This Web page is part of Techniques and Failures for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 and includes only the HTML and XHTML techniques for WCAG 2.0.
HTML and XHTML documents that contain links.
This technique relates to:
This objective of this technique is to avoid unnecessary duplication that occurs when adjacent text and iconic versions of a link are contained in a document.
Many kinds of links have both a text and iconic link adjacent to each other. Often the text and the icon link are rendered in separate links, in part to create a slight visual separation from each other. Visually they appear to be the same link, but they are experienced by many people as two identical links and this can be confusing. To avoid this, some authors omit alternative text from the image, but this would fail Success Criterion 1.1.1 because the text alternative would not serve the same purpose as the graphical link. The preferred method to address this is to put the text and image together in one link, and provide null alternative text on the image to eliminate duplication of text.
Sometimes the text and the icon link are rendered in separate, adjacent table cells to facilitate page layout. Although WCAG 2 does not prohibit the use of layout tables, CSS-based layouts are recommended in order to retain the defined semantic meaning of the HTML table elements and to conform to the coding practice of separating presentation from content. If CSS is used, this technique can be applied to combine the links.
The icon and text are contained in the same a
<a href="products.html"> <img src="icon.gif" alt="" /> Products page </a>
A link contains an icon and text, and the site help refers to the icon. The
has a text alternative which is the name used for the icon in the
site help, which describes clicking the home page icon.
<a href="foo.htm"> <img src="house.gif" alt="home page icon"/> Go to the home page </a>
This example demonstrates a failure to apply this technique. An icon and text link are side by side. The text alternative for the image is the same as the text link beside it, leading to a "stutter" effect as the link is read twice.
<a href="products.html"> <img src="icon.gif" alt="Products page" /> </a> <a href="products.html"> Products page </a>
This example demonstrates a failure to apply this technique. An icon and text link are side by side. In an attempt to remove the "stutter" the text alternative for the image is null. However, now one of the links has an unknown destination, which is its own link text problem.
<a href="products.html"> <img src="icon.gif" alt="" /> </a> <a href="products.html"> Products page </a>
This example demonstrates an incorrect implementation of this technique. The icon and text are contained in the same a element. However, the text alternative for the icon is a duplicate of the link text, leading to a "stutter" effect as the description is read twice.
<a href="products.html"> <img src="products.gif" alt="Products page"/> Products page </a>
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For each a
in the content that contains an img
Check that there is no adjacent a
element that has the same
attribute and the same description
For each a
in the content that is contained in a table:
Check that there is no a
element in an adjacent table cell that has
the same href
attribute and the same description
All checks above are true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to provide a logical tab order when the default tab order does not suffice. Often, G59: Placing the interactive elements in an order that follows sequences and relationships within the content is sufficient and this technique is not necessary. It can be very easy to introduce usability bugs when setting the tab order explicitly.
In some cases, the author may want to specify a tab order that follows relationships in
the content without following the order of the interactive elements in the code. In
these cases, an alternative order can be specified using the tabindex
attribute of the interactive element. The tabindex
is given a value between
0 and 32767.
When the interactive elements are navigated using the tab key, the elements are given
focus in increasing order of the value of their tabindex
Elements that have a tabindex
value higher than zero will receive focus
before elements without a tabindex
or a tabindex
of 0. After
all of the elements with a tabindex higher than 0 have received focus, the rest of the
interactive elements are given focus in the order in which they appear in the Web
A genealogical search form searches for marriage records. The search form includes
several input fields for the bride and the groom. The form is marked up using a data
table that includes the fields of the groom in the first column and the fields of
the bride in the second column. The order in the content is row by row but the
author feels it is more logical to navigate the form column by column. This way, all
the groom's criteria can be filled in before moving on to the bride's criteria. The
attributes of the input fields are used to specify a tab
order that navigates column by column.
<form action="#" method="post"> <table summary="the first column contains the search criteria of the groom, the second column the search criteria of of the bride"> <caption>Search for marriage records</caption> <tr> <th>Search criteria</th> <th>Groom</th> <th>Bride</th> </tr> <tr> <th>First name</th> <td><input type="text" size="30" value="" name="groomfirst" title="First name of the groom" tabindex="1"></td> <td><input type="text" size="30" value="" name="bridefirst" title="First name of the bride" tabindex="4"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Last name</th> <td><input type="text" size="30" value="" name="groomlast" title="Last name of the groom" tabindex="2"></td> <td><input type="text" size="30" value="" name="bridelast" title="Last name of the bride" tabindex="5"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Place of birth</th> <td><input type="text" size="30" value="" name="groombirth" title="Place of birth of the groom" tabindex="3"></td> <td><input type="text" size="30" value="" name="bridebirth" title="Place of birth of the bride" tabindex="6"></td> </tr> </table> </form>
A Web page contains a search field in the upper right corner. The field is given tabindex="1" so that it will occur first in the tab order, even though it is not first in the content order.
values need not be sequential nor must they begin with any
particular value. The values do not have to be unique. Elements that have identical
values are navigated in the order they appear in the
character stream. So in the following example, the tab order would be one, three,
two, four.
<a href="" tabindex="1">one</a> <a href="" tabindex="2">two</a> <a href="" tabindex="1">three</a> <a href="" tabindex="2">four</a>
In sections of the content where the tab order follows the content order, it can be less error prone to give all elements the same tabindex value rather than specifying a different number for each element. Then it is easy to rearrange those elements or add new elements and maintain a logical tab order.
<a href="xxx" tabindex = "1">First link in list</a> <a href="xxx" tabindex = "1">Second link in list</a> <a href="xxx" tabindex = "1">Link that was added long after the original list was created</a> <a href="xxx" tabindex = "1">Third link in list</a> ... <a href="xxx" tabindex = "1">Twentieth link in list</a>
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Check if tabindex
is used
If tabindex
is used, check that the tab order specified by the
attributes follows relationships in the content.
Check #2 is true.
elements of image maps HTML and XHTML Documents that contain area
This technique relates to:
The HTML 4.01 specification explains that the text of the alt
is to be displayed when the element cannot be rendered normally. User Agents will
display the alt
attribute text when images are not displayed. However,
currently, visual User Agents do not display the alt attribute text for area elements
of image maps when accessed by keyboard or when images are not displayed, and may clip
the area elements if the intrinsic size of the image is not used. In addition, the
display of alt attribute text in response to mouse-hover does not display in the font
size or color combination set in the User Agent.
The title
attribute is meant to provide additional information. However,
current implementation in User Agents is access to either the title or alt attribute,
but not both. User Agents generally will display the title
attribute text
when the mouse is placed over the element containing the title
For example, Internet Explorer will display the alt
text on mouse-over if
there is no title
text, Firefox and Opera only display the
text on mouse-over and do not use the alt
text for this purpose. Thus, to ensure the alt attribute text is visible on
mouse-over, the same text should be used on the title attribute.
Therefore, when using image maps, successful implementation of this technique would require either:
Ensuring the area element alt attribute value is displayed in response to attaining focus (including keyboard focus), and that this applies both to situations where images are loaded and not loaded. OR
A redundant mechanism serving the same purpose as the area elements is present in the Web Page.
The objective of this technique is to provide text alternatives that serve the same
purpose as the selectable regions of an image map. An image map is an image divided into
selectable regions defined by area
elements. Each area is a link to another
Web page or another part of the current Web page. The alt
attribute of each
element serves the same purpose as the selectable area of the
This example uses the alt
attribute of the area
to provide text that describes the purpose of the image map areas.
<img src="welcome.gif" usemap="#map1" alt="Areas in the library. Select an area for more information on that area." /> <map id="map1" name="map1"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,30,30" href="reference.html" alt="Reference" /> <area shape="rect" coords="34,34,100,100" href="media.html" alt="Audio visual lab" /> </map>
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For each area
element in an image map:
Check that the area
element has an alt
Check that the text alternative specified by the alt attribute serves the same
purpose as the part of image map image referenced by the area
of the imagemap.
The above checks are true.
This technique relates to:
All HTML and XHTML documents, including those in individual frames in
a frameset, have a title
element in the head
section that
defines in a simple phrase the purpose of the document. This helps users to orient
themselves within the site quickly without having to search for orientation information
in the body of the page.
Note that the (mandatory) title
element, which only appears once in a
document, is different from the title
attribute, which may be applied to
almost every HTML and XHTML element.
This example defines a document's title.
<html xmlns=""> <head> <title>The World Wide Web Consortium</title> </head> <body> ... </body> </html>
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Examine the source code of the HTML or XHTML document and check that a non-empty
element appears in the head
Check that the title
element describes the document.
Checks 1 and 2 are true.
Documents that load media with the object
element, when the media format is
not an accessibility-supported content technology.
This technique relates to:
If object
is used, provide a text
alternative in the content of the element:
This example shows a text alternative for a Java applet using the object
<object classid="java:Press.class" width="500" height="500"> As temperature increases, the molecules in the balloon... </object>
This example takes advantage of the fact the object
elements may be nested
to provide for alternative representations of information.
<object classid="java:Press.class" width="500" height="500"> <object data="Pressure.mpeg" type="video/mpeg"> <object data="Pressure.gif" type="image/gif"> As temperature increases, the molecules in the balloon... </object> </object> </object>
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This technique relates to:
Most graphical user agents render text enclosed within an abbr
element with a dotted line below or surrounding it. In
addition, when the mouse hovers over the element, the expansion is displayed as a tool
In Internet Explorer 6 and below, items marked using the abbr
are not displayed with any additional formatting nor does the expanded version display
as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the item. Future versions are expected to
provide these features for the abbr
JAWS 6.2 and WindowEyes 5.0 support the abbr
and acronym
They can all be set to speak the title attribute when these elements are encountered.
Within a given product the abbr
and acronym
elements are rendered
the same way.
The objective of this technique is to provide expansions or definitions for
abbreviations by using the abbr
and acronym
It is always appropriate to use the abbr
element for any abbreviation,
including acronyms and initialisms. When using HTML and XHTML,
initialisms and acronyms may be marked up using the acronym
element. XHTML
2.0 proposes eliminating the acronym
element in favor of the more general
<p>Sugar is commonly sold in 5 <abbr title="pound">lb.<abbr> bags.</p> <p>Welcome to the <abbr title="World Wide Web">WWW</abbr>!</p>
<p>Tasini <abbr title="and others">et al.</abbr> <abbr title="versus">v.</abbr> The New York Times <abbr title="and others">et al.</abbr> is the landmark lawsuit brought by members of the National Writers Union against ......</p>
<p>The use of <acronym title="Keep It Simple Stupid">KISS</acronym> became popular in ...</p>
<p><acronym title="World Wide Web">WWW</acronym></p>
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Check that an expansion or definition is provided for each abbreviation via
or acronym
Check #1 is true.
HTML and XHTML documents that contain links, (<a href> elements)
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to describe the purpose of a link by providing
descriptive text as the content of the a
element. The description lets a
user distinguish this link from other links in the Web page and helps the user determine
whether to follow the link. The URI of the destination is generally not sufficiently
When an image is the only content of a link, the text alternative for the image describes the unique function of the link.
When the content of a link contains both text and one or more images, if the text is sufficient to describe the purpose of the link, the images may have an empty text alternative. (See H67: Using null alt text and no title attribute on img elements for images that AT should ignore (HTML) .) When the images convey information beyond the purpose of the link, they must also have appropriate alt text.
Describing the purpose of a link in HMTL in the text content of the a
<a href="routes.html"> Current routes at Boulders Climbing Gym </a>
Using the alt
attribute for the img
element to describe
the purpose of a graphical link.
<a href="routes.html"> <img src="topo.gif" alt="Current routes at Boulders Climbing Gym" /> </a>
Using an empty alt attribute when the anchor (a
) element contains text
that describes the purpose of the link in addition to the img
Note that the link text will appear on the page next to the image.
<a href="routes.html"> <img src="topo.gif" alt="" /> Current routes at Boulders Climbing Gym </a>
A link contains an icon and text, and the site help refers to the icon. The
has a text alternative which is the name used for the icon in the
site help, which describes clicking the home page icon.
