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WAI: Strategies, guidelines, and resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

Requirements and changelog for WCAG 2.0 Presentation

Page Contents

Latest Version: Instructions for the WCAG 2.0 Presentation starting page

Pending edits:

Purpose, Goals, Objectives



  1. A presentation format. Prefer to use Open Office ODP since it's open source; however, since PowerPower doesn't open ODP, will need to provide PPT. Ensure that all of the PPT works well in Open Office.
  2. HTML, with CSS embedded. Provide only as a simple single file, not try to incorporate it into Slidy or other HTML presentation format.


Open Issues:



Discussions and old drafts:


Changes between 8 Sept and 17 Sept versions

Open Issues:


For 27 July EOWG discussion

  1. Generally, are the important topics, issues, myths, questions, etc. included? What's missing?
  2. In what order should the topics be covered?
    1. Most common, most pressing questions first (a more user-focused approach) (generally the current organization):
      1. When will WCAG 2 be done (W3C process) [could move below iii]
      2. Benefits of WCAG 2 & When should I start using WCAG 2 (flexibility & such)
      3. How WCAG 2 is different from WCAG 1 (structure of supporting docs, testability & flexibility/adaptability examples, Quick Ref demo)
      4. Components & guidelines: authoring tools, browsers, content
    2. General material first:
      1. Components & guidelines: authoring tools, browsers, content
      2. How WCAG 2 is different from WCAG 1 (structure of supporting docs, testability & flexibility/adaptability examples, Quick Ref demo)
      3. Benefits of WCAG 2 & When should I start using WCAG 2 (flexibility & such)
      4. When will WCAG 2 be done (W3C process)
  3. Any other big things jump out at you with this rough concept draft?
  4. Any ideas for layout slide 32 -- the one with 7 boxes?


About WCAG 2.0


Benefits of WCAG 2.0