Requirements and Changelog for [Components of Web Accessibility Presentation and Tutorial]
Instructions for the "Components of Web Accessibility" Presentation and Tutorial links to different formats.
Page Contents
Purpose, Goals, Objectives
- Provide a short, easy overview of components of Web accessibility and WAI accessibility guidelines
- Introduce Essential Components of Web Accessibility document
- See also About the "Components" document
Similar to audience for Essential Components of Web Accessibility, listed at About the "Components" document
Consider for next version or related documents or other
- [n/a to this deliverable] The importance of authoring tools as a second "lesson" following this
- [n/a to this deliverable] CHANGELOG ALL WAI SLIDESETS (with handout notes) - encourage presenters to print and provide as a handout PLUS provide the reference at start and finish
- 10 July 2009 EOWG minutes
- 6 October EOWG minutes, agenda
- 5 October version
- 22 Sept EOWG minutes, agenda
- 22 Sept Version
- 15 Sept EOWG minutes
- 13 Sept review questions in e-mail (and thread)
- 13 Sept Version
- 12 Sept review questions in e-mail (and thread)
- 12 Sept Version with details grouped in slides with alt example
- Version with headings example
Change Requests and Edit Notes
Note: See "References" section above for meeting minutes and e-mail comments.
14 July 2009
- [done] lots of tweaks
[updated July 2009] Editor notes on open items:
- [done as much as going to] Change footer
- add buttons, such as all-on-one-page
- "See About the Components of Web Accessibility Tutorial for more instructions on using this tutorial and permission to use it for presentations."
- [done as much as going to] images
- [low priority, for later] clean up once content finalized
- [done] alt text for images
- [done as much as going to for now] style:
- [?] in IE all on one only
- [done] make links underlined, change the hover color, focus
- [done] tweak CSS for larger font on sub bullets
- [not doing] make the note style note left aligned or centered
- [open] scaling images
- [done as much as going to for now] browser & AT issues:
- [?] fix browser bugs with displaying all in one page by default (in IE)
- [later] check & address conflicts with keyboards such as A toggles one web page in javascript and in opera jumps to next link and s jumps to headings
- [ok] test in multiple configurations
5 October 2006
- [done] updated images
22 September 2006
- [done] add a second slide that gives an overview of the slides - like first we are going to give intro to the components and later more indepth into each component
- [done] alt text is slide - ideas last bullet add ", which is common in mobile browsing" or add a fourth bullet
- [done] authoring tools - delete desktop publishing software, considering adding presentation software
- [done] authoring tools - just multimedia tools
- [done] change this tutorial introduces to this tutorial tells you how
- [listed elsewhere] check conflicts with keyboards such as A toggles one web page in javascript and in opera jumps to next link and s jumps to headings
- [done] in about page match permission to use from the first slide
- [done] in alt text is, consider changing second bullet to alt text will be
- [done] in the alt text is slide, leave word functional, leave sub bullet, and change meaning to information
- [done] just developers not content developers
- [listed elsewhere] make links underlined, change the hover color, focus
- [done] make the intro answer why am I here and what am I going to get...perhaps use the words technologies and people...see the minutes for further ideas
- [done] style make alt example with styling
- [done] take off the words "see also: "
- [done] web accessibility defined perhaps responsibility for web accessibility, and supposed with a
- all working group: think about name - tutorial, brief tutorial, primer, 10 minute tutorial
- [done 4 Oct] moved content from " The Powerful Impact of High Quality Components" to new slide "Accessibility Support Example"
15 September 2006
- [note] consensus: make sure that the format is flexible for different needs (can be viewed page-by-page or all-in-one); and that the title of the material is format-neutral (e.g., don't use the term "slides" in the title)
- [done] change to Mini-Tutorial for now, leave in changelog for further consideration
- [done] in the evaluation slide, add a link to the tools list
- [done] resume use of "components" (instead of "ingredients") but the first time it's used, consider adding something like "building blocks" in parenthesis
8 September 2006
- [done] Edit for self study -- for example: the word "components"
- [done] note example slide might be broken up like above with text added to each. also note Jack's comment about missing/change Content image
- [done-listed above] Consider the importance of authoring tools
- [done-slide removed] Consider language line “When authoring tool support is weak”
12 December 2005
note that several of these items are no longer applicable with the change in focus from a template presentation to a self-study piece—they are noted with [n/a]
- [n/a] 'weak image' add browser etc labels to to other boxes
- [n/a] add WAI logo to w3c logo in header
- [n/a] put all 'weak' images in one slide, titled "when any component is weak" with a subpoint "impact: less accessible web"
- [done] "Essential Components Interdependent" slide - change "WAI guidelines" to emphasise 'multiple' guidelines (not just WCAG)
- [done] "Essential Components Interdependent" slide - remove MYTH and state in the positive. move myth discussion to speakers notes
- [n/a] add to consider later list - expand notes to include the three groups in "Content Develper"
- [n/a] examples slide - add to "alt image" the HTML spec bit
- [n/a] Examples slide - break into three parts and build - a) checkpoint + content b) add in developer + tools c) add in user + UA & AT
- [done] last slide FMI -add link to WAI homepage
- [n/a] low priority - cleanup examples slide image overlaps
- [n/a] slides to be predominantly im ages, add extra text and notes to slides as "handout" div in slidy
- [done] wishlist, develop another (non-alt text) example. make any examples link in the main document, rather than incorporated directly.
- [done] leave guidelines listing slide for display as a wrap-up reminder
- ...