<a href="foo.htm"> <img src="house.gif" alt="home page icon"/> Go to the home page </a>
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For each link in the content that uses this technique:
Check that text or a text alternative for non-text content is included in the
If an img
element is the only content of the a
check that its text alternative describes the purpose of the link
If the a
element contains one or more img
and the text alternative of the img
element(s) is empty, check that
the text of the link describes the purpose of the link
If the a
element only contains text, check that the text describes
the purpose of the link
The above checks are true.
Content that includes form controls.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to provide a mechanism that allows users to explicitly request changes of context. The intended use of a submit button is to generate an HTTP request that submits data entered in a form, so it is an appropriate control to use for causing a change of context.
This is a basic example of a form with a submit button.
form action="" method="post"><br /> <p>Enter your e-mail address to subscribe to our mailing list.</p><br /> <label for="address">Enter email address:</label><input type="text" id="address" name="address" /> <input type="submit" value="Subscribe" /><br /> </form>
The following example uses a server-side script (specified in the
attribute) that redirects the user to the requested page.
<form action="" method="get"><br /> <p>Navigate the site.</p><br /> <select name="dest"><br /> <option value="/index.html">Home</option/><br /> <option value="/blog/index.html">My blog</option/><br /> <option value="/tutorials/index.html">Tutorials</option/><br /> <option value="/search.html">Search</option/><br /> </select><br /> <input type="submit" value="Go to Page" /><br /> </form>
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Navigational pulldown menus in HTML by Jukka Korpela discusses a few techniques that work or do not work.
Find all forms in the content
For each form, check that it has a submit button (input type="submit")
#2 is true
This technique relates to:
Current user agents and assistive technology provide no feedback to the user
when links have title
attribute content available.
Some graphical user agents will display a tool tip when the mouse hovers above
an anchor element containing a title
attribute. However, current user
agents do not provide access to title
attribute content via the
The tool tip in some common user agents disappears after a short period of time
(approximately 5 seconds). This can cause difficulty accessing title
attribute content for those users who can use a mouse but have fine motor skill
impairment, and may result in difficulties for users who need more time to read
the tool tip.
Current graphical user agents do not provide mechanisms to control the
presentation of title
attribute content. The user cannot resize the
tool tip text or control the foreground and background colors. The placement and
location of the tool tip cannot be controlled by users, causing some screen
magnifier users to be unable to access meaningful portions of the
attribute content because the tool tip cannot be fully
displayed within the viewport.
Some user agents allow access to supplementary information through the context
menu. For example, the keystroke combination Shift+F10 followed by P will display
the title
attribute content, along with other supplementary
information in Mozilla/Firefox.
The HTML 4.01 specification explains that the text of the alt
attribute is to be displayed when the element cannot be rendered normally. Thus,
visual User Agents will display the alt
attribute text when images
are not displayed. The title
attribute is meant to provide additional
information. User Agents generally will display the title
text when the mouse is placed over the element containing the title
attribute. Internet Explorer will display the alt
text on mouse-over
if there is no title
text. The Firefox and Opera browsers only
display the title
text on mouse-over and do not use the
attribute text for this purpose. Thus, if you want the
attribute text visible on mouse-over, also include the text using
the title
Assistive technologies provide different levels of support for speaking the
attribute for an anchor element.
JAWS 7.0 will speak either the link text or the title
for a link depending upon a JAWS setting. This setting can be changed
temporarily or permanently within JAWS. However, it is awkward to read both
the link text and the title
attribute for a link.
WindowEyes 5.5 has a hot key, ins-E, that will speak additional information,
including the title
attribute, for the item with focus.
The objective of this technique is to demonstrate how to use a title
attribute on an anchor element to provide additional text describing a link. The
attribute is used to provide additional information to help clarify
or further describe the purpose of a link. If the supplementary information provided
through the title
attribute is something the user should know before
following the link, such as a warning, then it should be provided in the link text
rather than in the title
<a href="" title="Read more about failed elephant evacuation"> Evacuation Crumbles Under Jumbo load </a>
In HTML 4.01 the target="_blank"
attribute can be used on an anchor
element to indicate that the URI specified by the href attribute will be opened in a
new window. This example shows using the title
attribute of the anchor
element to provide information that the link will be opened in a new window.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="link opens in new window"> Subscribe to email notifications about breaking news </a>
No resources available for this technique.
Examine the source code for anchor elements.
For each anchor element that has a title
attribute, check that the
attribute together with the link text describes the purpose
of the link.
Check #1 is true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to use Unicode right-to-left marks and left-to-right marks to override the HTML bidirectional algorithm when it produces undesirable results. This may be necessary, for instance, when placing neutral characters such as spaces or punctuation between different directional text runs. The concepts used in this technique are described in What you need to know about the bidi algorithm and inline markup.
Unicode right-to-left marks and left-to-right marks can be entered directly or by means of character entities or numeric character references, as shown here.
left-to-right mark: ‎ or ‎ (U+200E)
right-to-left mark: ‏ or ‏ (U+200F)
Due to the bidi algorithm, a source code editor may not display character entities or numeric character references as expected.
This example shows an Arabic phrase in the middle of an English sentence. The exclamation point is part of the Arabic phrase and should appear on its left. Because it is between an Arabic and Latin character and the overall paragraph direction is LTR, the bidirectional algorithm positions the exclamation mark to the right of the Arabic phrase.
The title is "مفتاح معايير الويب!" in Arabic.
Visually-ordered ASCII version (RTL text in uppercase, LTR in lower):
the title is "HCTIWS SDRADNATS BEW!" in arabic.
Inserting a Unicode right-to-left mark in the code immediately after the exclamation mark positions it correctly when you view the displayed text (see below). You can use a character escape or the (invisible) control character to insert the right-to-left mark.
The title is "مفتاح معايير الويب!" in Arabic.
Visually-ordered ASCII version:
the title is "!HCTIWS SDRADNATS BEW" in arabic.
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Examine the source for places where text changes direction.
When text changes direction, check whether neutral characters such as spaces or punctuation occur adjacent to text that is rendered in the non-default direction.
When #2 is true and the HTML bidirectional algorithm would produce the wrong placement of the neutral characters, check whether the neutral characters are followed by Unicode right-to-left or left-to-right marks that cause neutral characters to be placed as part of the preceding characters.
Check #3 is true.
elements HTML and XHTML Documents that load Java applets where applet
is not deprecated.
This technique relates to:
IE 6 for Windows and Firefox 1.5 and Opera 9 on Windows treat alternative text for the applet element differently. IE will display the body text of the applet element and not the alt attribute. Firefox and Opera will display the alt attribute but not the body text.
Provide a text alternative for an applet by using the alt attribute to label an applet and providing the text alternative in the body of the applet element. Both mechanisms are required due to the varying support of the alt attribute and applet body text by user agents.
<applet code="tictactoe.class" width="250" height="250" alt="tic-tac-toe game"> tic-tac-toe game </applet>
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View the source code of the applet element
Check that the applet element contains an alt attribute with a text alternative for the applet
Check that the applet element contains a text alternative for the applet in the body of the applet element
Checks #2 and #3 are true.
Applies to content using image-based submit buttons.
This technique relates to:
For input elements of type 'image', the alt
attribute of the
element is used to provide a functional label. This label indicates
the button's function, but does not attempt to describe the image. The label is
especially important if there are multiple submit buttons on the page that each lead to
different results.
The input
element is used to create many kinds of form controls. Although
the HTML and XHTML DTDs permits the alt
attribute on all of these, it should be used
only on image submit buttons. User agent support for this attribute on other types of
form controls is not well defined, and other mechanisms are used to label these
An input
element with an alt
<form action="">" method="post"> <input type="image" name="submit" src="button.gif" alt="Submit" /> </form>
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For all input elements that have a type attribute value of "image", check for the presence of an alt attribute.
Check that the alt attribute indicates the button's function.
#1 and #2 are true
attributes on img
elementsDocuments that load images, when the image format is not an accessibility-supported content technology.
This technique relates to:
When using the img
element, specify a short text alternative with the
attribute. Note. The value of this attribute is referred to as "alt
When an image contains words that are important to understanding the content, the alt text should include those words. This will allow the alt text to play the same function on the page as the image. Note that it does not necessarily describe the visual characteristics of the image itself but must convey the same meaning as the image. If the text in the image is more than can fit in a short text alternative then it should be described in the short text alternative and a longdesc should be provided as well with the complete text.
An image on a Website provides a link to a free newsletter. The image contains the text "Free newsletter. Get free recipes, news, and more. Learn more." The alt text matches the text in the image.
<img src="newsletter.gif" alt="Free newsletter. Get free recipes, news, and more. Learn more." />
An image on a Web site depicts the floor plan of a building. The image is an image map with each room an interactive map area. The alt text is "The building's floor plan. Select a room for more information about the purpose or content of the room." The instruction to "select a room" indicates that the image is interactive.
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Examine each img
element in the content
Check that each img
element which conveys meaning contains an
If the image contains words that are important to understanding the content, the words are included in the text alternative.
Check #2 is true. If the non-text content contains words that are important to understanding the content, Check #3 is also true.
HTML and XHTML data tables
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to programmatically associate captions for data tables where captions are provided in the presentation. The caption for a table is a table identifier and acts like a title or heading for the table.
The caption
element is the appropriate markup for such text and it ensures
that the table identifier remains associated with the table, including visually (by
default). In addition, using the caption
element allows screen reading software
to navigate directly to the caption for a table if one is present.
The caption
element may be used whether or not the table includes a
attribute. The caption
element identifies the table
whereas the summary
attribute gives an overview of the purpose or explains
how to navigate the table. If both are used, the caption
should not duplicate
information in the summary
Although WCAG 2.0 does not prohibit the use of layout tables, CSS-based layouts are
recommended in order to retain the defined semantic meaning of the HTML and XHTML
elements and to conform to the coding practice of separating
presentation from content. If a table is used for layout, the caption
is not used. The purpose of a layout table is simply to control the placement of
content; the table itself is “transparent" to the user. A caption
would "break"
this transparency by calling attention to the table.
<table> <caption>Schedule for the week of March 6</caption> ...</table>
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HTML 4.01 Table Captions: The CAPTION element
Check for layout tables: determine whether the content has a relationship with other content in both its column and its row.
If “no," the table is a layout table.
If “yes," the table is a data table.
If the table is a layout table, check that the table does not include a
If the table is a data table and it includes a caption
element, check
that the caption
identifies the table
If both a summary
attribute and a caption
element are present
for this data table, check that the summary
does not duplicate the
For layout tables, #2 is true.
For data tables, #3 and #4 are true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to provide the definitions of words or phrases by
presenting them in a definition list. The list is marked up using the dl
element. Within the list, each term is put in a separate dt
element, and
its definition goes in the dd
element directly following it. The
attribute can be used to provide additional information about the
definition list.
Using dl
, dt
, and dd
ensures that relationships
between terms and their definitions are preserved if the presentation format changes and
that the list of terms and definitions is treated as a unit.
Definition lists are easiest to use when the definitions are put in alphabetical order. Definition lists are typically used in a glossary.
A list of definitions of nautical terms used on a Website about sailing.
<dl title="Nautical terms"> <dt>Knot</dt> <dd> <p>A <em>knot</em> is a unit of speed equaling 1 nautical mile per hour (1.15 miles per hour or 1.852 kilometers per hour).</p> </dd> <dt>Port</dt> <dd> <p><em>Port</em> is the nautical term (used on boats and ships) that refers to the left side of a ship, as perceived by a person facing towards the bow (the front of the vessel).</p> </dd> <dt>Starboard</dt> <dd> <p><em>Starboard</em> is the nautical term (used on boats and ships) that refers to the right side of a vessel, as perceived by a person facing towards the bow (the front of the vessel).</p> </dd> </dl>
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For any set of words and their definitions that have the appearance of a list:
Check that the list is contained within a dl
Check that each word defined in the list is contained within a dt
Check that the definition for each word appears in the dd
immediately following the word's dt
element .
