Accessibility Support for CSS 2.1 on Windows XP SP3, Internet Explorer 7 and ZoomText 9
Ways of using CSS 2.1 that are supported
The following are uses where all results indicate that the use was accessibility supported.
- display:none used to hide content
- display:none used to hide LABEL elements in form fields
- em units used to allow reflow when browser window is resized (C20)
- em units used to specify font size (C14)
- font-size specified in ems used to allow LABEL and INPUT to be resized (C17)
- letter-spacing used to control spacing within a word (C8)
- line-height used to specify line spacing (C21)
- margin rules used for layout (C18)
- named font sizes used to specify font size (C13)
- not specifying text or background colors for main content (C23)
- padding rules used for layout (C18)
- percent units used to allow reflow when browser window is resized (C20)
- percent values used to specify font size (C12 )
- positioning content offscreen to hide it visually (C7)
- text-align used to control text alignment (C19)
- visibility:hidden used to hide content
- width and height specified in ems used to allow radio buttons and checkboxes to resize (C17)
Ways of using CSS 2.1 that are not supported
The following are uses where all results indicate that the use was not accessibility supported.
- :focus pseudo-class used to change the style when content receives focus (C15)
- :hover and :focus used to change background color (C16)
- content combined with the :before and :after pseudo-elements used to include decorative images
- content combined with the :before and :after pseudo-elements used to include text
Ways of using CSS 2.1 that are partially supported
The following are uses where all results indicate that the use was partially supported.
- background used to include decorative images (C9)
- Background-image used to include decorative images (C9)
Ways of using CSS 2.1 that require additional review
The following are uses where testers reported different results. Additional investigation will be carried out to determine if there is a test error or to document the conditions that led to different results.