See also: IRC log
<shawn> zaxkim , code?
<shawn> scribe: Liam
<shawn> and minutes with people's name & a colon, like: Judy: laa, laa, laa
Shawn: request comments on what's there vs what's needed
Suggest stating that all commentors will get a reply sent to them
Shawn: may be difficult to make it flow but will try
<shawn> ACTION: shawn, to faq update: mention the commenters will get a reply [recorded in]
wayne: agrees
Shawn: This is part of the answer to When will WCAG 2.0 be done?
What is the current status of WCAG 2.0?
Judy: check that this is clear for general
... this is currently a double question
... is that still working well?
William: suggest splitting it into two
Sharron: split it.
William: link to Update July 2007 goes to wrong place
Suggest n comments from m people
Judy: in second sentence suggest add 'and which they have already addressed' to demonstrate progress
Shawn: only part way through, not 'done' done.
Justin: people may write it off as never going to happen if there is no sense of when it is going to finish.
<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say regular updates
<shadi> [for editors' disrection, I propose "WCAG Working Group had a series of intensive worksessions ..."]
General approbation for providing primarily for presenters, secondarily as self study
?Wayne?: Split out WAI-ARIA from authoring tools
Judy: suggest explicitly point the presenter to updated status info
Shawn: will try to do it so that it's relevant throughout the draft process (so that it's more likely to get translated)
suggest adding in dissemination methods to the approach e.g. email personal contacts, home page highlight, button-hole key opinion leaders at conferences.
shawn: note that if any owrking group member is doing a presentation, it can be promoted via the W3C Talks promotion W3C.
keep css in the file, not as separate file.
shawn shows rough concept draft
<Zakim> shadi, you wanted to ask about animations and effects
shadi: suggest keep simple - no fnacy effects
shawn: already intend to do this
<shadi> [for the record, I do think some effects has a visual appeal but sadly also adds more complications on many angles]
Suggest including frequently asked post presentation questions
Shawn: lots of text on the slides vs. slides just as visual triggers and text in notes?
<judy> ---- out-of-sequence-rebuild-of-recent-discussion ----
Shadi: concerned that it' relying on too high a degree of skill from presenter
<judy> Shadi: looking at slide 31, an example of where very tied to Shawn's presentation style
<judy> Shawn: yes i'd be changing the format of that, didn't get that far yet
Wayne: experience is that teachers with lots of text on slides are evaluated less well than teachers who animate their discussion with what they are saying
<Wayne> Power points with lots of information are not well recieved in general. This is shown in our teaching evaluations. Briefer slides with and animated presenter is received best.
<judy> Wayne: noticed that presenters with less detail on their slides get better reviews
<judy> Sharron: yes i've noticed the same thing about presenters & detail on slides
Sharron: concern about less experienced presenters
<shawn> Jack: .. more cluttered slides make it hard, trying to read & listen...
shawn: these would be provided in the html
<Wayne> Do we need a "how to use the slides" page with possibly a captioned pod cast of Shawn.
Shadi agrees with Wayne. Liam agrees with Wayne
<shadi> Jack agrees with Wayne, everyone probably does
Low text slides are more effective in transmitting information
Shadi: more linear, less complex slides better
<Sylvie> Bye, I have to leave
<shawn> liam -- on phone w/ Justin still. minuting instructions at
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.128 of Date: 2007/02/23 21:38:13 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/via a feed from the/via the W3C Talks promotion/ Succeeded: s/Justin/Wayne/ Found Scribe: Liam Inferring ScribeNick: Liam Default Present: Wayne_Dick, doyle, +1.512.305.aaaa, Loughborough, Shadi, Sharron, Helle_Bjarno, Shawn, Liam_McGee, Judy, Sylvie_Duchateau\Tanguy_Loh�ac, Jack, Sylvie_Duchateau, Justin, Bingham Present: Wayne_Dick doyle Loughborough Shadi Sharron Helle_Bjarno_(first_part) Shawn Liam_McGee Judy Sylvie_Duchateau Regrets: [scribe_pull_from_EOWG_mailing_list archived_online] Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 20 Jul 2007 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: shawn WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]