All checks above are true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to use HTML and XHTML heading markup to convey the structure of the content. Heading markup can be used to:
distinguish the main content from navigation bars, graphical banners, footers, etc.
show the organization of material within the main content
In HTML and XHTML, heading markup is designed to convey logical hierarchy, and
heading elements include numbers (h1
through h6
). Skipping
levels in the sequence of headings may create the impression that the structure of the
document has not been properly thought through or that specific headings have been
chosen for their visual rendering rather than their meaning. Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) can be used to change the way headings look or sound.
Since headings indicate the start of important sections of content, it is possible for users with assistive technology to jump directly to the appropriate heading and begin reading the content. This significantly speeds interaction for users who would otherwise access the content slowly.
Using headings merely to change the appearance of text does not convey the organization of the content, and may confuse users who use headings to perceive structure or rely on them for navigation. Conversely, while applying bold format, or even "class=heading", can result in the visual display of a heading, assistive technologies will not recognize such text as headings.
In this example, heading markup is used to make the navigation and main content sections perceivable.
<!-- Logo, banner graphic, search form, etc. --> <h2>Navigation</h2> <ul> <li><a href="about.htm">About us</a></li> <li><a href="contact.htm">Contact us</a></li> ... </ul> <h2>All about headings</h2> <!-- Text, images, other material making up the main content... -->
Note that in HTML and XHTML heading elements only mark the beginning of sections; they do not contain them as element content.
<html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Cooking techniques</title> </head> <body> <h1>Cooking techniques</h1> <p> ... some text here ... </p> <h2>Cooking with oil</h2> <p> ... text of the section ... </p> <h2>Cooking with butter</h2> <p> ... text of the section ... </p> </body> </html>
In this example, the main content of the page is in the middle column of a 3-column
page. The title of the main content matches the title of the page, and is marked as
, even though it is not the first thing on the page. The content in
the first and third columns is less important, and marked with h2
<head> <title>Stock Market Up Today</title> </head> <body> <!-- left nav --> <div class="left-nav"> <h2>Site Navigation</h2> <!-- content here --> </div> <!-- main contents --> <div class="main"> <h1>Stock Market up today</h1> <!-- article text here --> </div> <!-- right panel --> <div class="left-nav"> <h2>Related links</h2> <!-- content here --> </div> </body>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Pick a Heading Eric Meyer
Check that heading markup is used when content is a heading.
Check that heading markup is not used when content is not a heading.
Checks #1 and #2 are true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to associate each data cell (in a data table) with
the appropriate headers. This technique adds a headers
attribute to each
data cell (td
element). It also adds an id
attribute to any
cell used as a header for other cells. The headers
attribute of a cell
contains a list of the id
attributes of the associated header cells. If
there is more than one id
, they are separated by spaces.
This technique is used when data cells are associated with more than one row and/or one
column header. This allows screen readers to speak the headers associated with each data
cell when the relationships are too complex to be identified using the th
element alone or the th
element with the scope
Using this technique also makes these complex relationships perceivable when the
presentation format changes.
This technique is not recommended for layout tables since its use implies a relationship between cells that is not meaningful when tables are used for layout.
<table> <tr> <th rowspan="2" id="h">Homework</th> <th colspan="3" id="e">Exams</th> <th colspan="3" id="p">Projects</th> </tr> <tr> <th id="e1" headers="e">1</th> <th id="e2" headers="e">2</th> <th id="ef" headers="e">Final</th> <th id="p1" headers="p">1</th> <th id="p2" headers="p">2</th> <th id="pf" headers="p">Final</th> </tr> <tr> <td headers="h">15%</td> <td headers="e e1">15%</td> <td headers="e e2">15%</td> <td headers="e ef">20%</td> <td headers="p p1">10%</td> <td headers="p p2">10%</td> <td headers="p pf">15%</td> </tr> </table>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
HTML 4.01 header information with data cells
Check for layout tables: determine whether the content has a relationship with other content in both its column and its row. If “no," the table is a layout table. If “yes," the table is a data table.
For data tables, check that any cell that is associated with more than one row
and/or one column header contains a headers
attribute that lists the
for all headers associated with that cell.
For data tables where any cell contains an id
Check that each id
listed in the headers
of the data cell matches the id
attribute of a cell that is used
as a header element
Check that the headers
attribute of a data cell contains the
attribute of all headers associated with the data cell
Check that all ids are unique (that is, no two elements in the page have the same id)
If table is a layout table, no cells contain headers
If table is a data table and any cell contains an id
checks #3.1, #3.2, and #3.3 are true.
If table is a data table and any cell is associated with more than one row and/or one column header, check #2 is true.
HTML and XHTML controls that use external labels
This technique relates to:
The HTML and XHTML specifications allow both implicit and explicit labels. However, some
assistive technologies do not correctly handle implicit labels (for example,
<label>First name <input type="text"
JAWS 7.10 was tested on Windows XP with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Firefox 1.5. It reads the label for explicit and implicit labels for text fields in both virtual PC cursor and forms reading mode. In forms mode it does not read the label for implicit labels on checkboxes and radio fields.
Window-Eyes 5.5 was tested on Windows XP with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Firefox 1.5. It will always speak the label for an explicitly labelled form field. It does not speak the label for the implicitly labelled form control in browse on mode but will speak the implicit label when navigating from control to control in browse off mode.
User agents will display a tool tip when the mouse hovers above an input
element containing a title
attribute. Title attributes are exposed to
assistive technology and are displayed as tooltips in many graphical browsers.
Tooltips can't be opened via the keyboard, so this information may not be available to
sighted keyboard users.
If no label
is available, JAWS and Window-Eyes speak the
attribute when the form control receives focus
JAWS 6.0 and later can be set to speak both label
when the two items are different; however, very few users are
aware of this setting.
WindowEyes 5.5 has a hot key, ins-E, that will display additional information, including the title attribute, for the item with focus.
The objective of this technique is to use the label
element to explicitly
associate a form control with a label. A label
is attached to a specific
form control through the use of the for
attribute. The value of the
attribute must be the same as the value of the id
attribute of the form control.
The id
attribute may have the same value as the name
attribute, but both must be provided, and the id
must be unique in the Web
Note that the label
is positioned after input
elements of
and type="radio"
Note 1: Elements that use explicitly associated labels are:
input type="text"
input type="checkbox"
input type="radio"
input type="file"
input type="password"
Note 2:
The label
element is not used for the following
because labels for these elements are provided via the value attribute (for Submit and
Reset buttons), the alt attribute (for image buttons), or element content itself
Submit and Reset buttons (input type="submit"
or input
Image buttons (input type="image"
Hidden input fields (input type="hidden"
Script buttons (button
elements or <input
The text field in the example below has the explicit label of "First name:". The
element's for
attribute matches the
attribute of the input
<label for="firstname">First name:</label> <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" />
<input type="checkbox" id="markuplang" name="computerskills" checked="checked"> <label for="markuplang">HTML</label>
A small, related group of radio buttons with a clear description and labels for each individual element.
Note: To provide clear associations and instructions for a large set of related radio buttons H71: Providing a description for groups of form controls using fieldset and legend elements , should be considered.
<h1>Donut Selection</h1> <p>Choose the type of donut(s) you would like then select the "purchase donuts" button.</p> <form action="" method="post"> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="flavor" id="choc" value="chocolate" /> <label for="choc">Chocolate</label><br/> <input type="checkbox" name="flavor" id="cream" value="cream"/> <label for="cream">Cream Filled</label><br/> <input type="checkbox" name="flavor" id="honey" value="honey"/> <label for="honey">Honey Glazed</label><br/> <input type="submit" value="Purchase Donuts"/> </p> </form>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
For all input
elements of type text
, file
, for all textareas
and for all
elements in the Web page:
Check that there is a label
element that identifies the purpose of
the control before the input
Check that the for
attribute of the label
matches the id of the input
For all input
elements of type checkbox or radio in the Web page::
Check that there is a label
element that identifies the purpose of
the control after the input
Check that the for
attribute of the label
matches the id
of the input
All checks above are true.
HTML and XHTML documents that include images that cannot be described in a short text alternative.
This technique relates to:
Some older assistive technologies do not support the longdesc
The objective of this technique is to provide information in a file designated by the
attribute when a short text alternative does not adequately convey the function
or information provided in the image. The longdesc
attribute is a URI, the target of
which contains a long description of the non-text content.
<p><img src="chart.gif" alt="a complex chart" longdesc="chartdesc.html"/></p>
Check that a longdesc attribute exists.
Check that the link in the longdesc attribute is valid
Check that the long description describes the original non-text content associated with it.
#1 through #3 are all true
with embed
Documents that load plugins with the embed
This technique relates to:
Note: Although embed
is widely supported in user agents - it is not a valid part
The objective of this technique is to provide alternative content for the
element in a noembed
element. The noembed
is rendered
only if the embed
is not supported. While it can be positioned anywhere on the
page, it is a good idea to include it as a child element of embed
so that it is
clear to assistive technologies that a text alternative is associated with the
element it describes.
<embed src="../movies/" height="60" width="144" autostart="false"> <noembed> <a href="../transcripts/transcript_history_rome.htm">Transcript of "The history of Rome"</a> </noembed> </embed>
<embed src="moviename.swf" width="100" height="80" pluginspage="" /> <noembed> <img alt="Still from Movie" src="moviename.gif" width="100" height="80" /> </noembed>;
No resources available for this technique.
(none currently listed)
Check if embed
element has a child noembed
Check if embed
element has a noembed
element that
immediately follows it.
#1 is true or #2 is true
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to create lists of related items using list elements
appropriate for their purposes. The ol
element is used when the list is
ordered and the ul
element is used when the list is unordered. Definition
lists (dl
) are used to group terms with their definitions. Although the use
of this markup can make lists more readable, not all lists need markup. For instance,
sentences that contain comma-separated lists may not need list markup.
When markup is used that visually formats items as a list but does not indicate the
list relationship, users may have difficulty in navigating the information. An example
of such visual formatting is including asterisks in the content at the beginning of each
list item and using <br>
elements to separate the list items.
Some assistive technologies allow users to navigate from list to list or item to item. Style sheets can be used to change the presentation of the lists while preserving their integrity.
This example uses an ordered list to show the sequence of steps in a process.
<ol> <li>Mix eggs and milk in a bowl.</li> <li>Add salt and pepper.</li> </ol>
This example shows an unordered list of items to buy at the store.
<ul> <li>Milk</li> <li>Eggs</li> <li>Butter</li> </ul>
This example uses a definition list to group a definition with the term that is being defined.
<dl> <dt>blink</dt> <dd>turn on and off between .5 and 3 times per second </dd> </dl>
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(none currently listed)
Check that content that has the visual appearance of a bulleted list is marked as an unordered list
Check that content that has the visual appearance of a numbered list is marked as an ordered list
Check that content is marked as a definition list when terms and their definitions are presented in the form of a list
All the checks above are true.
This technique relates to:
Some semantic elements are not supported well by assistive technologies. JAWS
contains support for blockquote
and cite
. WindowEyes contains
support for blockquote
, q
and cite
Firefox 1.0 (Windows) and higher, Opera 7.54 (Windows) and higher, Mozilla 1.7.3 (Windows) and higher automatically generate quotes around q elements, but Internet Explorer 6 for Windows does not.
The objective of this technique is to demonstrate how semantic markup can be used to mark emphasized or special text so that it can be programmatically determined. Using semantic markup to mark emphasized or special text also provides structure to the document. User agents can then make the structure perceivable to the user, for example using a different visual presentation for different types of structures or by using a different voice or pitch in an auditory presentation.
Most user agents will visually distinguish text that has been identified using semantic markup. Some assistive technologies provide a mechanism for determining the characteristics of content that has been created using proper semantic markup.
See rendered examples of semantic text.
This example shows how to use the em
and strong
to emphasize text. The em
and strong
elements were
designed to indicate structural emphasis that may be rendered in a variety of ways
(font style changes, speech inflection changes, etc.).
