- Overview
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- Workshop Outline
Web Accessibility Presentation Outlines
[Draft in progress - updated $Date: 2010/05/02 11:44:36 $]
This page provides example outlines of web accessibility presentations. Each presentation has been developed using the Presentation Topics to show a variety of different types of presentations and training. Presenters and trainers may need to adapt these outlines depending on their actual audience.
See also: How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All for guidance on ensuring that your presenttaions are accessible to all of your audience, including participants with disabilities.
List of Presentations
- Introducing web accessibility (20 minutes for any audience)
- Web accessibility business case (10 minutes for senior management)
- Using an accessible web (1 hour for people with accessibility needs)
- Accessible web design (2 hour lecture during semester-long web design course)
1. Introducing web accessibility (20 minutes for any audience)
Scenario: 20 minute general overview of web accessibility, as one of several short presentations from a panel of speakers.
- Introducing Web Accessibility could be presented for many different types of audiences, including technical or non-technical, managers, developers, designers, people with disabilities, disability advocates, procurement officers, and others.
- Distribute the WCAG 2 at a Glance handout
The audience will:
- Understand the meaning and importance of web accessibility
- Learn about the barriers experienced by people with disabilities and older users on the Web
- Appreciate that there is also a business case for accessible web design
See the following Topics for resources, notes, and other details:
- Introducing web accessibility
- How people with disabilities use the Web
- Business case for web accessibility
Sample outline:
Topic | Outline | Duration |
Introduction |
5 min |
Using the Web |
-- OR --
10 min |
Business case |
5 min |
2. Web accessibility business case (10 minutes for senior management)
Scenario: A brief (10 minute) presentation during a senior management meeting to introduce business case for web accessibility.
- The tight timing of this presentation requires extensive familiarity with the material, and careful rehearsing of the presentation in advance.
- Distribute the Web Accessibility QuickTips - WCAG 2 at a Glance handout as a take away reminder.
The audience will:
- Understand the meaning and importance of web accessibility
- Appreciate some of the externalities of web accessibility such as improved mobile web access, SEO, etc
- Understand the policy landscape and liabilities associated with web accessibility
- Learn from case studies and successful corporate accessibility policies and practices
See the following Topics for resources, notes, and other details:
Sample outline (based on a 10 minute opportunity):
Topic | Outline | Duration |
Introduction |
4 min |
Business case |
6 min |
3. Using an accessible web (1 hour for people with accessibility needs)
Scenario: One hour presentation for non-technical people (such as users, trainers, or accessibility advocates) about web accessibility and accessibility features of computers, browsers, and web sites.
The audience will:
- Gain some familiarity with the range of devices and adaptive strategies used by people with disabilities and older users
- Begin to understand what an accessible website offers
- Know that there are WAI guidelines that address accessibility
- Appreciate they can approach an organization about barriers encountered
See the following Topics for resources, notes, and other details:
- Introducing Web Accessibility
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web
- Components of Web Accessibility
- Promoting Web Accessibility
Sample outline:
Topic | Outline | Duration |
Introduction |
5 min |
Using the Web |
25 min |
Components |
10 min |
Promotion |
5 min |
Questions | Leave plenty of time for questions and discussion. | 15 min |
4. Accessible web design (2 hour lecture during semester-long web design course)
Scenario: A single two-hour lecture/presentation on web accessibility as part of a full semester's introductory course on general web design skills.
Notes: Distribute the Web Accessibility QuickTips - WCAG 2 at a Glance and WAI Web Accessibility Resources handouts.
Learning objectives:
After the lecture and exercise, students should be able to:
- Describe various ways people with different disabilities and older users use the Web
- List the factors in the business case for web accessibility and the additional benefits that might apply
- Identify barriers in using the web and identify solutions that would improve the situation
- Refer to the WAI website to obtain technical guidance about accessibility when developing a website
- Refer to appropriate processes, techniques and tools to evaluate websites for accessibility
See the following Topics for resources, notes, and other details:
- Introduction to web accessibility
- How people with disabilities use the Web
- Business case for web accessibility
- Designing Accessible Websites with WCAG 2
- Quick Check for Web Accessibility
- Conformance Evaluation for Web Accessibility
Sample outline:
Topic | Outline | Duration |
Introduction |
5 min |
Using the Web |
15 min |
Business case |
15 min |
Designing accessibly |
45 min |
Evaluation |
40 min |
Advance reading:
- Accessibility - W3C
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web
- Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization
Homework assignment suggestions:
- Ask students to fix some web pages (possibly from the Before and After Demonstration [draft]), using How to Meet WCAG 2.0, and describe the barriers addressed and solutions applied.
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