The following are uses where all results indicate that the use was partially supported.
- ADDRESS used to identify author information (H49)
- alt on AREA used as a text alternative (H24)
- BLOCKQUOTE used to identify quotations (H49)
- CODE used to designate a fragment of computer code (H49)
- colspan on TD used to span columns in a cell (H51)
- colspan on TH used to span columns in a cell (H51)
- FRAME used to group content (H70)
- Indicating required input controls in the label (H90)
- lang on HTML used to identify the human language of a Web page (H57)
- link text and preceding heading element used to identify the purpose of a link (H80)
- link text in a nested list combined with parent list item to identify the purpose of a link (H81)
- MAP used to group links (H50)
- tabindex=-1 used to remove items from the tab order
- TABLE used to present tabular information (H51)
- TBODY used to identify the body of a table (H51)
- THEAD used to identify a table header (H51)
- title and ABBR used to provide an expansion for an abbreviation (H28)
- TITLE used to provide a page title (H25)
- title used to provide name for Select element (H91)
- type on LI used to indicate list item style (H48)
Ways of using HTML 4.01 that require additional review
The following are uses where testers reported different results. Additional investigation will be carried out to determine if there is a test error or to document the conditions that led to different results.