...What she <em>really</em> meant to say was, "This is not ok, it is <strong>excellent</strong>"!...
This example shows using the blockquote
element to mark up long
quotations which may require paragraph breaks. It also demonstrates the use of the
element to specify a reference.
<p>The following is an excerpt from the <cite>The Story of my Life</cite> by Helen Keller</p> <blockquote> <p>Even in the days before my teacher came, I used to feel along the square stiff boxwood hedges, and, guided by the sense of smell, would find the first violets and lilies. There, too, after a fit of temper, I went to find comfort and to hide my hot face in the cool leaves and grass.</p> </blockquote>
Here is the use of the q
element to mark up a shorter quotation.
Quotes are provided around the q
element, because many user agents do
not support this element yet and therefore do not display it properly (see UA
notes). CSS rules to suppress automatic generation of quotes are provided for those
user agents that do support the q
element, to prevent them from
generating quotes automatically in addition to the quotes provided by the author,
resulting in double-quoted content. In the future, when the q
is more broadly supported, the need to provide quotes and suppress browser-generated
quotes will go away.
q:before { content: ""; } q:after { content: ""; }
<p>Helen Keller said, "<q>Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything good in the world.</q>"</p>
Superscripts and subscripts are created using the sup
<p>Beth received 1<sup>st</sup> place in the 9<sup>th</sup> grade science competition.</p> <p>The chemical notation for water is H<sub>2</sub>O.</p>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Examine the content for information that is conveyed through variations in presentation of text.
Check that appropriate semantic markup (such as em, strong, cite,
blockquote, quote, sub
, and sup
) have been used to mark the
text that conveys information through variations in text.
Check #2 is true.
This technique relates to:
Current assistive technology does not support navigation by div elements.
The objective of this technique is to demonstrate how to group links into logical sets. When links are grouped into logical sets (for example, in a navigation bar or main menu that appears on every page in a site) they should be marked up as a unit. Navigation bars are usually the first thing someone encounters on a page. People who are sighted are often able to ignore navigation parts and start reading the content of the page. Someone using a screen reader must first listen to the text of each link in the navigation bar before reading the interesting content. There are several ways to mark up content so that a user with a screen reader can jump over the navigation bar and avoid reading all of the links.
Group links via one of the following mechanisms (in descending order of preference):
or ol
In this example the links are grouped using the ul
and li
<a name="categories" id="categories"></a><h2>Product Categories</h2> <ul class="navigation"> <li><p><a href="kitchen.html">Kitchen</a></p></li> <li><p><a href="bedbath.html">Bed & Bath</a></p></li> <li><p><a href="dining.html">Fine Dining</a></p></li> <li><p><a href="lighting.html>Lighting</a></p></li> <li><p><a href="storage.html">Storage</a><li><p> </ulist>
CSS can be used to style the list elements, so this technique can be used with a variety of visual appearances.
Here is a style that removes the list bullets and the left padding that creates the indent and flows the individual list elements horizontally.
ul.navigation { list-style: none; padding: 0; } ul.navigation li { display: inline; }
This style removes the list bullets and the left padding and displays the items in a floating block.
ul.navigation { list-style: none; padding: 0; } ul.navigation li { display: block; float: left; }
In this example the links in a breadcrumb trail are grouped within a div
<div title="Breadcrumb trail" class="breadcrumb"> <a href="home.html">Home</a> : <a href="technology.html">Web Accessibility</a> : <a href="guideline.html">Guidelines</a> : 1.3 </div>
Which will display as Home : Web Accessibility : Guidelines : 1.3
In this example, the map
element groups a set of links, the
attribute identifies it as a navigation bar.
<map title="Navigation Bar"> <p> [<a href="home.html">Home</a>] [<a href="search.html">Search</a>] [<a href="new.html">New and highlighted</a>] [<a href="sitemap.html">Site map</a>] </p> </map>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
(none currently listed)
Examine the content for anchor
elements which are to be grouped together
Check that the anchor elements are grouped using list, div
Check #1 is true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to present tabular information in a way that preserves relationships within the information even when users cannot see the table or the presentation format is changed. Information is considered tabular when logical relationships among text, numbers, images, or other data exist in two dimensions (vertical and horizontal). These relationships are represented in columns and rows, and the columns and rows must be recognizable in order for the logical relationships to be perceived.
Using the table
element with the child elements tr
, and td
makes these relationships perceivable. Techniques
such as inserting tabs to create columns or using the pre
element are
purely visual, and visually implied logical relationships are lost if the user cannot
see the table or the visual presentation is changed.
This example uses markup for a simple data table. The first row shows the days of
the week. Time intervals are shown in the first column. These cells are marked with
the th
element. This identifies the days of the week as column headers
and the time intervals as row headers.
Screen readers speak header information that changes as the user navigates the table. Thus, when screen reader users move to left or right along a row, they will hear the day of the week (the column header) followed by the appointment (if any). They will hear the time interval as they move up or down within the same column.
<table> <tr> <td> </td> <th>Monday</th> <th>Tuesday</th> <th>Wednesday</th> <th>Thursday</th> <th>Friday</th> </tr> <tr> <th>8:00-9:00</th> <td>Meet with Sam</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>9:00-10:00</th> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Doctor Williams</td> <td>Sam again</td> <td>Leave for San Antonio</td> </tr> </table>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
HTML 4.01 Table Element
HTML 4.01 Table rows: The TR element
HTML 4.01 Table cells: The TH and TD elements
Check for the presence of tabular information.
For each occurrence of tabular information:
Check that table markup with at least the elements table
, th
, and td
is used.
All checks above are true.
elementDocuments that load media with the object
This technique relates to:
This technique is not supported well by assistive technologies and cross-browser support is irregular.
The objective of this technique is to provide a text alternative for content rendered using the object element. The body of the object element can be used to provide a complete text alternative for the object or may contain additional non-text content with text alternatives.
<object classid=""> <p>Here is some text that describes the object and its operation.</p> </object>
<object classid=""> <img src="staticlogo.gif" alt="Company Name" /> </object>
<object data="companylogo.gif" type="image/gif"> <p>Company Name</p> </object>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Check that the body of each object
element contains a text alternative
for the object.
#1 is true.
element to identify the defining instance of a wordHTML and XHTML
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to use the dfn
to mark the use of a
word or phrase where it is defined. The dfn
element is used to indicate the
defining instance of the enclosed term. In other words, it marks the occurrence of the
term where the term is defined. Note that it encloses the term, not the definition. This
technique would be used in combination with G112: Using inline definitions to provide the definition.
The following code snippet demonstrates the use of the dfn
<p>The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines require that non-text content has a text alternative. <dfn>Non-text content</dfn> is content that is not a sequence of characters that can be programmatically determined or where the sequence is not expressing something in human language; this includes ASCII Art (which is a pattern of characters), emoticons, leetspeak (which is character substitution), and images representing text .</p>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
HTML 4.01 DFN Element
Identify all words that are defined inline in the text, that is, where the definition occurs in a sentence near an occurrence of the word.
Check that each word that is defined inline is contained in a dfn
Check #2 is true.
attribute on an inline element to resolve problems
with nested directional runsHTML and XHTML
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to identify changes in the text direction of text that includes nested directional runs by providing the dir
attribute on
inline elements. A nested directional run is a run of text that includes mixed directional text, for example, a paragraph in English containing a quoted Hebrew sentence which in turn includes an English phrase. Use of the dir
attribute on an enclosing span
or other inline element may be necessary because the Unicode bidirectional algorithm can produce undesirable results when mixed
directional text contains spaces or punctuation. The concepts used in this technique are described in What you need to know about the bidi algorithm and inline markup.
This example defines the text direction of a nested, mixed-direction phrase, in Hebrew and English, to be right-to-left. Because the whole quote is in Hebrew, and therefore runs right to left, the text "W3C" and the comma should appear to the left of (i.e. after) the Hebrew text, like this:
The title is "פעילות הבינאום, W3C" in Hebrew.
Visually-ordered ASCII version (RTL text in uppercase, LTR in lower):
the title is "w3c ,YTIVITCA NOITAZILANOITANRETNI" in hebrew.
The Unicode bidirection algorithm alone is insufficient to achieve the right result, and leaves the text 'W3C' on the right side of the quote:
The title is "פעילות הבינאום, W3C" in Hebrew.
Visually-ordered ASCII version:
the title is "YTIVITCA NOITAZILANOITANRETNI, w3c" in hebrew.
The following markup will produce the expected result:
<p>The title says "<span lang="he"
dir="rtl">פעילות הבינאום, W3C</span>" in Hebrew.</p>
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Examine the text direction of text in the document
If the text direction is right-to-left, check that for the ancestor element that
has a dir
attribute, the attribute has the value "rtl"
If the text direction is left-to-right, check that there is no ancestor element
with a dir
attribute, or that for the ancestor element that has a
attribute, the attribute has the value "ltr"
Checks #2 and #3 are true for all text.
This technique relates to:
Additional subtags for region, script, variant or other aspects may lead to errors in language switching in older versions of some screenreaders.
JAWS 8.0 can be configured to change language automatically on the basis of the lang attribute. However, it only switches amongst major languages as indicated by the primary code. If a regional language variant is indicated with a language subcode, JAWS will use the default variant for which it is configured.
The objective of this technique is to identify the default language of a document by
providing the lang
and/or xml:lang
attribute on the html
Identifying the language of the document is important for a number of reasons:
It allows braille translation software to substitute control codes for accented characters, and insert control codes necessary to prevent erroneous creation of Grade 2 braille contractions.
Speech synthesizers that support multiple languages will be able to orient and adapt to the pronunciation and syntax that are specific to the language of the page, speaking the text in the appropriate accent with proper pronunciation.
Marking the language can benefit future developments in technology, for example users who are unable to translate between languages themselves will be able to use machines to translate unfamiliar languages.
Marking the language can also assist user agents in providing definitions using a dictionary.
HTML 4.01 uses the lang
attribute of the html
element. XHTML served
as text/html uses the lang
attribute and the xml:lang
attribute of
the html
element, in order to meet the requirements of XHTML and provide
backward compatibility with HTML. XHTML served as application/xhtml+xml uses the
attribute of the html
element. Both the lang
and the xml:lang
attributes can take only one value.
Note 1:
HTML only offers the use of the lang
attribute, while XHTML 1.0 (as a
transitional measure) allows both attributes, and XHTML 1.1 allows only
Note 2: Allowed values for the lang and xml:lang attributes are indicated in the resources referenced below. Language tags use a primary code to indicate the language, and optional subcodes (separated by hyphen characters) to indicate variants of the language. For instance, English is indicated with the primary code "en"; British English and American English can be distinguished by using "en-GB" and "en-US", respectively. Use of the primary code is important for this technique. Use of subcodes is optional but may be helpful in certain circumstances.
This example defines the content of an HTML document to be in the French language.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html lang="fr"> <head> <title>document écrit en français</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> ...document écrit en français... </body> </html>
This example defines the content of an XHTML 1.0 document with content type of
text/html to be in the French language. Both the lang
attributes are specified in order to meet the requirements of
XHTML and provide backward compatibility with HTML.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="fr" xml:lang="fr"> <head> <title>document écrit en français</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> ...document écrit en français... </body> </html>
This example defines the content of an XHTML 1.1 document with content type of
application/xhtml+xml to be in the French language. Only the xml:lang
attribute is specified.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="fr"> <head> <title>document écrit en français</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> ...document écrit en français... </body> </html>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Examine the html
element of the document.
Check that the html
element has a lang
Check that the value of the lang
attribute conforms to BCP 47: Tags for the
Identification of Languages or its successor .
The above checks are all true.
This technique relates to:
Additional subtags for region, script, variant or other aspects may lead to errors in language switching in older versions of some screenreaders.
JAWS 8.0 can be configured to change language automatically on the basis of the lang attribute. However, it only switches amongst major languages as indicated by the primary code. If a regional language variant is indicated with a language subcode, JAWS will use the default variant for which it is configured.
The objective of this technique is to clearly identify any changes in language on a
page by using the lang
or xml:lang
attribute, as appropriate
for the HTML or XHTML version you use.
HTML 4.01 uses the lang
attribute on elements. XHTML served as text/html
uses the lang
attribute and the xml:lang
attribute on
elements, in order to meet the requirements of XHTML and provide backward compatibility
with HTML. XHTML served as application/xhtml+xml uses the xml:lang
attribute on elements.
Note: HTML only offers the use of the lang
attribute, while XHTML 1.0 (as a
transitional measure) allows both attributes, and XHTML 1.1 allows only
Allowed values for the lang and xml:lang attributes are indicated in the resources referenced below. Language tags use a primary code to indicate the language, and optional subcodes (separated by hyphen characters) to indicate variants of the language. For instance, English is indicated with the primary code "en"; British English and American English can be distinguished by using "en-GB" and "en-US", respectively. Use of the primary code is important for this technique. Use of subcodes is optional but may be helpful in certain circumstances.
This example demonstrates the use of the xml:lang
attribute defining a
quote written in German. This snippet could be included by an XHTML 1.1 document
where lang
is not allowed.
<blockquote xml:lang="de"> <p> Da dachte der Herr daran, ihn aus dem Futter zu schaffen, aber der Esel merkte, daß kein guter Wind wehte, lief fort und machte sich auf den Weg nach Bremen: dort, meinte er, könnte er ja Stadtmusikant werden. </p> </blockquote>
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For each element in the document:
Check that the human language of the content of the element is the same as the inherited language for the element as specified in HTML 4.01, Inheritance of language codes
For each lang
attribute in the document:
Check that the value of the lang
attribute conforms to BCP 47: Tags for the
Identification of Languages or its successor
For each xml:lang attribute in the document:
Check that the value of the xml:lang
attribute conforms to BCP 47: Tags for the
Identification of Languages or its successor
All checks above are true.
This technique relates to:
Some user agents provide an optional navigation bar which will display the information specified in the link element. Current versions of the Mozilla and Opera browsers provide this functionality. IE 6.0 and Firefox 1.5 do not offer this feature but it may be available through extensions or add-ons.
See The 'link'-Element in (X)HTML for
more information on browser support for link
The objective of this technique is to describe how the link
element can
provide metadata about the position of an HTML page within a set of Web pages or can
assist in locating content with a set of Web pages. The value of the rel
attributes indicates what type of relation is being described, and the href
attribute provides a link to the document having that relation. Multiple
elements can provide multiple relationships. Several values of
are useful:
Start: Refers to the first document in a collection of documents.
Next: Refers to the next document in a linear sequence of documents.
Prev: Refers to the previous document in an ordered series of documents.
Contents: Refers to a document serving as a table of contents.
Index: Refers to a document providing an index for the current document.
A Web page for Chapter 2 of an on-line book might contain the following links
within the head
<link rel="Contents" href="Contents.html" title="Table of Contents" /> <link rel="Index" href="Index.html" title="Index" /> <link rel="Prev" href="Chapter01.html" title="01. Why Volunteer?" /> <link rel="Next" href="Chapter03.html" title="03. Who Volunteers?" />
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Use <link>s in your document from W3C's Quality Web Tips
LINK - Document Relationship from Web Design Group
For a Web page that is within a sequence or collection of Web pages:
Check that all link
elements pertaining to navigation occur in the
section of the document.
For each link
element in the head
section of the
document which pertains to navigation, check that it contains at least:
a rel
attribute identifying the link type
a valid href
attribute to locate the appropriate resource
All of the checks above are true.
This technique relates to:
Some user agents provide an optional navigation bar which will display the
information specified in the link
element. Current versions of the Mozilla
and Opera browsers provide this functionality. IE 6.0 and Firefox 1.5 do not offer
this feature but it may be available through extensions or add-ons. See The 'link'-Element in (X)HTML for
more information on browser support for the link
The objective of this technique is to provide a mechanism for locating a glossary. When
terms in the content are defined on a separate glossary page, the glossary is referenced
using a link
element in the head
element of the document that
uses the glossary. The rel
attribute of the link
element is
set to "glossary", and the href
attribute contains the URI of the glossary
page. User agents can then assist users in accessing the glossary quickly and
<link rel="glossary" href="">
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Use <link>s in your document from W3C's Quality Web Tips
LINK - Document Relationship from Web Design Group
(none currently listed)
For any set of words and their definitions that are meant to serve as a glossary:
Check that the head
section of the Web page that contains words,
phrases or abbreviations defined in a glossary contains a link
Check that the link
element has attribute
Check that the href
attribute of the link
refers to the glossary page.
All checks above are true.
Note: The definition of abbreviation used in WCAG is : "shortened form of a word, phrase, or name where the original expansion has not been rejected by the organization that it refers to and where the abbreviation has not become part of the language."
This technique relates to:
Ruby markup includes the
element as a fallback mechanism for user agents that do not
support XHTML 1.1. Although ruby markup is only defined in XHTML 1.1, IE 5.0 and later
supports the ruby
, rt
, and rp
elements even if they are
used in HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0.
The objective of this technique is to use ruby annotation to provide information about the pronunciation and meaning of a run of text where meaning is determined by pronunciation.
There are many languages in which a run of text may mean different things depending on how the text is pronounced. This is common in East Asian languages as well as Hebrew, Arabic, and other languages; it also occurs in English and other Western European languages.
Ruby Annotation allows the author to annotate a "base text," providing a guide to pronunciation and, in some cases, a definition as well. Ruby is commonly used for text in Japanese and other East Asian languages. Ruby Annotation is defined as a module for XHTML 1.1.
There are two types of Ruby markup: simple and complex. Simple Ruby markup applies to a
run of text such as a complete word or phrase. This is known as the "base" text
element). The Ruby annotation that indicates how to pronounce the term (the
element, or Ruby text) is shown in a smaller font. (The term "Ruby" is
derived from a small font used for this purpose in printed texts.) The Ruby text is
usually rendered above or immediately before the base text, that is, immediately above
horizontal text or immediately to the right of vertical text. Sometimes Japanese uses
Ruby to provide the meaning of text on the other side of the base text (visually) from
the phonetic annotation. Simple Ruby markup also provides a "fallback" option for user
agents that do not support Ruby markup (that is, user agents that do not support XHTML
Complex Ruby markup makes it possible to divide the base text into smaller units, each of which may be associated with a separate Ruby annotation. Complex Ruby markup does not support the fallback option.
Ruby annotation is uncommon in languages such as Hebrew, where Unicode fonts can include diacritical marks that convey pronunciation. It is also uncommon in English and European languages.
Note: The primary reason for indicating pronunciation through Ruby or any other means is to make the content accessible to people with disabilities who could read and understand the language of the content if information about pronunciation were provided. It is not necessary to provide information about pronunciation for use by people who are not familiar with the language of the content.
This example uses Ruby annotation to give the pronunciation of the initialism
(acronym) formed by the first letters of the words Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines. The letters WCAG are the base (the rb element), and the pronunciation
information is shown by the Ruby text (the rt element). The Ruby parenthesis element
is used for user agents that do not support Ruby annotations to
indicate that the text in the rt
element provides the pronunciation
information. The pronunciation information is rendered in parentheses immediately
following the base text. (User agents that support Ruby do not show the
<p>When we talk about these guidelines, we often just call them <ruby> <rb>WCAG</rb> <rp>(</rp> <rt>Wuh-KAG</rt> <rp>)</rp> </ruby>. </p>
The following is an example in Japanese. For Japanese, the Ruby is used to give
the reading of Han characters(Kanji). the Ruby parenthesis element rp
used for user agents that do not support Ruby annotations to indicate that the text
in the rt
element provides the pronunciation information. The pronunciation
information is rendered in parentheses immediately following the base text. (User
agents that support Ruby do not show the parentheses.)
<p> <ruby> <rb>慶應大学</rb> <rp>(</rp> <rt>けいおうだいがく</rt> <rp>)</rp> </ruby> </p>
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For each run of text where a Ruby annotation is used to provide pronunciation information:
Check that a rt
element contains pronunciation information for each
run of text defined by the rb
If simple Ruby markup is used, check that the rp
element is present
to indicate to user agents that do not support Ruby annotations that the text in
the rt element provides the pronunciation information. .
Checks #1 and #2 are true.
This technique relates to:
The row
and col
values of the scope
attribute are
currently supported to a large extent by most current versions of JAWS. However, there
are still some problems and WindowEyes support for scope
is inconsistent.
The same is true for Japanese versions of these screen readers. Versions of JAWS prior
to version 5 and older versions of WindowsEyes have inconsistent support for
At the current time, those who want to ensure consistent support across Assistive
Technologies for tables where the headers are not in the first row/column may want to
use the technique for complex tables H43: Using id and headers attributes to associate data cells with header cells in
data tables. For simple tables that have
headers in the first column or row we recommend the use of the th
The objective of this technique is to associate header cells with data cells using the
attribute. The scope
attribute may be used to clarify
the scope of any cell used as a header. The scope identifies whether the cell is a
header for a row, column, or group of rows or columns. The values row
, rowgroup
, and colgroup
identify these
possible scopes respectively.
For simple data tables where the header is not in the first row or column, like the one in Example 1, this technique can be used. Based on screen reader support today, its use is suggested in two situations both relating to simple tables: :
data cells marked up with td
that also function as row header or column
header cells marked up with td
instead of th
. Sometimes, authors
use this to avoid the display characteristics associated with th
and also
do not choose to use CSS to control the display for th
Note: For simple tables that have the headers in the first row or column then it is sufficient to simply use the TH elements without scope.
Note: For complex tables use ids and headers as in H43: Using id and headers attributes to associate data cells with header cells in data tables.
In the following example, column #1 contains serial numbers for rows in the table
and the second column contains the key value for the row. The cells in the second
column may then use scope="row"
. The cells in the first row too are
marked up with td
and use scope="col"
<table border="1"> <caption>Contact Information</caption> <tr> <td></td> <td scope="col">Name</td> <td scope="col">Phone#</td> <td scope="col">Fax#</td> <td scope="col">City</td> </tr><tr> <td>1.</td> <td scope="row">Joel Garner</td> <td>412-212-5421</td> <td>412-212-5400</td> <td>Pittsburgh</td> </tr><tr> <td>2.</td> <td scope="row">Clive Lloyd</td> <td>410-306-1420</td> <td>410-306-5400</td> <td>Baltimore</td> </tr><tr> <td>3.</td> <td scope="row">Gordon Greenidge</td> <td>281-564-6720</td> <td>281-511-6600</td> <td>Houston</td> </tr> </table>
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For each data table:
Check that all th
elements have a scope
Check that all td
elements that act as headers for other elements
have a scope
Check that all scope
attributes have the value row
, rowgroup
, or colgroup
All checks above are true.
HTML and XHTML documents that use frames or iframes
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to demonstrate the use of the title
attribute of the frame
or iframe
element to describe the contents
of each frame. This provides a label for the frame so users can determine which frame to
enter and explore in detail. It does not label the individual page (frame) or inline
frame (iframe) in the frameset.
Note that the title
attribute labels frames, and is different from the
element which labels documents. Both should be provided, since the
first facilitates navigation among frames and the second clarifies the user's current
The title
attribute is not interchangeable with the name
attribute. The title
labels the frame for users; the name
labels it for scripting and window targeting. The name
is not presented to
the user, only the title
This example shows how to use the title
attribute with
to describe the frames containing the navigation bar and the
<html xmlns=""> <head> <title>A simple frameset document</title> </head> <frameset cols="10%, 90%"> <frame src="nav.html" title="Main menu" /> <frame src="doc.html" title="Documents" /> <noframes> <body> <a href="lib.html" title="Library link">Select to go to the electronic library</a> </body> </noframes> </frameset> </html>
This example shows how to use the title attribute with iframe
describe the contents of an inline frame. The example also includes an alternative
link to the page included by the iframe element for older browsers, which may not
understand the iframe
<html xmlns=""> <head> <title>A document using iframe</title> </head> ... <iframe src="banner-ad.html" id="testiframe" name="testiframe" title="Advertisement"> <a href="banner-ad.html">Advertisement</a> </iframe> ... </html>
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Check each frame and iframe element in the HTML or XHTML source code for the presence of a title attribute.
Check that the title attribute contains text that identifies the frame.
Checks #1 and #2 are true.
HTML and XHTML form controls that are not identified using value
, or element content
This technique relates to:
User agents will display a tool tip when the mouse hovers above an
element containing a title
If no label
is available, JAWS and Window-Eyes speak the
attribute when the form control receives focus
JAWS 6.0 and later can be set to speak both label
when the two items are different; however, very few users
are aware of this setting.
WindowEyes 5.5 has a hot key, ins-E, that will display additional information, including the title attribute, for the item with focus.
The objective of this technique is to use the title
attribute to label
form controls when the visual design cannot accommodate the label (for example, if there
is no text on the screen that can be identified as a label) or where it might be
confusing to display a label. User agents, including assistive technology, can speak the
A search form uses a pulldown menu to limit the scope of the search. The pulldown
menu is immediately adjacent to the text field used to enter the search term. The
relationship between the search field and the pulldown menu is clear to users who
can see the visual design, which does not have room for a visible label. The
attribute is used to identify the select
menu. The
attribute can be spoken by screen readers or displayed as a
tool tip for people using screen magnifiers.
<label for="searchTerm">Search for:</label> <input id="searchTerm" type="text" size="30" value="" name="searchTerm"> <select title="Search in" id="scope"> … </select>
A Web page contains controls for entering a phone number in the United States, with three fields for area code, exchange, and last four digits.
<fieldset><legend>Phone number</legend> <input id="areaCode" name="areaCode" title="Area Code" type="text" size="3" value="" > <input id="exchange" name="exchange" title="First three digits of phone number" type="text" size="3" value="" > <input id="lastDigits" name="lastDigits" title="Last four digits of phone number" type="text" size="4" value="" > </fieldset>
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HTML 4.01 The title attribute
Identify each form control that is not associated with a label
Check that the control has a title
Check that the title
attribute identifies the purpose of the
All checks above are true.
HTML and XHTML documents that load images.
This technique relates to:
The purpose of this technique is to show how images can be marked so that they can be ignored by Assistive Technology.
If no title attribute is used, and the alt text is set to null (i.e.
) it indicates to assistive technology that the image can be safely
Note: Although alt=" "
is also valid, alt=""
is recommended.
Note: Have a "null" ALT attribute is not the same as having no ALT attribute.
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'Null alt text' in WebAIM's 'Creating Accessible Images' also shows how to do this in Dreamweaver.
(none currently listed)
For each image that should be ignored.
Check that title
attribute is either absent or empty.
Check that alt
attribute is present and empty or contains only
whitespace (but not
#1 and #2 are true
This technique relates to:
JAWS and WindowEyes all provide navigation via headings and provide information about the level of the heading. The Opera browser provides a mechanism to navigate by headings. Additional plugins support navigation by headings in other user agents.
The objective of this technique is to use section headings to convey the structure of the content. Heading markup can be used:
to indicate start of main content
to mark up section headings within the main content area
to demarcate different navigational sections like top or main navigation, left or secondary navigation and footer navigation
to markup images (containing text) which have the appearance of headings visually.
In some technologies, headings are designed to convey logical hierarchy. Skipping levels in the sequence of headings may create the impression that the structure of the document has not been properly thought through or that specific headings have been chosen for their visual rendering rather than their meaning. Authors are encouraged to nest headings hierarchically.
Since headings indicate the start of important sections of content, it is possible for users with assistive technology to jump directly to the appropriate heading and begin reading the content. This significantly speeds interaction for users who would otherwise access the content slowly.
In technologies that support Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), styling can be used to change the way headings look or sound. It is even possible to style headings using CSS so that they are exposed to assistive technology but are hidden from view visually. However, showing the headings visually benefits a wider set of users, including those with some cognitive disabilities.
This example organizes the sections of a search page by marking each section
heading using h2
<h1>Search Technical Periodicals</h1> <h2>Search</h2> <form action="search.php"> <p><label for="searchInput">Enter search topic: </label> <input type="text" size="30" id="searchInput"> <input type="submit" value="Go"></p> </form> <h2>Available Periodicals</h2> <div class="jlinks"> <a href="">Professional Coder</a> | <a href="">Algorithms</a> | <a href="">Journal of Software Engineering</a> </div> <h2>Search Results</h2> ... search results are returned in this section ...
In this example, heading markup is used to make the navigation and main content sections perceivable.
<!-- Logo, banner graphic, search form, etc. --> <h2>Navigation</h2> <ul> <li><a href="about.htm">About us</a></li> <li><a href="contact.htm">Contact us</a></li> ... </ul> <h2>All about headings</h2> <!-- Text, images, other material making up the main content... -->
Note that in HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.x, heading elements only mark the beginning of sections; they do not contain them as element content.
<html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Cooking techniques</title> </head> <body> <h1>Cooking techniques</h1> <p> ... some text here ... </p> <h2>Cooking with oil</h2> <p> ... text of the section ... </p> <h2>Cooking with butter</h2> <p> ... text of the section ... </p> </body> </html>
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Pick a Heading Eric Meyer
For all content which is divided into separate sections,
Check that each section starts with a heading.
Check #1 is true.
HTML and XHTML documents that use frames
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to demonstrate how framesets can be used to group blocks of repeated material. Since most user agents and assistive technology provide a way to navigate from frame to frame, using frames to organize elements can provide a mechanism for easily bypassing blocks of repeated content. If the site uses framesets, organize the blocks of content into separate frames. Make certain that the repeated blocks of content appear in the same frame within the frameset of each Web page. In addition, each frame element must have a title attribute to describe the content of the frame. When frames are properly titled, users can use frame navigation to easily navigate between blocks of content.
This technique is appropriate when framesets are already used to organize the content of the page; other techniques are preferred for pages that are not already using framesets, because many people using assistive technology have trouble with frames . An advisory technique about using noframes is available in Success Criterion 4.2.1.
The following example shows the use of two frames to organize content. The source of the first frame is the Web page, navigation.html, which contains the HTML for the navigation. This frame has a title attribute which identifies it as a navigation bar. The second frame contains the main content of the site as indicated by the source parameter of main.html and the title attribute, "Main News Content" which identifies its function.
<frameset cols="20%, *"> <frame src="navigation.html" name="navbar" title="Navigation Bar" /> <frame src="main.html" name="maincontent" title="Main News Content" /> <noframes> <p>View <a href="noframe.html">no frame version</a>.</p> </noframes> </frameset>
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HTML 4.01 The FRAMESET element
HTML 4.01 The FRAME element
If the Web page uses frames to organize content:
Check if repeated blocks of content are organized into separate frames.
Check that the frames with repeated content appear in the same location within each frameset.
Checks #1 and #2 are true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to associate a description (such as a prompt or
question) with a related group of radio buttons or checkboxes using the
and legend
elements. Generally, a set of radio buttons or
checkboxes is related when they share the same value for the name
Using fieldset
and legend
to associate a description with a group of
form controls creates a programmatic association between the description and the group
of form controls. This makes it possible for people using screen readers to hear the
description as well as the available responses.
When a small group of related radio buttons includes clear instructions and distinct selections it may not be necessary to use fieldsets and legends; H44: Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls, may also be sufficient.
This example shows a test item with one question and five possible answers. Each
answer is represented by a radio button (input type="radio"
). The radio
buttons are contained within a fieldset
. The test question is tagged
with the legend
<fieldset> <legend>The play <cite>Hamlet</cite> was written by:</legend> <input type="radio" id="shakesp" name="hamlet" checked="checked" value="a"> <label for="shakesp">William Shakespeare</label><br /> <input type="radio" id="kipling" name="hamlet" value="b"> <label for="kipling">Rudyard Kipling</label><br /> <input type="radio" id="gbshaw" name="hamlet" value="c"> <label for="gbshaw">George Bernard Shaw</label><br /> <input type="radio" id="hem" name="hamlet" value="d"> <label for="hem">Ernest Hemingway</label><br /> <input type="radio" id="dickens" name="hamlet" value="e"> <label for="dickens">Charles Dickens</label> </fieldset>
The User Profile page for a Web site allows users to indicate their interests by
selecting multiple checkboxes. Each checkbox (input type="checkbox"
has a label
. The checkboxes are contained within a
, and the legend
element contains the prompt for
the entire group of checkboxes.
<fieldset> <legend>I am interested in the following (check all that apply):</legend> <input type="checkbox" id="photo" name="interests" value="ph"> <label for="photo">Photography</label><br /> <input type="checkbox" id="watercol" name="interests" checked="checked" value="wa"> <label for="watercol">Watercolor</label><br /> <input type="checkbox" id="acrylic" name="interests" checked="checked" value="ac"> <label for="acrylic">Acrylic</label> … </fieldset>
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HTML 4.01 Checkboxes
Check that any group of input
elements of type="radio"
or type="checkbox"
with the same name
attribute is
contained within a fieldset
Check that each fieldset
has a legend
Checks #1 and #2 are true.
HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.x
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to provide a brief overview of how data has been organized into a table or a brief explanation of how to navigate the table. The summary
attribute of the table
element makes this information available to people who use screen readers; the information is not displayed visually.
The summary
is useful when the table has a complex structure (for example,
when there are several sets of row or column headers, or when there are multiple groups
of columns or rows). The summary
may also be helpful for simple data tables
that contain many columns or rows of data.
The summary
attribute may be used whether or not the table includes a
element. If both are used, the summary
should not
duplicate the caption
Although WCAG 2 does not prohibit the use of layout tables, CSS-based layouts are
recommended in order to retain the defined semantic meaning of the HTML table
elements and to conform to the coding practice of separating presentation from content.
However, if a layout table is used, then the summary
attribute is not used or
is null. The purpose of a layout table is simply to control the placement of content;
the table itself is “transparent" to the user. A summary
would “break" this
transparency by calling attention to the table. A null summary
) on layout tables is acceptable.
This example shows a bus schedule. The route number and direction are included in
the summary
along with information on how to use the schedule.
<table summary="Schedule for Route 7 going downtown. Service begins at 4:00 AM and ends at midnight. Intersections are listed in the top row. Find the intersection closest to your starting point or destination, then read down that column to find out what time the bus leaves that intersection."> <tr> <th scope="col">State & First</th> <th scope="col">State & Sixth</th> <th scope="col">State & Fifteenth</th> <th scope="col">Fifteenth & Morrison</th> </tr> <td>4:00</td> <td>4:05</td> <td>4:11</td> <td>4:19</td> </tr> … </table>
In this example both a summary
attribute and a caption
element are used. The caption
identifies the bus route. The
helps users who are blind understand how to use the schedule.
Screen readers read the caption
, followed by the
<table summary="Intersections are listed in row 1. Find the intersection closest to your starting point or destination, then read down that column to find out what time the bus leaves that intersection. Service begins at 4:00 AM and ends at midnight."> <caption>Route 7 Downtown (Weekdays)</caption> … </table>
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HTML 4.01 summary attribute
Check for layout tables: determine whether the content has a relationship with other content in both its column and its row.
If “no," the table is a layout table.
If “yes," the table is a data table.
If the table is a layout table, check that the summary
attribute is
not present or summary
attribute is null.
If the table is a data table and a summary
is present, check that the
attribute describes the table's organization or explains how
to use the table
If both a summary
attribute and a caption
element are present
for this data table, check that the summary
does not duplicate the
For layout tables, #2 is true.
For data tables, #3 and #4 are true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to avoid key errors that are known to cause problems for assistive technologies when they are trying to parse content which involve having opening and closing tags that are not used according to specification. These errors can be avoided by using the HTML or XHTML mechanism to specify the technology and technology version, and making sure the Web page does not have these types of errors in it. There are several validators that the developer can use: validation reports generally mention these types of errors. This technique deals only with errors related to incorrectly formed opening and closing tags. The document type declaration is not strictly necessary for this type of evaluation, but specifying the document type declaration makes it easier to use a validator.
HTML pages include a document type declaration (sometimes referred to as
statement). The developer can use offline or online
validators (see Resources below) to check that all id attribute values are unique
and that opening and closing tags are used according to the specification.
Like other other XML-based documents, XHTML documents reference a Document Type Definition (DTD) or other type of XML schema. The developer can use online or offline validators (including validation tools built into editors) to check that opening and closing tags are used according to the specification.
When a Website generates HTML or XHTML dynamically instead of serving only static pages, a developer can use XHTMLUnit, XML Test Suite or a similar framework to test the generated XHTML code.
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Do not forget to add a doctype by the W3C Quality Assurance Initiative explains what doctypes are and why you should use them.
Recommended DTDs to use in your Web document by the W3C Quality Assurance Initiative is a list of commonly used declarations.
How do I validate my code or check for possible errors? describes the tools in the free editor HTML-Kit for checking HTML, CSS and XML.
For other resources, see G134: Validating Web pages.
(none currently listed)
Check that there are closing tags for all elements with required closing tags.
Check that there are no closing tags for all elements where closing tags are forbidden.
Check that opening and closing tags for all elements are correctly nested.
Steps 1, 2, and 3 are true.
Any XML-based markup languages.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to avoid key errors that are known to cause problems for assistive technologies when they are trying to parse contents. Well-formedness is checked by parsing the document with a conforming XML parserand checking if the validation report mentions well-formedness errors. Every conforming XML parser is required to check well-formedness and stop normal processing when a well-formedness error is found (a conforming XML parser does not need to support validation).
XML files include a document type declaration, a xsi:schemaLocation attribute or other type of reference to a schema. The developer can use off-line or online validators, an XML editor or an IDE with XML support (see Resources below) to check well-formedness.
When XML files do not include a document type declaration, a xsi:schemaLocation attribute or a processing instruction referencing a schema even though there is a schema for them, the relevant schema is specified by a command line instruction, a user dialog or a configuration file, and the XML files are checked against the schema.
When XML files do not include a document type declaration, a xsi:schemaLocation attribute or a processing instruction referencing a schema even though there is a schema for them, the namespace is dereferenced to retrieve a schema document or resource directory (Resource Directory Description Language: RDDL), and the XML files are checked against the schema.
When a Website generates XML dynamically instead of serving only static documents, a developer can use XMLUnit, XML Test Suite or a similar framework to test the generated XML code.
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Well-Formed XML Documents in Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition), W3C Recommendation 04 February 2004.
Well-Formed XML Documents in Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1, W3C Recommendation 04 February 2004.
4.3.2 Well-Formed Parsed Entities in Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1, W3C Recommendation 04 February 2004.
For other resources, see G134: Validating Web pages.
(none currently listed)
Load each file into a validating XML parser.
Check that there are no well-formedness errors.
Step 2 is true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to enable redirects on the client side without confusing the user. Redirects are preferably implemented on the server side (see SVR1: Implementing automatic redirects on the server side instead of on the client side (SERVER) ), but authors do not always have control over server-side technologies.
In HTML and XHTML, one can use the meta
element with the value of
the http-equiv
attribute set to "Refresh" and the value of the
attribute set to "0" (meaning zero seconds), followed by the URL
that the browser should request. It is important that the time-out is set to zero, to
avoid that content is displayed before the new page is loaded. The page containing the
redirect code should only contain information related to the redirect.
<html xmlns=""> <head> <title>The Tudors</title> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=''" /> </head> <body> <p>This page has moved to a <a href=""></a>.</p> </body> </html>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Find all meta
elements in the document.
For each meta element, check if it contains the attribute
with value "refresh" (case-insensitive) and the
attribute with a number greater than 0 followed by
(where anyURL stands for the URL that should replace
the current page).
Step 2 is false.
All technologies that contain links.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to identify the purpose of a link from the link and its list item context. The list item enclosing the link provides context for an otherwise unclear link when the link item is the nearest enclosing block-level ancestor element. The description lets a user distinguish this link from links in the Web page that lead to other destinations and helps the user determine whether to follow the link. Note that simply providing the URI of the destination is generally not sufficiently descriptive.
Note: These descriptions will be most useful to the user if the additional information needed to understand the link precedes the link. If the additional information follows the link, there can be confusion and difficulty for screen reader users who are reading through the page in order (top to bottom).
<ul> <li> Check out the video report for last year's <a href="festival.htm">National Folk Festival</a>. </li> <li> <a href="listen.htm">Listen to the instruments</a> </li> <li> Guitar Man: George Golden talks about <a href="mkguitars.htm">making guitars</a>. </li> </ul>
<ul> <li> <a href="tomb_raider.htm">Tomb Raider: Legend</a> <a href="tomb_raider_images.htm">See Images</a> <a href="tomb_raider.mpeg">(Download Demo)</a> </li> <li> <a href="fear_extraction.htm">F.E.A.R. Extraction Point</a> <a href="fear_extraction_images.htm">See Images</a> <a href="fear_extraction.mpeg">(Download Demo)</a> </li> <li> <a href="call_of_duty.htm">Call of Duty 2</a> <a href="call_of_duty_images.htm">See Images</a> <a href="call_of_duty.mpeg">(Download Demo)</a> </li> <li> <a href="Warhammer 40K.htm">Warhammer 40K</a> <a href="warhammer_40k_images.htm">See Images</a> <a href="Warhammer_40k.mpeg">(Download Demo)</a> </li> </ul>
No resources available for this technique.
For each link in the content that uses this technique:
Check that the link is part of a list item.
Check that text of the link combined with the text of its enclosing list item describes the purpose of the link.
The above checks are true.
All technologies that contain links.
This technique relates to:
JAWS 5.0 and later includes the following keystrokes:
alt+leftArrow: read previous sentence
alt+rightArrow: read next sentence
alt+NumPad 5: read current sentence
Ctrl+NumPad5: read current paragraph
The "read current sentence" keystroke supports examples 1, 2, and 4 below. If alt+numPad5 is pressed when a link has focus, the sentence is read without changing the focus.
The "read current paragraph" keystroke supports Example 3 below. If Ctrl+NumPad 5 is pressed when the link has focus, the entire paragraph is read without changing the focus.
Window-Eyes 5.5 has hotkeys to read the current sentence and current paragraph; thus Window-Eyes 5.5 supports the examples listed below.
To surf the internet with WindowEyes you must be in browse mode. Current sentence and current paragraph hot keys do not work in browse mode in version 6.1.
The factory default settings for reading surrounding link context are as follows:
Desktop settings:
Sentence = Not available in Browse mode
(Next Sentence command is undefined by default on Desktop mode but the next line is the DOWN Arrow.)
Next Paragraph = P
Prior Paragraph = Shift P
Current Paragraph = Not Available in Browse mode
Word Prior = ALT-SHIFT-J
Word Next = ALT-SHIFT-L
Sentence Prior = ALT-SHIFT-7
Sentence = unavailable in browse mode
Sentence Next = unavailable in browse mode
Paragraph = Undefined on Laptop by default
Line Prior = ALT-SHIFT-U
Line Next = ALT-SHIFT-O
The "speak parent element" command in Fire Vox (Ctrl+Shift+u) supports Example 3. This keystroke works without changing the focus. Fire Vox is a free screen reader designed specifically for Firefox 1.0 and later. It supports Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.
The objective of this technique is to identify the purpose of a link from the link in its paragraph context. The paragraph enclosing the link provides context for an otherwise unclear link when the paragraph is the nearest enclosing block-level ancestor element. The description lets a user distinguish this link from links in the Web page that lead to other destinations and helps the user determine whether to follow the link. Note that simply providing the URI of the destination is generally not sufficiently descriptive.
Note: These descriptions will be most useful to the user if the additional information needed to understand the link precedes the link. If the additional information follows the link, there can be confusion and difficulty for screen reader users who are reading through the page in order (top to bottom).
Announcements column on a Folk Festival Web page.
<h3>The final 15</h3> <p>Coming soon to a town near you...the final 15 in the National Folk Festival lineup. <a href="final15.html">[Read more...]</a> </p> <h3>Folk artists get awards</h3> <p>Performers from the upcoming National Folk Festival receive National Heritage Fellowships. <a href="nheritage.html">[Read more...]</a> </p> …
No resources available for this technique.
For each link in the content that uses this technique:
Check that the link is part of a paragraph.
Check that text of the link combined with the text of its enclosing paragraph describes the purpose of the link.
The above checks are true.
All technologies that contain links.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to identify the purpose of a link from the link in its data table context. This context is the table cell enclosing the link and the cell's associated headings. The data table context provides the purpose for an otherwise unclear link when the table cell is the nearest enclosing block-level ancestor element. It lets a user distinguish this link from other links in the Web page that lead to other destinations and helps the user determine whether to follow the link. Note that simply providing the URI of the destination is not sufficiently descriptive for people with disabilities, especially those with cognitive disabilities.
<table> <tr> <th></th> <th id="a1">Alamo</th> <th id="a2">Budget</th> <th id="a3">National</th> <th id="a4">Avis</th> <th id="a5">Hertz</th> </tr> <tr > <th id="b1">Economy cars</th> <td headers="a1 b1"><a href="econ_ala.htm>$67/day</a></td> <td headers="a2 b1"><a href="econ_bud.htm>$68/day</a></td> <td headers="a3 b1"><a href="econ_nat.htm>$72/day</a></td> <td headers="a4 b1"><a href="econ_av.htm>$74/day</a></td> <td headers="a5 b1"><a href="econ_hz.htm>$74/day</a></td> </tr> <tr > <th id="b2">Compact cars</th> <td headers="a1 b2"><a href="comp_ala.htm>$68/day</a></td> <td headers="a2 b2"><a href="comp_bud.htm>$69/day</a></td> <td headers="a3 b2"><a href="comp_nat.htm>$74/day</a></td> <td headers="a4 b2"><a href="comp_av.htm>$76/day</a></td> <td headers="a5 b2"><a href="comp_hz.htm>$76/day</a></td> </tr> <tr > <th id="b3">Mid-sized cars</th> <td headers="a1 b3"><a href="mid_ala.htm>$79/day</a></td> <td headers="a2 b3"><a href="mid_bud.htm>$80/day</a></td> <td headers="a3 b3"><a href="mid_nat.htm>$83/day</a></td> <td headers="a4 b3"><a href="mid_av.htm>$85/day</a></td> <td headers="a5 b3"><a href="mid_hz.htm>$85/day</a></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="b4">Full-sized cars</th> <td headers="a1 b4"><a href="full_ala.htm>$82/day</a></td> <td headers="a2 b4"><a href="full_bud.htm>$83/day</a></td> <td headers="a3 b4"><a href="full_nat.htm>$89/day</a></td> <td headers="a4 b4"><a href="full_av.htm>$91/day</a></td> <td headers="a5 b4"><a href="full_hz.htm>$91/day</a></td> </tr> </table>
No resources available for this technique.
For each link in the content that uses this technique:
Check that the link is in a table cell.
Check that text of the link combined with the text of the associated table heading describes the purpose of the link.
The above checks are true.
This technique relates to:
The command to take advantage of this technique in JAWS is "JAWS KEY + T".
The objective of this technique is to describe the purpose of a link from the context provided by its heading context. The preceding heading provides context for an otherwise unclear link. The description lets a user distinguish this link from links in the Web page that lead to other destinations and helps the user determine whether to follow the link.
Note: Whenever possible, provide link text that identifies the purpose of the link without needing additional context.
The information for each hotel consists of the hotel name, a description and a series of links to a map, photos, directions, guest reviews and a booking form.
<h2><a href="royal_palm_hotel.html">Royal Palm Hotel</a></h2> <ul class="horizontal"> <li><a href="royal_palm_hotel_map.html">Map</a></li> <li><a href="royal_palm_hotel_photos.html">Photos</a></li> <li><a href="hroyal_palm_hotel_directions.html">Directions</a></li> <li><a href="royal_palm_hotel_reviews.html">Guest reviews</a></li> <li><a href="royal_palm_hotel_book.html">Book now</a></li> </ul> <h2><a href="hotel_three_rivers.html">Hotel Three Rivers</a></h2> <ul class="horizontal"> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_map.html">Map</a></li> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_photos.html">Photos</a></li> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_directions.html">Directions</a></li> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_reviews.html">Guest reviews</a></li> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_book.html">Book now</a></li> </ul>
<h2>Annual Report 2006-2007</h2> <p> <a href="annrep0607.html">(HTML)</a> <a href="annrep0607.pdf">(PDF)</a> <a href="annrep0607.rtf">(RTF)</a> </p>
<h2><a href="Stockmarket_05052007.htm>Stock market soars as bullishness prevails</a></h2> <p>this week was a stellar week for the stock market as investing in gold rose 2%. <a href="Stockmarket_05052007.htm>More here</a></p>
No resources available for this technique.
For each link in the content that uses this technique:
Find the heading element that precedes the link
Check that the text of the link combined with the text of that heading describes the purpose of the link.
#2 is true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to describe the purpose of a link in a nested list from the context provided by the list item under which the list is nested. This list item provides context for an otherwise unclear link. The description lets a user distinguish this link from links in the Web page that lead to other destinations and helps the user determine whether to follow the link.
Note: Whenever possible, provide link text that identifies the purpose of the link without needing additional context.
<ul> <li>Annual Report 2005-2006 <ul> <li><a href="annrep0506.html">(HTML)</a></li> <li><a href="annrep0506.pdf">(PDF)</a></li> <li><a href="annrep0506.rtf">(RTF)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li>Annual Report 2006-2007 <ul> <li><a href="annrep0607.html">(HTML)</a></li> <li><a href="annrep0607.pdf">(PDF)</a></li> <li><a href="annrep0607.rtf">(RTF)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul>
The information for each hotel consists of the hotel name, a description and a series of links to a map, photos, directions, guest reviews and a booking form.
<ul> <li><a href="royal_palm_hotel.html">Royal Palm Hotel</a> <ul class="horizontal"> <li><a href="royal_palm_hotel_map.html">Map</a></li> <li><a href="royal_palm_hotel_photos.html">Photos</a></li> <li><a href="hroyal_palm_hotel_directions.html">Directions</a></li> <li><a href="royal_palm_hotel_reviews.html">Guest reviews</a></li> <li><a href="royal_palm_hotel_book.html">Book now</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers.html">Hotel Three Rivers</a> <ul class="horizontal"> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_map.html">Map</a></li> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_photos.html">Photos</a></li> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_directions.html">Directions</a></li> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_reviews.html">Guest reviews</a></li> <li><a href="hotel_three_rivers_book.html">Book now</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul>
No resources available for this technique.
For each link in the content that uses this technique:
Find the ul
or ol element that contains the link
Check that this list element (ul
, ol
) is a descendant of an
Check that the text of the link combined with the text of that li element describes the purpose of the link.
The above checks are true.
HTML and XHTML pages that collect user input
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to provide a semantic grouping for related form controls. This allows users to understand the relationship of the controls and interact with the form more quickly and effectively.
Form controls can be grouped by enclosing them with the fieldset
element. All controls within a given fieldset
are then related. The first element inside the fieldset
should be a legend
element, which provides a label for the group. Fieldsets
can be nested if desired, although this can lead to confusion if overdone.
Grouping controls is most important for related radio buttons and checkboxes. A set of radio buttons or checkboxes is related when they all submit values for a single named field. They work in the same way as selection lists, allowing the user to choose from a set of options, except selection lists are single controls while radio buttons and checkboxes are multiple controls. Because they are multiple controls, it is particularly important that they be grouped semantically so they can be more easily treated as a single control. Often, user agents will present the value of the legend
before the label of each control, to remind users that they are part of the same group.
It can also be useful to group other sets of controls that are not as tightly related as sets of radio buttons and checkboxes. For instance, several fields that collect a user's address might be grouped together with a legend of "Address".
Authors sometimes avoid using the fieldset
element because of the default display in the browser, which draws a border around the grouped controls. This visual grouping is also useful and authors should seriously consider retaining it (or some form of visual grouping). The visual effect can be modified in CSS by overriding the "border" property of the fieldset
and the "position" property of the legend
This example requests the user to choose a single philosopher. Note that each field has the same "name
" attribute, indicating these radio buttons are related (they all submit the same field), and should be grouped as shown. Also note that while the "name
" attributes are the same, the "id
" attributes must be unique.
<form action="" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Your preferred philosopher</legend> <input type="radio" name="philosopher" id="philosopher_socrates" value="socrates"/> <label for="philosopher_socrates">Socrates</label> <input type="radio" name="philosopher" id="philosopher_plato" value="plato"/> <label for="philosopher_plato">Plato</label> <input type="radio" name="philosopher" id="philosopher_aristotle" value="aristotle"/> <label for="philosopher_aristotle">Aristotle</label> </fieldset> </form>
Note: Groups of related checkboxes work in the same way, except the user is allowed to express more than one preference for the field.
In this example, form fields for residential and postal addresses are distinguished by the value of the legend
in each fieldset
<form action="" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Residential Address</legend> <label for="raddress">Address: </label> <input type="text" id="raddress" name="raddress" /> <label for="rzip">Postal/Zip Code: </label> <input type="text" id="rzip" name="rzip" /> ...more residential address information... </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Postal Address</legend> <label for="paddress">Address: </label> <input type="text" id="paddress" name="paddress" /> <label for="pzip">Postal/Zip Code: </label> <input type="text" id="pzip" name="pzip" /> ...more postal address information... </fieldset> </form>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Check if there are groups of related form controls.
If there are related form controls, they should be grouped with fieldset
, with a label
labeling the group.
Check #2 is true
HTML 4.01 Transitional and XHTML 1.0 Transitional
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to avoid confusion that may be caused by the appearance of new windows that were not requested by the user. Suddenly opening new windows can disorientate or be missed completely by some users. In HTML 4.01 Transitional and XHTML 1.0 Transitional, the target
attribute can be used to open a new window, instead of automatic pop-ups. (The target
attribute is deleted from HTML 4.01 Strict and XHTML 1.0 Strict.) Note that not using the target
allows the user to decide whether a new window should be opened or not. Use of the target
attribute provides an unambiguously machine-readable indication that a new window will open. User agents can inform the user, and can also be configured not to open the new window. For those not using assistive technology, the indication would also be available from the link text.
The following example illustrates the use of the target
attribute in a link that indicates it will open in a new window.
<a href="help.html" target="_blank">Show Help (opens new window)</a>
Activate each link in the document to check if it opens a new window.
For each link that opens a new window, check that it uses the target
Check that the link text contains information indicating that the link will open in a new window.
Checks #2 and #3 are true.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to allow the user to control when an action is performed, rather than having the action occur as a side effect of choosing a value for the select
element. The user may inspect the different values of the select
element, or may accidentally choose the wrong value, without causing the action to occur. When the user is satisfied with their choice, they select the button to perform the action.
This is particularly important for users who are choosing the value of the select
element via the keyboard, since navigating through the options of the select
element changes the value of the control.
A Web page lets the user choose any month of any year and display the calendar for that month. After the user has set the month and year, he displays the calendar by pressing the "Show" button. This example replies on client-side scripting to implement the action.
<label for="month">Month:</label> <select name="month" id="month"> <option value="1">January</option> <option value="2"> February</option> ... <option value="12">December</option> </select> <label for="year">Year:</label> <input type="text" name="year" id="year"> <input type="button" value="Show" onclick = "...">
A select
element contains a list of possible actions. The action is not performed until the user presses the "Do it" button.
<form action="" method="post"> <label for="action">Options:</label> <select name="action" id="action"> <option value="help">Help</option> <option value="reset">Reset</option> <option value="submit">Submit</option> </select> <button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">Do It </button> </form>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
For each select
element/button element combination:
Check that focus (including keyboard focus) on an option in the select
element does not result in any actions
Check that selecting the button performs the action associated with the current select
All checks are true.
HTML and XHTML pages that collect user input.
This technique relates to:
The optgroup
element is not widely supported by screen readers.
The label
attribute for option
and optgroup
is supported inconsistently across user agents and is not widely supported by assistive technologies.
The objective of this technique is to group items in a selection list. A selection list is a set of allowed values for a form control such as a multi-select list or a combo box. Often, selection lists have groups of related options. Those groups should be semantically identified, rather than simply delimiting the groups with "dummy" list entries. This allows user agents to collapse the options by group to support quicker skimming of the options, and to indicate in what group an option of interest is located. It also helps to visually break up long lists so that users can more easily locate the option(s) they are interested in.
In HTML, the select
element is used to create both multi-select lists and combo boxes. The various allowed options are each indicated with option
elements. To group options together, use the optgroup
element, with the related option
elements inside that element. Label the group with the "label" attribute so users will know what to expect inside the group.
The optgroup
element should be directly inside the select
element, and the option
elements directly inside the optgroup
. It is possible for a select
element to contain both single option
elements and optgroup
groups, though authors should consider if this is in fact the design intent when using this. It is not possible to nest the optgroup
element, so only one level of grouping can be done within a select
The following combo box collects data about favorite foods. Grouping by type allows users to select their preference more quickly.
<form action="" method="post"> <label for="food">What is your favorite food?</label> <select id="food" name="food"> <optgroup label="Fruits"> <option value="1">Apples</option> <option value="3">Bananas</option> <option value="4">Peaches</option> <option value="5">...</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Vegetables"> <option value="2">Carrots</option> <option value="6">Cucumbers</option> <option value="7">...</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Baked Goods"> <option value="8">Apple Pie</option> <option value="9">Chocolate Cake</option> <option value="10">...</option> </optgroup> </select> </form>
The following example shows how a multi-select box can make use of the optrgroup
<form action="" method="post"> <label for="related_techniques"><strong>Related Techniques:</strong></label> <select name="related_techniques" id="related_techniques" multiple="multiple" size="10"> <optgroup label="General Techniques"> <option value="G1">G1: Adding a link at the top of each page ... </option> <option value="G4">G4: Allowing the content to be paused and restarted ... </option> <option value="G5">G5: Allowing users to complete an activity without any time... </option> <option value="G8">G8: Creating an extended audio description for the ... </option> <option value="G9">G9: Creating captions for live synchronized media... </option> <option value="G10">G10: Creating components using a technology that ... </option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="HTML Techniques"> <option value="H2">H2: Combining adjacent image and text links for the same ... </option> <option value="H4">H4: Creating a logical tab order through links, form ... </option> <option value="H24">H24: Providing text alternatives for the area ... </option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="CSS Techniques"> <option value="C6">C6: Positioning content based on structural markup... </option> <option value="C7">C7: Using CSS to hide a portion of the link text... </option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="SMIL Techniques"> <option value="SM1">SM1: Adding extended audio description in SMIL 1.0... </option> <option value="SM2">SM2: Adding extended audio description in SMIL 2.0... </option> <option value="SM6">SM6: Providing audio description in SMIL 1.0... </option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="ARIA Techniques"> <option value="ARIA1">ARIA1: Using WAI-ARIA describedby... </option> <option value="ARIA2">ARIA2: Identifying required fields with the "required"... </option> <option value="ARIA3">ARIA3: Identifying valid range information with "valuemin" ... </option> <option value="ARIA4">ARIA4: Using WAI-ARIA to programmatically identify form ... </option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Common Failures"> <option value="F1">F1: Failure of SC 1.3.2 due to changing the meaning of content by... </option> <option value="F2">F2: Failure of SC 1.3.1 due to using changes in text presentation... </option> <option value="F3">F3: Failure of SC 1.1.1 due to using CSS to include images ... </option> <option value="F4">F4: Failure of SC 2.2.2 due to using text-decoration:blink ...</option> </optgroup> </select> </form>
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Check the set of options within a selection list to see if there are groups of related options.
2. If there are groups of related options, they should be grouped with optgroup
Check #2 is true.